A Vote for Change...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Sometimes a lighter note is just more fun.

The above is not to be considered a plug by this site for the Romney campaign. Because, Romney after all is the Republican version of Obama.

Vote Gary Jonson for President 2012.


  1. Romney after all is the Republican version of Obama.

    That's a gross overgeneralization...

  2. It's amazing how politically ignorant Americans can be. For all the millions of hours of talk about the elections this year, you'd be hard-pressed to find a few minutes of intelligent discourse.

    What a silly little video.


    1. I said it was the lighter side and that it was fun. I got a chuckle... Didn't you?

  3. Not really.

    Les, have you ever noticed that liberal comedians are funnier than conservative comedians?


  4. LMAO jersey, seriously, liberal comedians are funnier than conservative ones? Ever watch Dennis Miller?


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