Donald J. Trump, America's Monster Of A "Man" And The Greatest Internal Clear And Present Danger To Our Democratic Republic... EVER


The Jackass That Is Responsible For Tens Of Thousands Of Deaths In The USA

President Trump said Tuesday that he has instructed his top aides to stop negotiating with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on future coronavirus stimulus legislation until after the November election, a risky move just weeks before voters head to the polls.

Trump, who is himself currently being treated for COVID-19, accused Pelosi in a series of tweets Tuesday afternoon of "not negotiating in good faith" and seeking "bailouts" for states he says are poorly run by Democratic officials.

"I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business," Trump tweeted.

The message marked a sharp reversal for the president, who just three days earlier had urged leaders of both parties to come together to finalize an agreement that can hit his desk before the Nov. 3 elections.

"OUR GREAT USA WANTS & NEEDS STIMULUS. WORK TOGETHER AND GET IT DONE," Trump tweeted on Saturday afternoon, a day after he checked into the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to be treated for COVID-19.

This the president of the United States politicizing a deadly pandemic for his own personal political interests. Trump is, and perhaps this is just my opinion, one of the most evil narcissistic people that has ever been in power in the USA. Trump is a man Adolf Hitler would have been inordinately proud to call a close friend. 

If there really is a hell with a Lucifer overseeing it then Trump is Lucifer's Prince on Earth. Donald J. Trump is the personification of abject evil. Those who doubt this TRUTH do so at their and all Americans peril.

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  1. The single greatest evidence that we need to vote for Joe Biden, or Kermit the Frog for that matter, is Donald Trump himself.

    I was born during the 90% highest tax bracket Eisenhower presidency, watched as JFK was laid to rest, had LBJ's "I will not run nor accept the nomination of my party" announcement seared into my head as I watched, walked precincts for Nixon, supported Ford over Carter, watched Reagan crush inflation, voted for Bush the Elder and then Clinton, who I called on to resign for embarrassing the US. I felt Gore was a liar and Kerry a dud so I went third party in both of those elections, yet I respected GW Bush as a man. I once again walked precincts for Obama both times and finally in 2016, skipped voting as I did not feel either candidate was worthy of the White House or my vote.

    Never in my life could I have ever imagined a presidency such as this. Our president is lost, flailing and without a plan. And his supporters are fundamentally unable to even consider another option. The simple fact is this... there is not one, not even one Trump supporter who would accept his actions, narcissism, lack of seriousness and petty score settling from any Democrat or even a GOP opponent.

    So why should I?

    Trump is not an existential threat to the US, he is an ongoing threat. With our Joint Chiefs now sidelined in Covid isolation, partly as a result of Trump's cavalier attitudes towards the pandemic, science, medical advice and the importance of wearing masks and maintaining safe distances, our security is at risk.

    Any other president would have already had his Howard Baker get out of Dodge moment.

    It's time Trump gets his, while we still have time.

    1. Your life's time mirrors my own Dave, and like you, I ever in my wildest dreams ever imagined this nation would elect an idiot and mad-"man" the likes of trump to the highest office in the land. Yes, it is PAST time for trump to get his get out of dodge moment. November 3'rd is our last chance to save this nation from the Orange Clorox "man".

  2. We are like a schizophrenic nation; simultaneous 240 year old United States of America
    or the infant 4 year old Irrational States of Trump. They said he was a businessman.
    Hardly-he's a loose cannon megalomaniac, whose sole strength is an odd hold on a very
    odd base (if you consider evangelicals, Russian agents, white Nazis, armed militias,
    mask deniers, Sean Hannity and the GOP Senate crowd an odd combination). A national
    nightmare which must end. We are better, the US is better, humanity is better.
    Dave, I'm pretty sure Howard Baker would get "Howard, you're fired! Yer a looser.
    yer a sucker, a hoax and a fake" Tis hard to advise a Very Stable Genius....

  3. BB... I'm still shell shocked. The Joint Chiefs are in isolation. The president is lying to the American people about his disease, White House staffers are working in full PPE because the boss won't impose safe distance and mask requirements. Senators are getting sick, presidential advisors are sick and there are still ppl in this admin mocking people for advocating what Trump's own CDC recommends.

    And we must believe that there is not one, not one sitting GOP Senator or Congressman who believes any of this is a problem. Not a single one. They are so fixated on their own survival, even in safe deep red states, that they cannot, or will not say the obvious... the White House is in a crisis and Trump is not the answer and must go, for the future of the US of A.

  4. Idaho is a very red state; even the livestock is Republican. So any political discussion
    with locals about Trump leads to, "Well, yeah he's jerk, a bully, a loudmouth BUT wow,
    just look at the stock market" I do, being retired almost 20 years. Ever since Reagan,
    I have gone conservative in investments during GOP admins, and high roll in Dem admins.
    It works. Since 1952 the annualized return has been 4.8% with GOP presidents and 10.6%
    during Dem presidents. Of course there are dozens of theories about the phenom, but I
    suspect it boils down to how mainstreet is doing. If mainstreet is down and the market
    is high, it is a bubble (or like now-the Fed is pumping cash in). As to the Trump
    braggadocio (best and greatest market ever), he sits down and #8; way down from Clinton
    Obama, Ike and Reagan-closer in fact to Nixon and Bush II's negative numbers (#12 and
    #13. But golly, he has us bamboozled. For the list, the data and discussion, see that
    GOP (Forbes !) article here: administration
    Not pessimistic, but an objective type, if the Very Stable Genius suppresses enough votes
    er..I mean wins, odds are we will have a depression.


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