The Attack by Sharpton and the Left

I guess the race baiter, and  poor excuse for a human, Al Sharpton is not content with Limbaugh being dropped from his bid for partial ownership of an NFL team. Together with his "bro in arms", the other race baiter Jesse Jackson, they were able, through their outright falsehoods, to derail Limbaugh's  bid.

Sharpton and his attorneys are planning  on filing a lawsuit against Rush for defamation of character. This would simply be laughable were it not for the  likelihood  the "red mainstream media" will remain silent on the matter. Or the other likely  possibility, come out in support of Sharpton's frivolous claims.

Rush is right in his assertion that those of the Sharpton and Jackson mindset are quick to use racism  as the means to further their agenda. One can not deny racism exits, but to use it as a whip against a person just because you do not agree with their politics and conservatism is ethically and morally wrong.

What Sharpton fails to understand is this. There are millions of good, honest, hardworking people (something I am sure Sharpton is not), of all races and color that see through his race baiting tactics. Perhaps the fringe elements support his unethical behavior. The mainstream of society does not.

The following are excerpts taken from CNN Political Ticker, October 17, 2009:

Limbaugh’s attempt to invest in the National Football League’s St. Louis Rams franchise was overshadowed by a controversy over his “racial views,” which Limbaugh says were false. In the op-ed, he also lashes out at several media outlets, including CNN and “the sports writer community,” for what he calls "contempt in the news business."

“ ‘Racism’ is too often their sledgehammer," Limbaugh writes. “And it is being used to try to keep citizens who don't share the left's agenda from participating in the full array of opportunities this nation otherwise affords each of us… It was employed against patriotic citizens who attended town-hall meetings and tea-party protests. These intimidation tactics are working and spreading, and they are a cancer on our society."

Rush is correct when he says the Sharpton tactics "are a cancer on our society." Read the full text of the article here.

The videos below are interesting and instructive. Pay particular attention to the Juan Williams video.


  1. Without racism and race bating, Sharpton and Jackson wouldn’t be able to be greeters at Wal Mart. It the world came together on the race issue, they wouldn’t have anything and would loose their fortunes the poor black community provides for them. They have to keep the hate and separation going in order to survive.

  2. For so many years Limbaugh has spent his time on the radio mis-labeling or mis-characterizing others . Finally he had his judgment day.

  3. Coffeypot,

    Your observations are right on. It is indeed unfortunate that so many in America today buy into their irrational philosophy of life.


    i understand the point you are making.If you mean Limbaugh can be pompous and abrasive at times. I find him to be that a often as not.

    However the point here is this; He is being iced for no other reason than his conservative views make the liberal socialist/statist power structure uncomfortable.

    To deny him the opportunity to be a minor owner in a professional football team only because of his political beliefs is unethical and immoral.

    RUSH IS BY NO MEANS RACIST. He is conservative and rational, and he poses a threat to the liberal irrational likes of Sharpton and Jackson.

    For this he was diced. I hope you are not treated the same when someone with control over you, whether it be personal or professional treats the same. I am sure should this happen you will understand my point.

  4. mmmm, sounds like, my friend, that our two posts are really cooridinated this time huh?

  5. Griper,

    Unassuming, and simple minds often, and unknowingly run alike. Wouldn't you agree?


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