Dhammapada (256-257)...


na tena hoti dhammaṭṭho, yenatthaṃ sāhasā naye.

yo ca atthaṃ anatthañca, ubho niccheyya paṇḍito.

asāhasena dhammena, samena nayatī pare.
dhammassa gutto medhāvī, 'dhammaṭṭho'ti pavuccati.

Not by passing arbitrary judgments does a man become just; a wise man is he who investigates both right and wrong.

He who does not judge others arbitrarily, but passes judgment impartially according to the truth, that sagacious man is a guardian of law and is called just.

Is there a nation today that has actually lived up to this idealized notion of just? The evidence is clear methinks.

Maybe Tibet. That proud and once sovereign nation that the Communist Chinese annexed and took illegitimate control of in 1959. With the full and docile compliance of the rest of the world.


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