Rethinking Trump and One's Own Karmic Reactive Response to His Criminal Actions...



*The brutal manipulative behaviour of narcissists can have quite an impact on their victims. Dealing with narcissists is very personal and you have to learn how to deal with yourself and your mind.

This nation has been torn apart by the political firestorm created by former president Donald J. Trump and his sycophants who willingly and eagerly participated in his Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from hum. An allegation completely devoid of factual evidence. Additionally, Trump lost 60 challenges to the results of the 2020 election in multiple courts of law. Yet Mr. Trump persisted, and continues to persist today, in pushing the delusional Big Lie.

It is of course no secret that Mr. Trump is, and always has been, a narcissist with an ego as big as the sky over his new home at Mar Largo. Maybe as big as the sky over the entire state of Florida. It is safe to say that Mr. Trump is now experiencing the results of his many years of negative karma. Hs most recent negative karma being his attempt to overthrow the 2020 election and the insurrection that he was directly responsible for and involved in.

Thankfully the House Select Committee investing the actions of Mr. Trump and others involved in the sedition and insurrection at the Capitol is throwing the doors to the TRUTH wide open for all Americans to see. Again. With their very own eyes and hear with their very own ears what happened do to Mr. Trump's Big Lie.

Since J6 2021, following the violent attempt to thoroughly and totally dismantle our democratic republic from within, I have hated, yes, actually hated Mr. Trump and everything her stands for. If he stands for anything other than dishonesty and deceit, I'm unaware of it.

With the passage of time, and much meditation and reflection I know that Mr. Trump is suffering deeply and likely has for many, many years. Mr. Trump's extreme narcissism and ego centeredness are the driving forces behind most of, if not all, of his decisions and actions. As a result, Mr. Trump has built a mountain of karmic negativity for himself which he will have to answer for in some way, some day.

American society has every right to expect, indeed demand, that Mr. Trump and those others responsible for J6 2021, and the events leading up to it, be held accountable for their actions and face the full force of the law in response to them.

On a purely personal note, I have made peace with my anger towards Mr. Trump and hatred for him. Through deep meditation I have grown to recognize that many, including myself, could fall prey to the self-centeredness that will likely become Mr. Trump's legacy and ultimate judgment on his life. 

All I feel for Mr. Trump today is pity and a desire that someday he is released from his great suffering. That he finally finds peace within himself.  And that whatever measure of happiness may remain available for him that he be allowed to experience it.



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