Principle, Integrity, Liberty...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

James Madison
"What is to be the consequence, in case the Congress shall misconstrue this part [the necessary and proper clause] of the Constitution and exercise powers not warranted by its true meaning, I answer the same as if they should misconstrue or enlarge any other power vested in them ... the success of the usurpation will depend on the executive and judiciary departments, which are to expound and give effect to the legislative acts; and in a last resort a remedy must be obtained from the people, who can by the elections of more faithful representatives, annul the acts of the usurpers." --James Madison, Federalist No. 44, 1788

President George Washingtom
"The executive branch of this government never has, nor will suffer, while I preside, any improper conduct of its officers to escape with impunity." --George Washington, letter to Gouverneur Morris, 1795

Are there any men (or women) such as these in either the republican or democratic party today. If there are please point them out.


  1. Oh hell no. Why doesn't congress pass a law once and for all obliterating the constitution. They have already anyway, might as well make it official.

  2. To quote these dead white men who obviously hated black people and liberty for all is moot. We live in a more enlightened age, one wherein the evolution of mankind is prevalent, and this talk of the old and dead is boring.

    Retreat back under your rock, you neanderthal, and let history be rewritten by its true Masters of the left. Your rightist nonsense is drivel, and you are determined to usurp and undermine our glorious Dear Leader with such hatred vitriol. Begone, I say, begone!

    I see you support Ron Paul, that anti-Jewish hatemonger isolationist. How's his poll numbers, anyways? I can't even see them. You "conservatives" and your pipe dreams. Bow to Obama! Embrace your destiny! He will crush your dissent and grind your America under His righteous heel of Socialist Freedom! Long Live King Obama!

    *Do I need to clarify I am being facetious and sarcastic? :)

  3. Oh how easy it is to ascribe such loftiness to our mythological figures. How easy it is to forget the Washington and Whiskey Rebellion, or Madison and his scandals. No, these were perfect men!


    1. Now is your opportunity to point them out loudmouth.

    2. Further as a history major I assure you I will point out any fabrications designed to suit your narrative.

  4. Well, it's good to see you expect so much of me. Thanks a lot.

    So, since my opinion is nothing but a steaming pile of "fabrications" to you, let me ask:

    Do you think Washington "never has, nor will suffer, while I preside, any improper conduct of its officers to escape with impunity" in the case of the Whiskey Rebellion?

    How's about Madison's issues? How do you think Washington thought and would have thought of them?

    And that very early thought of Madison's? Did he feel that way when he was President???

    No, he didn't. The flip-flopper... blah, blah, blah...

    It's disappointing how little things change in the minds of men when you consider how much changes around them.

    Evolution moves very slowly. Human history is a wisp of quick wind in time. Our Founders were people just like us, just with a different world around them.


    1. There you go Jersey, getting all emotional on me... again.

      What is important is to aspire to lofty principals and ethical values. The classical liberals of the Enlightenment did just that. They succeeded by far more than the 20th and 21st century republican or democratic politicians. And crony capitalism wasn't the order of the day, nor foolish government bailouts etc.

      We have made great strides in human advancement. In the process we as a people have become quite adept at corruption. Both inside the government and out. According to you as well as all proponents of statism government is the answer, right. So we need to elect principled individuals that want nothing other than to "do the right thing."

  5. "There you go Jersey, getting all emotional on me... again."

    Right, Les. And condescension makes you sound like the grown-up in the room...

    There were plenty of figures in the 20th century who match up just fine with our founders. You just fall for the conservative mythology of the past. Besides, according to your ideology, no one does anything save for "rational self interest," the subjective oxymoron for all time.


    1. Yeah there were some principled leaders jmj, I've acknowledged that just recently. But your incessant idiocy about anything anybody says about the founder that is good is why I phrased as I did.

      I have crossed the aisle many times. In fact I have spent more time being critical of conservatives (republicans) than not of late. cAN YOU SAY THE SAME about your progressive idiots that are deserving of criticism?

      Until you do I have nothing further to day to you.


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