Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose ObamaCare

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

The Jefferson Memorial - A National Landmark

Currently undergoing restoration, as noted by the scaffolding on the front face of the memorial, the Jefferson Memorial ought to be one of this nations most revered sights. Given the current debate over ObamaCare's constitutionality, and the right of the each state with respect to the same, it is certainly appropriate we consider the Classical Liberal views  of one of our foremost Founding Fathers.

President Thomas Jefferson would, without a doubt, side with those who view ObamaCare an overreaching and unlawful extension of federal government authority. Therefore Jefferson would have found  it unconstitutional. In as much as the progressive elements of American 21st century elitists like to point to the truism that times change, valid principles and values do not. Sorry all you progressive evaders of rational reality my previous statement is also a truism.

Jefferson, perhaps more than any other figure of the Enlightenment Age, personified what became to be understood as limited and restrained central government authority. In the age of Obama we could should certainly reflect upon his wisdom. But wait...  the public school system,  financed by none other than taxpayer dollars and driven by the progressive school of thought since the 1950's, has failed miserably {yet by design} to teach the nations children the real and true history that made America the greatest and freest nation heretofore to ever have existed.

Having taken the long route to my original point, which is the several and independent states have the right to determine issues of healthcare and or insurance mandates. The federal government, having been restrained by the very provisions of The Constitution, is in violation of its constitutional authority.

Given the following it seems a majority of Americans continue to agree with Jefferson anf the Founding Fathers...

More than half the states are challenging the constitutionality of the new federal health care law in court, many focusing on the requirement that every American must have health insurance. More voters than ever oppose that requirement and think states should have the right to opt out of some or all of the health care law.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% of Likely U.S. Voters at least somewhat favor a federal law that requires every American to buy or obtain health insurance, while 58% at least somewhat oppose such a requirement. The new findings include 21% who Strongly Favor the requirement versus 44% who are Strongly Opposed. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Most voters have expressed skepticism about requiring all Americans to obtain health insurance since the debate over health care began heating up early in the Obama presidency. Opposition is up five points from last March just after Democrats in Congress passed the health care law with that mandate.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of voters now say individual states should have the right to opt out of the entire health care plan, up from 47% in December 2009. Thirty percent (30%) disagree and say states should not be able to do that. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure....
As unfortunate and authoritarian  as it is,  the American left simply refuses to acquiesce to the better judgment and will of the people. Such has been the reality for 41 years of my adult life. Any wondser why we are were we are today?

Read the rest of The Rasmussen Reports.

Cross Posted to the Left Coast Rebel

Via: Memeorandum

Post Script:

Jefferson's triumph was delayed temporarily as a result of a tie in electoral ballots with his running mate, Aaron BURR, which shifted the election to the House of Representatives. There Hamilton's influence helped Jefferson to prevail, although most Federalists supported Burr as the lesser evil. In his inaugural speech Jefferson held out an olive branch to his political enemies, inviting them to bury the partisanship of the past decade, to unite now as Americans.
Federalist leaders remained adamantly opposed to Jefferson, but the people approved his policies. Internal taxes were reduced; the military budget was cut; the Alien and Sedition Acts were permitted to lapse; and plans were made to extinguish the public debt. Simplicity and frugality became the hallmarks of Jefferson's administration. The Louisiana Purchase (1803) capped his achievements. Ironically, Jefferson had to overcome constitutional scruples in order to take over the vast new territory without authorization by constitutional amendment. In this instance it was his Federalist critics who became the constitutional purists. Nonetheless, the purchase was received with popular enthusiasm. In the election of 1804, Jefferson swept every state except two--Connecticut and Delaware. Jefferson's second administration began with a minor success--the favorable settlement concluding the TRIPOLITAN WAR (1801-05), in which the newly created U.S. Navy fought its first engagements. The following year the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which the president had dispatched to explore the Louisiana Territory, returned triumphantly after crossing the continent. The West was also a source of trouble, however. The disaffected Aaron Burr engaged in a conspiracy, the details of which are still obscure, either to establish an independent republic in the Louisiana Territory or to launch an invasion of Spanish-held Mexico. Jefferson acted swiftly to arrest Burr early in 1807 and bring him to trial for treason. Burr was acquitted, however.

Jefferson's main concern in his second administration was foreign affairs, in which he experienced a notable failure. In the course of the Napoleonic Wars Britain and France repeatedly violated American sovereignty in incidents such as the Chesapeake affair (1807). Jefferson attempted to avoid a policy of either appeasement or war by the use of economic pressure.

The Embargo Ace (Dec. 22, 1807), which prohibited virtually all exports and most imports and was supplemented by enforcing legislation, was designed to coerce British and French recognition of American rights. Although it failed, it did rouse many northerners, who suffered economically, to a state of defiance of national authority. The Federalist party experienced a rebirth of popularity. In 1809, shortly before he retired from the presidency, Jefferson signed the act repealing the embargo, which had been in effect for 15 months.

Later Life

In the final 17 years of his life, Jefferson's major accomplishment was the founding (1819) of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. He conceived it, planned it, designed it, and supervised both its construction and the hiring of faculty.
The university was the last of three contributions by which Jefferson wished to be remembered; they constituted a trilogy of interrelated causes: freedom from Britain, freedom of conscience, and freedom maintained through education. On July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson died at Monticello.


  1. i would say he would adamently oppose it without doubt along with every other founding father.

  2. might also add, history does not change either even if the times do.

  3. Griper,

    Indeed. History is set in stone. What we have today is the ability to flow fluidly in creating a history our descendants can look upon and go, "Wow, they nailed it!"

    At least, in theory.

    Van Jones said that change takes more work than hope. Hmph. That's the problem with progressives. Instead of standing on the hope and wonder of The Founders and their vision for America, they rail and twist and struggle against it because, well, it's what they do.

    Petulant children. The whole lot of 'em. Petulant, ignorant, and self-centered victims.


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