Our Dysfunctional Congress Is the Fault of the American Voters...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Only from a politician. Generally spun to a fine whipped topping of gibberish. This one from a democrat.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer while acknowledging Americans are right that Congress isn't working well has decided it is after all the voters fault. Following is what Mr. Hoyer had to say.
THE HILL - The Maryland Democrat said voters are “absolutely right” to think that “Congress isn’t working very well.” But that dysfunction, he said, is largely of their own making.

“The American people have every right to be angry [and] disappointed by the performance of the Congress,” Hoyer told reporters in the Capitol. “Of course, the American people have also elected people with hard stances, so that to some degree the American people are realizing the results of their votes.

“If elections have consequences — which I think they do — some of those consequences are getting what you vote for,” Hoyer added. “In this case, many people voted for people who thought compromise was not something that they ought to participate in.” {Read The Rest}

Let break down the political gibberish.

Yes Steny, elections have consequences. Those with "hard stances" were elected by their constituents precisely because they were taking the hard stand against excess in government spending. They were elected to put the brakes on the runaway locomotive that has been the U.S. government under both the Bush and Obama administrations.

Isn't that the point of a functioning democratic republic?

I suppose though in the ever vigilant eyes and mind of a elite politician, this time one of the progressive persuasion, anyone who fails to vote for the most compromising candidate that will support their spend thrift agenda(s) is responsible for a part, if not all of the dysfunctional Congresses problems.

Now if only we could get the legitimate OWS protesters who are angry at crony capitalism, corporatism, banking excesses, and bailouts to team up with the advocates for a more restrained federal spending we might actually stand a chance at righting our ship.

I'm not holding my breath.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Those crying and gnashing their teeth over the lack of "progress" from out government have a fundamental misunderstanding: It was never made to function they way they want it to.

    It was purposely built by the founders to grind slowly, lest it be used to grind the people.

    The federal government was not built to legislate every last detail of our lives.

    What was it designed for? Read the enumerated powers section of the constitution. If it's not there, the federal government shouldn't be doing it. Period (As Jersey likes to say)

  2. Les, the Tea Partiers elected a steaming pile of amateur ideologues without the intellectual capacity to govern. That's what Hoyer really meant. In other words - don't vote for simpleminded demagogues offering simpleminded easy answers.


  3. If Mr. Hoyer is saying that the people get the government that they deserve, I pretty much agree with him....I would just add that there are shit-heads in both parties (can you say, Maxine Waters?), Mr. Hoyer.

  4. We deserve what we tolerate.

    But was Mr. Hoyer rambling on as he is here when the Democrat-controlled 111th Congress was f**king up the economy and the Nation with Our Dear Leader Messiah Obama smiling the whole time, apologizing for America, and having Beer Summits?

    Methinks not.

    Liars, the whole lot of 'em. Both D and R Congressional morons need to go. Oh, and the Socialists, who happen to be Democrats, by the way.

  5. @JMJ,

    You said:
    "...the tea partiers elected a steaming pile of amateur ideologues without the intellectual capacity to govern."

    Yeah, that whole Taxed Enough Already mantra really shows their intellectual incompetence. Pfft.

    The TEA Party has more fiscal common sense than the whole of the Socialist Party (the Dems).



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