Preserving Our Democratic Republic... 2020

 For those concerned about the direction of our nation and the very real threat Donald J, Trump poses for our democratic republic the following is a guide developed by concerned patriotic Americans. It is a guide to defend and protect democracy in the USA.

You can find the guide HERE.

Donald J. Trump is not a proponent of democratic principals nor is he at all concerned with preserving and protecting our democratic republic. He is, at his political core an authoritarian. His has, by his political genuflecting to Putin, Kin Jong Un, and other authoritarian tyrants demonstrated his admiration for some of the worlds worst tyrants. there is a reason Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf by his bedside.

Anyone who has taken the time to closely observe Trump 's behaviors and listen to his words as he lies his way through his embattled presidency knows that our nation, its ideals, and the very foundations on which it was built is under attack by this anti American president. Reelecting this megalomaniac will, in the eyes of those who understand human motivations, result in a move to a more authoritarian and tyrannical government. Trump admires strong-arm tyrants and is desirous of being one himself.

Throughout Trump's presidency be has sowed division and refused to forcefully and effectively denounce white supremacy and racism. He has in fact employed the use dog whistles to send messages of approval to his base.  His xenophobia has been evident since before his ascension the the highest office in the land. From his remarks that Mexicans are rapists and druggies when he announced his first bid for the presidency to his their are good people on both sides remark after Charlottesville to his most recent remark the the Proud Boys to stand by and stand down there can be no question as to Trump's intent.

Trump's extreme narcissism leads him to believe he is infallible. It is not a stretch to believe that Trump sees himself as being God like or having God like qualities. Every shred of evidence points to the reality he is more devil like than God like. To everyone other than his base of loyal cultists.

Trump hasn't the capacity to show empathy because he has none for others. His denial of the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic that has been sweeping the USA and the world since January of 2020 is all the evidence one needs to know this is true. His lies that the virus is going to disappear like a miracle, his continually lying that we are rounding the corner even as ALL evidence points t the exact opposite, and his continual mocking of those taking the virus very seriously (as they should) points conclusively that Trump is only and totally concerned about his own reelection. He believes lying to and duping the American people is his path to election victory. As America continues to lose a 1,000 plus souls a day. Under Trump's "leadership" this death toll and the carnage to American families will 0nly continue and worsen.

Effective Leadership demands intelligence, wisdom, moral character and strength, empathy, vision, it requires the ability to foster a sense of unity and purpose, the ability to foster compromise and the understanding that you are a vehicle to improving the lives of ALL Americans, not just those that share your beliefs and support your agenda, Trump has egregiously failed  on ALL of the above.

It is likely few minds are being changed as America stands divided and polarized. It is however a FACT that Donald J. Trump's actions and words have been responsible for ripping America apart from within. He is, and always has been A Clear And Present Danger to our democratic republic,

We hold our future, the future of our children and grandchild, and the future of the USA in our hands, and, our democracy hangs in the balance. Vote and vote wisely. Your liberty depends on it.





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