As Zionist Genocide of Palestinians Continues...

"Buddhanature is the innate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."        Karl Brunnholzl 

As the Zionist genocide continues in Gaza the United States administration of President Biden continues to support the atrocities of the Netanyahu regime.

The unholy genocidal destruction of innocent children, women, and non combatant men is evil as well as unforgivable.

While President Biden has been a  remarkably solid and effective president given the disaster his predecessor passed on to him, continued support of the Zionist butcher Netanyahu could very well doom is hopes for reelection.

I know this individual will be watching very closely, and if President Biden does not squeeze, and squeeze hard the Zionist leader, including cutting off all military aid to the genocidal Zionist government of Israel, support and a vote will not be forthcoming.

Supporting the cessation of the genocidal practices by the Zionist government is a higher principal than voting for a man who apparently refuses to end military aid to a butcher of innocent human life.

NEW YORK March 31. 2024 (Saba) - More than 30,000 demonstrators took to the streets of New York City, rejecting the continued Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip and the ongoing crimes committed by the Zionist enemy authorities against innocent people in the Strip for more than six months.

According to the American media, huge marches took place on Saturday, in several other American cities, as part of the “Eternal Earth Day” activities, denouncing the barbaric Zionist war against the Palestinian people, in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, and in Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Burlington, Vermont, after calls During the past week, I participated extensively in marches to remind the world of the tragedy of the Palestinian people that has been continuing for seven decades.

The demonstrators demanded that the American administration stop financial and military support for the occupying entity, to pressure it to stop the war as soon as possible and withdraw from Gaza Strip.


And now some words from an Israeli citizen:


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