With a Majority Believing Obama Has Changed the Country for the Worse, and Mittens Highly Suspect, It is Time for an Alternative...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

The Thinker Believes It Time For the Alternative

It comes as no surprise.

THE HILL - Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority.

A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.

The results signal broad voter unease with the direction the nation has taken under Obama’s leadership and present a major challenge for the incumbent Democrat as he seeks reelection this fall.

Conducted for The Hill by Pulse Opinion Research, the poll comes in the wake of last month’s Supreme Court decision that upheld the primary elements of Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.

It found 68 percent of likely voters — regardless of whether they approve or disapprove of Obama — believe the president has substantially transformed the country since his 2009 inauguration.

The feeling that Obama has changed the country for the worse is strongest among Republicans, at 91 percent, compared to 71 percent of Democrats who support Obama’s brand of change.

Strikingly, 1-in-5 Democrats say they feel Obama has changed the United States for the worse.

Compared to the sentiment about Obama’s impact, fewer people see presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney as a candidate who will change the country dramatically if elected.

Still, 50 percent of people think Romney will bring a “significant” level of change — a finding that may reflect the desire among anti-Obama voters for a reversal of the president’s policies. {Read More}

With the country in a state of dissatisfaction over inept leadership for the last 13 years and 6 months by both major parties wouldn't it make sense to consider an alternative?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. That's definitely the surest way to get Obama again. Too many habitual Republicans will go with Romney to let the third party candidate win. Face it, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

    1. Ya might be right Gorges, and it is indeed unfortunate this is likely the case. What we need to do is get enough people behind Johnson (15%) to get him in front of the cameras for the general election debates etc. He will do to heavy lifting.

  2. Hi, Les,

    I already addressed this to your similar comment at Western Hero, but I'll briefly repeat.

    I was very disappointed at Romney's success in becoming "our" nominee. I felt he was the least dynamic, the creative and the least likely to make significant changes for the better if he got elected, which frankly seems doubtful. In short he's another McCain - chosen, I suspect, quite deliberately to lose.

    On the other hand, let's face it no third party candidate has the proverbial Chinaman's Chance of winning this election. I voted for Perot and have kicked myself ever since, because Perot's candidacy, which seemed an attractive to Bush I at the time, was responsible for giving us eight years of B.J. Klintoon.

    Face it, since Ronald Reagan left office our presidential choices have gone from bad to worse to impossible.

    Everyone makes fun of me for thinking it, and tells me to go put on "my tinfoil hat," but I really do believe our "fate" is determined by unnamed, faceless, oligarchs who live in the shadows pulling all the strings. These people have planned for nearly a century to dissolve our sovereignty, destroy our privileged status in the world and have us join a One World Government that THEY will run to THEIR decided advantage.

    I've heard much talk from Ivy League elites in my circle of friends and acquaintances that "Democracy does not and cannot work, and must, therefore be supplanted with a presumably-benevolent form of dictatorship by people of THEIR august ilk.

    They are sincere. The ones I know, personally, may actually mean well, but they scare the you-know-what out of me whenever I hear them talk.

    Don't know what the solution could be until we as a nation can properly identify The Problem.



    ~ FreeThinke

    1. "Everyone makes fun of me for thinking it, and tells me to go put on "my tinfoil hat," but I really do believe our "fate" is determined by unnamed, faceless, oligarchs who live in the shadows pulling all the strings. These people have planned for nearly a century to dissolve our sovereignty, destroy our privileged status in the world and have us join a One World Government that THEY will run to THEIR decided advantage."

      FreeThinker you certainly not the only one who feels this as almost a certainty. I have believed this is so for a while now, even did a series with videos awhile back. But yes, the majority of the people either have never thought it through or just dismiss it out of hand.

      Americans are either too busy working trying to make ends meet and secure some measure of security for themselves and their families (or are busy trying to figure out how to get on and stay on the public dole) to identify the problem. Besides this they are relying on the ones who have caused the problems to figure out the solutions for them.

      I merely hold that since either party (major) will essentially result in arrival at the same ultimate destination, the cliffs edge, it makes sense, at least to me, to vote the alternative.

      Elect a man with different ideas than the ones the major party candidates are presenting. Take a chance and break out of the box, change the paradigm so many of us seem to live in and have come to accept as the only reality.

      I have said many times I am through voting for the "lesser of two evils", GWB and the neo-con, socon, fundie elements of the republican party broke me of doing so. None of those elements stand for and support fundamental freedoms and liberties that are the natural right (and natural law) of mankind.

      So, the choice is really ours to make. It is simply to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting difference results, or actually doing something that is different and just may produce different results. If we do, and if we are successful the result JUST MIGHT BE POSITIVE.

      The way I see what in the hell do we have to lose?

  3. Listening to him speak (tonight on C-Span) and watching him in action, I actually kind of wish that Christie HAD gotten in. The fellow totally cuts through the BS and seems to be getting results aw well. Oh well, maybe in 2016.

    1. Yeah I kinda like Christie as well. He may be a bit brash for a lot of voters and that would hurt his chances. I'm still pushing to get the 15% for Johnson.

  4. I here Huntsman is available and not playing good Republican soldier. He was the only one that seem to have a sensible plan on how to attack some of these issues. Too bad AE folded shop because they might have been able to convince him to run and it would have been an interesting race. Romney leaves the voters cold and is only getting the anti-Joker vote, that isn't likely enough to win him the election. Unless he picks well for VP, which is unlikely then it is four more with the Joker regardless of a third party candidate.

    1. Like I mentioned to Will awhile back a trio of Paul, Johnson, and Huntsmen (you can pick the slots) would have made for a great infusion of liberty minded limited government individuals that might have actually been able to make a difference. If they could have got elected (appointed).


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