Newt's Problem(S)?

Hat Tip: The Blaze.

What say you?


  1. I say his latest blast, comparing his lobbying with Mitt's capitalism, is abhorrent and illustrative of where his progressive heart really lies.

  2. Three words:

    WE. TOLD. YOU.

    (Not you, Les. "You" being generic in its usage here.)

    Gingrich is a Big Government statist. When will people freaking wake-up?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The Blaze misrepresents Gingrich on more than few occasions in that first video. For instance, in those last remarks in that video, Newt is referring to big changes, quite divergent from FDR's New Deal.

    Gingrich's appreciation for FDR doesn't come from agreement with FDR's policies, but rather with FDR's effectiveness, his "Presidency." "FDR was the most effective president of the 20th century," said Newt in that piece, and what he meant was that FDR "got things done." Whether Newt would agree with those "things" is another matter. Gingrich, in his own weird way, is an academic/politician at heart, he appreciates the work of one of history's most successful presidencies, whether you like it or not.

    FDR's administration made us the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. How anyone can't appreciate that is beyond me. The guy's like a modern Augustus, for cryin' out loud.

    As for Gingrich on foreign policy, he's always been for a massive MIC, he hates the commies, drugs, terrorists, whatever. There will always be excuses for hawks to maintain a massive military empire. Heck, it's gone way beyond just the hawks. The MIC is right up there with the banks and big biz when it comes to who's pimping our government these days.

    Newt Gingrich has no great appreciation for the New Deal beyond the great political expertise that went into making it happen. What Newt really appreciates about FDR was his role in WWII.

    The terrible legacy of FDR has nothing to do with the New Deal. Most of the New Deal was inevitable, and FDR was smart enough to expend inevitable things, rather than rigidly holding political stances. It was the establishment of a permanent standing military empire that is the terrible legacy of FDR.

    Perhaps if FDR had lived through his fourth term, things may be very different today, but that great military power he built has now become a multi-trillion dollar albatross that just won't stop flying all over the place.

    We've been fighting the Second World War for 70 years now.

    At what point do we stand down???

    Gingrich wants us to stand there forever. He's an idiot.


  5. Jersey said: "There will always be excuses for hawks to maintain a massive military empire"

    You are entirely incorrect. There is no empire.

    "... It was the establishment of a permanent standing military empire that is the terrible legacy of FDR."

    The opposite is true. Almost all of the instances of the US being an empire are prior to FDR. Not after.

  6. Jersey: By that standard, Hitler "got things done" as well.

    What is it with progressives' wet-their-pants admiration for strong men?

  7. SF,

    It's an Alpha Male thing that liberal boys all get giddy over. Just like liberal chicks. They can't help it.

  8. Bush was a Wilsonian and that didn't work out too good, either.

  9. I have a video that analyzes the voting record and actions of former Congressman Newt Gingrich, revealing that Newt is not the conservative he portrays himself to be.
    Narrated by John F. McManus, President of John Birch Society
    Click here

  10. @John,

    Great resource! Thanks for sharing!

    --We Told You 2011


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