Where Do You Stand?... The Progressive Collectivist Assault On America

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."

"A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

In eighteen days it will be our nation's 234th birthday. As we prepare to celebrate our unique and exceptional  history, the nation is engaged in a great and profound battle for its very soul .We stand at the ultimate crossroads. The road we ultimately choose will determine whether this nation survives with our founding principals as the guiding light for future generations of free people.

After several days of visiting progressive blogs and contemplating their message and mission it became clear the battle lines have been drawn, and who is most responsible for drawing the invisible in the sand. It also became clear how profound and fundamental the differences are between progressives and conservatives or Libertarians. 

While one can point to, and argue many specifics, the fundamental differences lie in the opposing values of  individualism and collectivism. Our nation was founded on the belief in the rights of the individual  not the collective. The Constitution was written to insure the rights of the individual would be protected against the tyranny of the majority or collective. The simple beauty of the experiment  called America was that it became a nation of laws promulgated to protect the individual.

In so long as the individual respected the rights of all other individuals, and observed the laws enacted to protect the rights of all individuals society functioned well. Thus for the first time in history a nation was governed by laws and not by men. A truly radical and progressive system in the I800's. It remains so today in the judgment of this publication. 

I have stated the invisible line drawn in the sand by the progressives it is the line separating individualism from collectivism. The progressives ultimate goal is to bring collectivism to America in a way the Marxist Utopian ideal that government should take from those with the greatest means,  and redistribute to those with the greatest need is achieved. Of course never attempting to identify and understand that at some point there will be few with means and a great number with extreme need.

The progressives desire to replace individualism with collectivism is nothing more than the desire to level the human playing field so everyone becomes entitled to that which their neighbor possess. Equal prosperity for all    The issues of effort, ability, motivation, hard work, and perseverance are of no concern to the progressive or collectivist. Only the appearance of mass economic equality is important.

Of course the only way the progressive collectivist dream can be realized is through government oversight, deep taxation, and intrusive control over one's personal and business life. The driving force behind the progressive collectivist is the desire and need for power. Power over anthers life and preferably over a nation.

The individualist is one who values his/her life and individuality. By their very nature they value liberty and understand it is right to value the right's and liberties of their fellow men and women. They recognize that limiting the role of government results in the greatest liberty and ultimately prosperity for the general population and nation. The individualist also recognizes the inherent tendency for evil to exit with government.

The progressive collectivist by contrast sees people not as individuals but rather merely as a very small part of a greater whole. Their belief system says the individual is relatively unimportant and should set aside their desires and goals (sacrifice) to the goals and agreed upon desires of the larger society... The whole. It is then only natural the progressive collectivist belief system desires bigger and a more intrusive government. The progressive collectivist economic and social system requires large government to survive.

And so the battle between individualism and progressive collectivism will likely be the defining moment in our modern history. Either we will choose the road to individuality, liberty, and prosperity,  or we will equivocate, abandon our reason and be lead down the road to collectivism, loss of liberty, reduced prosperity, or and as Hayek might say , down "The Road To Serfdom"

The Progressive collectivist will argue that because the populace has grown so must government also grow. I have  no argument with this statement. However, once the proper role and scope of the federal government was set by our founding principals the cost per capita as a percentage of the total budget should be constant after adjustment for inflation. Programs falling outside the scope of the federal government is the responsibility of the state and or local government.

And so I am back. I will stand with the philosophy and principals of Jefferson , Ayn Rand, and all those on the side of reason, limited government, and who believe in our Constitution as written, and not  how some libtards professor or lawyer wishes to interpret it.

I opened this op ed article with three of my favorite quotes by our third President Thomas Jefferson. His Jeffersonian logic stands as true and reasoned today as it did when he spoke the words. I shall, as stated above stand by these and I invite all who love liberty to stand by them as well.

I  leave you with a quote from Bastiatarian (and here) left in my comment section a couple of days ago. It succinctly and accurately points out the variant collective threats facing us today.

>The Ominous Parallels

Ah, yes, that's a must read!

It's sad and amazing that so many people think it can't happen here. People seem to have such a knee-jerk reaction against holding up Nazi Germany as an example of what can happen, and pointing out the very clear parallels to what has been and is happening here, that even "conservatives" who should know better criticize people who make the comparison.

No, Barack Obama isn't rounding up Jews and sending them to death camps, but that was only one of many evil and destructive things that Hitler did. I am absolutely sure that if Hitler had not been the head of a movement that slaughtered six million Jews, he would be an idol of the American left. Everything else he did fits perfectly into the "liberal" agenda.

Of course, Stalin and Mao were responsible for FAR more deaths than Hitler, but Hitler's ideas and actions have been spun in a manner that attempts to trick people into believing that his philosophy was not the same as that embraced by Stalin and Mao. Basically, Stalin and Mao got better press, so they're the darlings of the left, and Hitler has been portrayed as somehow being part of the "right," as if he weren't a totalitarian collectivist like Stalin and Mao.

The specific methods were very slightly different, but when it comes right down to it, there isn't any meaningful difference in the political and social philosophies of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

All three of those beasts rose to power with a slogan of "hope" and "change" couched in the promise that the government was going to make everything all better. And the people got excited and supported them.


A special thanks goes out to my brother in Liberty. Tim at Left Coast Rebel, thank you my friend and together, along with all our Liberty loving brethren we will win this fight against tyranny.


  1. Les, A wise man once said, "If You lay with Pigs, You smell like pigs".

    And Ann Coulter said "Never Trust A Liberal Over 3"

    "Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk"

    Remember these sayings when you visit Liberal Blogs...

  2. Mal don't lie down with that pig Coulter or you will smell just like her! YUK!!

  3. >I invite all who love liberty to stand by them as well.

    I'll not only stand, but stand and fight.
    If I don't put myself fully being the battle to maintain all things that are good and right, there is little meaning in even existing.

    >Remember these sayings when you visit Liberal Blogs

    Or better yet, choose to associate with decent company and don't visit "liberal" blogs at all.

  4. Sue, just because you don't like her style doesn't mean she isn't right. Calling her a pig only degrades YOU.

  5. oh conservatives have no sense of humor! It's just a joke to mal...(she is kinda scuzzy)

  6. Mal - Thanks for those. I guess by nature I am just a trusting individual. My visits to the tard yard has opened my eyes.

  7. Bastitarian - I am reminded of the saying... keep your fiends close but keep your enemies closer.

    First one must understand how the minds of ones adversries work... Hence my recent pursuits. And I don't believe for one moment the opposition is not doing the same.

    Much can be said to frame the current ideological struggle going on in our country today but I will keep it short.

    The seeds of this struggle were planted approximatly 100 and 50 years ago. We are seeing the ultimate results in the modern progressive collectivist.

    The battle of ideologies, ie: reason as opposed to emotionalism, logic as opposed to faith, the individual as opposed to the masses, liberty as opposed to tyranny...

    Perhaps we are entering yet amother epic phase in mankinds development. Whether we move forward as a free society with the liberties our constitution assures us, or regress back to the days of servitude will depend on the firmness and strength of our convictions.

    I for one will stand with, and fight for the values on which this nation was founded. The Third President of our nation was a wise and profound thinker. The opening of this post with three of his powerful statements was for a purpose... they are precicely what the modern progresive collectivist fears most.

    All that is needed to thwart the collectivist onslaught has existed since the beginning of time. However, not until the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason did humankind begin to understand. The U.S.A was the natural culmination of Enlightenment thinking.

    And so people and nations who choose not to understand the past are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. We may well be approaching this critical point even as I type this.

  8. >First one must understand how the minds of ones adversries work

    There is definitely much to be said for having an accurate understanding of what the enemy is doing. If nothing else, it gives us a better ability to help those who actually are trying to find the truth sift through the bile spewed out by the bad guys. It also lets us know where to shore up our defenses.

    >they are precicely what the modern progresive collectivist fears most

    I believe that this is the greatest weapon we have on our side: Truth, in the form of the "doctrine of liberty," if you will. A return to those principles is the only thing that can win this war against the enslavers. I'm often frustrated when I listen to conservative talk radio, because the hosts spend so much time talking about the superficial aspects of the political game that they rarely--if ever--spend time teaching the foundational principles. (Glenn Beck being one of the exceptions.) A bit of outrage at a specific act might change the direction of a certain election, but it won't create long-term, positive change.

    Each individual has to have an accurate understanding of the sacred nature of the rights to life, liberty, and property etched in their hearts and minds, or eventually greed, laziness, and ignorance will take them through the wide gate and down the easy path. Many nations have taken that path, and every one that does eventually disappears. It's not pretty when they do.

    >keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer

    Is under the heel of my boot close enough? :)

  9. Gorges Smythe - Coulter is smart, sharp,and can be provocative if you know what I mean.

    Could it be Sue is a tad jealous?

  10. Very well said. I have always tried to reach out to those on the left, and convince them of their errors. I am starting to think that may not be possible.

  11. Trestin - Your observation is for the most part correct. There are of course exceptions to every rule, but the majority of the progressive collectivist movement are as closed minded as a sealed vault.


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