Newsweek... With Nothing Better To Write About... It Figures

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

Wow, the left wing  media, as in Newsweek, apparently can find nothing more noteworthy to write about than conservatives that have looks. I suppose the implication is that conservatives are shallow and have no brains.

Hmm, wouldn't that make Newsweek a sexist rag? Oops excuse me, I mean noteworthy magazine, I really do!

Frankly I find it amusing the loony left has been reduced to a level of attacking intelligent and attractive women to further their cause. But then again I suppose I can understand if I but try.

I mean who have been the women of the left. Elenore Roosevelt, now there is a real beauty with deranged philosophical leanings of the past socialist era. Moving into the current era we have Hillary Rodham Clinton, a real gem of sexiness and glamor. Don't forget that beacon of human beauty from the crypt  Helen Thomas. Of course we have Rosyln Carter, a real glamor gal with superb intellectual credentials

The list could go on, and I could point out many more women of the left who lack intellectual credibility as well as looks. I won't however because my point is the leftist rag Newsweek is nothing more than a trashy useless publication that insults the intelligence of all thinking individuals.

To illustrate my point I offer the following excerpts from the magazine that should go out of business.

Oh, look, it's the "20 Hottest Conservative Women in New Media (2010 Edition)" over at Right Wing News. Last year's edition, RWN says, was one of the most popular items on the site, so they decided to do it again—this time with a panel of conservative commentators (and, duh, all male) as judges, including Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit and Jonah Goldberg of the National Review.

The list features pictures of the 20 bloggers and media personalities whom the judges winnowed from a field of 50 (Spoiler alert: Michelle Malkin is No. 19; Ann Coulter is No. 13; Hannah Giles of ACORN  sting fame comes in at No. 5). The judges didn’t indicate what their criteria was, but if there was any consideration besides aesthetics—say, the quality of the subjects' ideas—it isn't mentioned.(could this be the implication these women are brainless?

Well, no. It’s great that there’s such a vibrant female presence in the conservative commentariat—Coulter and Malkin in particular have a stature that’s equaled only by the likes of Rush Limbaugh—but by any sensible standard, it’s clear-cut sexism: women trying to compete on the same intellectual playing field as the men being ranked for how sexy they look in their online profile, not how scathingly they dissect Obamacare.

The failure of the right-wing “values” crowd to decry contests like this is bad for them—it undermines their standing to comment on gender—and, most important, bad for women.

This garbage isn't really worth the time it took to put the original article together or the time it took me to respond to the useless attempt at serious journalism by Newsweek. I find the magazine's commentary tasteless and sexist in and of itself.. But then again I have grown to expect nothing less from the left.

I also find the implication that conservative, and or Libertarian women are brainless both unfounded and offensive. Of course I can only speak for myself but I married a beautiful, sexy, and highly intelligent woman with sterling Libertarian credentials that could very likely put Michelle Obama in her progressive socialist politically correct place. 

And for what it's worth my wife could teach the loony leftist women what it means to be a feminist and highly intelligent at the same moment.

Good night all, have a great upcoming week!

Cross posted at Left Cost Rebel.


  1. Newsweek is Leftwing? Ha ha haha ha ha.....

  2. Lets see, ok for starters conservative bimbos like those from Fox who are an embarrassment to cable news and real journalists like Rachel Maddow. Come on RN, those like Coulter and Malkin are hideous examples of conservative good looks and brains. You are doing the same thing you are complaining about, you are bashing liberal women, who BTW outsmart righties any day of the week. We are just naturally smart, what more can I say??!

  3. A matter of opinion. And Maddow, a real journalist... ha,ha,ha, can tolerate her for a short while.

    I don't bash liberal women who actually think for themselves.

    You can be the judge of who they may be.

    So what you have essentially said is that liberal women who think as you do are real journalists but intelligent women that are conservative (and beautiful I might add)are an embarrassment.


    the world turns


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