Ron Paul... Equals Real Non-Establisment Change

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

With Herman Cain out of the race the question now becomes, whom will his supporters coalesce to? As Cain was a bit of a maverick, ie: non establishment GOP, it seems Ron Paul is a natural transition for Cain supporters.

The Hill - Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Sunday he hoped voters attracted to Herman Cain's "independent mindedness" would take a second look at his presidential campaign with Cain now out of the race.

"We’re paying a lot of attention of that, because obviously they’re going to go somewhere," he said on CNN's "State of the Union." "I’m optimistic that we’ll pick up some votes from there."

Cain suspended his campaign Saturday, blaming allegations of multiple sexual improprieties as a distraction to the race and harmful to his family.

Paul struck a generally optimistic tone about his chances in the campaign, saying that his message resonates with a key bloc of voters: independents.

"You don’t win just with the hardcore Republican base, you need to have a candidate that appeals across the political spectrum," he said.

And Paul, well known for his stance on a number of issues that have at times put him out of the GOP mainstream, said that resoluteness will pay off in the long run.

"We continue to do what we’re doing. We’ve had the flavors of the month up and down so far in this campaign. I like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade," he said.

As the field thins it is becoming acutely clear that Paul is the only candidate that offers real change. Change from the mindless status quo on both side of the aisle that has steered America towards the proverbial cliff.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. You got me thinking, Les. My Mr. Cain has bowed out. I'd like to find someone I can believe in, in a governmental sense. I am thinking I need to research this Ron Paul a bit more.

  2. Les, you're forgetting that the US president is no dictator. He needs the cooperation of Congress to pass legislation to make change.

    Do you actually believe that if Paul should somehow win the nomination and presidency that he would be able to get Congress--the Democrats expecially--to work with him, y'know, the way the Republicans have cooperated with Mr. Obama to get this country going?

    What special gifts does Paul possess that would make everyone play nice?

    And, knowing politics as a game of revenge, do you actually believe the Dems would roll over and do anything Paul asks them to do?

  3. Shaw - Thanks for catching the typo. I'll correct when I get to a computer. I realize the president is no dictator. Although some need to be reminded from time to time.

  4. Les,

    I am almost ready to support Ron Paul. Almost. I figured you of all people would like to know that. :)

    I'm listening in case you want to tell me yet again why Ron Paul is the best choice.

  5. .

    Please vote for Mr Paul on 12 November 2012 as Mr Rick Perry says.

    Ema Nymton

  6. Chakam - Well, there certainly is enough information available to digest with respect to Ron Paul's position. I might suggest reading his book The Revolution. It is a concise argument for constitutional government and a pairing back of the MIC. Of course he touches on his pet peeve the Federal Reserve.

    From there check out his site and look at his congressional voting record.

    What can I say, his book is what finally sold me on his candidacy.

  7. Emma - First he would have to win the nomination.

    As for Mr. "Good Hair" Perry, nah, I'll just let it go.

    Now go read again Dreams from My Father and the Audacity of Hope. Perhaps this time they might wake you up from your dreams of "Hope and Change" to the real reality, and the problems this nation is facing.

  8. The Best Thing is Ron Paul will never, ever be the Republican nominee. Next...

  9. Grung - We expect nothing less coming from a major statist like yourself. After all, A statist republican like Newtie or Mittens would suit you just fine I'm sure. I mean as opposed to a real liberty politician like Ron Paul.

    Obama = Blue statist
    Newtie and Mittens = Red statist

    A statist is a statist regardless of political color.

  10. I'd vote for Ron Paul over any "Republican" running, too bad you can't say same thing for the MAJORITY of Republican and Conservative voters!

    And so you tell me you gonna write in Paul or are you going to do what every Rightwinger full of baloney Authoratrian does and vote for the guy with the (R) after his name?

    I'm willing to wager you vote for Newt or Romney when they win the election! Seriously, during the general election of 2012 take a camera pic of your ballot and it'll be for Whomever (R) + Whomever (R)...

  11. Seriously Grung, You are bat sh*t crazy. Have a good day now ya hear?.


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