Last Night's So Called Debate... A Vivid Reminder Of What A Man Out Of His Element Looks Likes... Donald J. Trump



  1. RN, BB and you struggling trolls...

    I was thinking this morning about all the conservatives who were beside themselves during the Obama because they were convinced that America's standing internationally was falling. Obama's incompetence, they crowed was leading to a lack of respect for America abroad. Terrible it was, they claimed. And of course, Donald Trump was reverse that slide, would be good for America and once again we would be respected around the globe.

    That's what they promised.

    And yet what we've got, as evidenced by a recent PEW Study, and even shown through anecdotes from the HMS Mothership, is that America is less respected, less admired, than at any other time in the last 20 years.

    1. And yet what we've got, as evidenced by a recent PEW Study, and even shown through anecdotes from the HMS Mothership, is that America is less respected, less admired, than at any other time in the last 20 years.

      Now Dave, didn't you get the memo? Al fake news.

      Seriously, there is simply no getting my head around the thinking of the trup cultists. I gave up trying long ago. We are less respected, less admired, and probably less trusted than we've 1999. Most of which has occured durin the trump administration fiasco. Especially with respectto my adder.

  2. Trump is so far out of his element, no matter the area, if he wins, we've got big troubles.

    Look, I'm not gonna say the Dems and Biden are perfect. I'll never say the Dems have all the solutions.

    But before we can begin the long slog back, the reckoning with the fact that America has a lot of pissed off ppl, we need to excise the tumor and stop the infection from spreading.

    1. The way I look at it is we are in later stage 2 cancer of the core, by which I mean the nation's values and principals. Shoud trump win reelection my belief is at the end of a second term the nation will be in late stage 4 cancer of the same.

      We are dying as The Shining City On A Hill that RWR spoke about and are morphing into The Dark Tower. If you're familiar with the LOR's you know what I'm refering to.

  3. Agreed. This is our last chance to right the Ship of State. I'd like to see a coming together of the old school Republicans (pre-DJT) and Dems who are willing to work together to get the country working again. There's a lot to be done. We can disagree on the exact way of accomplishing this, but we can agree that we have to get back to our core beliefs. And re-learn the art of compromise!

  4. Compromise... in the language of the FreeThinkes, Francos and trolls of the internet, compromise is surrender. And to be avoided at all costs.

    A good example is the stimulus package in Congress right now. Trump wants 1 trillion. Congress 3 trillion. Seems easy enough... about 2 trillion. But the GOP wants nothing! All of a sudden they want to balance the budget and eliminate debt again.

    Looks like a warm up for the Biden presidency...

  5. As far as balancing the budget and eliminating debt Dave it is true that neither the GOP or the Democrats care about either. The only real difference between the two spendthrift parties rests in WHERE and HOW they spend OUR money. No one in either party has been serious about balancing the budget for at least 20 years. So yes, I completely agree with you. The republicans are going to dust off their we're the fiscally responsible party bullpuckey. Nothing is further from the truth.

    Starting with the Reagan years this nation's legislators tossed out fiscal responsibility and put the pedal to the metal on Keynesian economic polcy. In short they put Keynesian economics on steriods. They haven't looked in the rear view mirror since.

    Now, to be fair, the GOP is the party most responsible for our current unsustainable national debt and balloning budget defecits. And ANYONE looking at and honestly analyzing the data realizes this. Whether they are honest enough to admit it is another matter.

    I see no change coming down the pike. In fact given the impact Covid has had on the economy things will only get worse. You know the republicans will not raise taxes. But they will roll out the BS that cutting taxes further and stripping away more environmental and safety regs will result in the additional business activity will more than offset rax reductions... bla, bla, bla, and so on.

    Elect Biden and a Democratic senate. Perhaps we might see a tiny improvement in our fiscal realities.


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