Stand In Opposition To America's Home Grown Authoritarian Dictator Wannabe...


When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick: every time a stick is thrown, you run after it. Instead, be like a lion who, rather than chasing after the stick, turns to face the thrower. One only throws a stick at a lion once.

“Just as it is known that an image of one's face is seen depending on a mirror but does not really exist as a face, so the conception of "I" exist dependent on mind and body, but like the image of a face the "I" does not at all exist as its own reality.


"Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible."

The election draws near. The many illusory "polls" indicate a dead heat for the most part.  Why exactly that is is a mystery. Until one realizes that everything is but a dream and there really are a lot of deluded folks.

Reality is that a highly motivated, highly intelligent, highly accomplished, truly compassionate women is laser focused on the needs of Americans.

On the other far and nefarious side of reality we have an ignorant, deluded narcissist that has committed rape, insurrection, tax fraud, multiple indecencies, and plans on using the military to whip those who disagree with him into compliance.

Simply put this coming election is about whether Americans want freedom and individual liberties or whether it wants an authoritarian minded self centered delusional narcissist for president. I know for certain where i stand.

Trump can threaten as he has on multiple occasions that he will use the force of the military to track down and in some way punish those who disagree with him and do not support him,

Welcome to Nazi Germany circa 1930's.

It is beginning to appear as if Patriotic Americans may very well be called to defend their rights and freedoms with an article of destruction. For this is the very path that the Great Orange Menace (Donald J. Trump) has chosen to pursue in his delusional and ignorant rhetoric. Remember, when somebody tells you who and what they are it is best to believe them the fist time.

This writer has no fear of the Great Orange Menace (DJT) or what he may believe he can do to coerce one into compliance. For his rhetoric, or even his actual actions should he actually win the election, harm anyone if they know the ground of their being and remain unafraid. He is in truth powerless over every being unless THEY willingly grant him access to their mind and give him permission.

This actual Patriot will stand in opposition to his and his Trumpublican Party's Project 2025 authoritarian playbook. To the death of neccessary.


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