Division In America Is At An All Time For Modern America --- Why Is That?

It is evident that America is politically and ideological divided today, so much so that only a totally naïve or terribly uneducated person could fail to notice. Highly likely millions of Americans, myself among them, have questioned where the greatest responsibility rests for the depth of division we have witnessed over the past 12 years. It is easy, and therefore tempting, to place all responsibility on one or the other political party. However, rarely does all responsibility rest with just one ideology or party. Rather responsibility is almost always shared. Which is to say responsibly is the result of a breakdown in our elected officials’ ability to put Americans first over party loyalty. A path that will eventually lead to a total and complete breakdown of our once effective democratic republic and its institutions.

America has always been a nation of fertile and diverse ideas and approaches to solving problems affecting us all. What sustained America through all its issues and problems was its ability to somehow find compromises that allowed the nation to move forward. For the past 12 years it has felt like we have been moving ever further away from the ability as well as the desire to arrive at solutions that keep us moving forward to a greater and more promising future.

The singularly most significant event exacerbating our differences IMO was the election of Barrack Obama to the presidency of this nation, Twice. Immediately after President Obama’s 2008 election win the GOP circled their wagons and pledged to make Barrack Obama a single term president. Why was that? It was glaringly evident to the bystander paying attention that that race had something, if not everything, to do with it. Remember the Birther Movement? The totally discredited and failed attempt to prove Obama was not born in Hawaii. America saw through the racism behind the false allegations. Fortunately. And we moved forward.

Donald J. Trump, now president of the nation was a birther. Remember the big surprise “his people had uncovered” proving President Obama was born in Kenya? Yeah, the one that never materialized. It did not materialize because conspiracy theories rarely do. DJT, the presidential candidate that coined the MAGA campaign slogan has been sowing division and belittling or demonizing anyone who dares oppose him, His GOP has stood solidly behind him regardless whether his positions, rhetoric or, actions where in the best interests of ALL our people or not.

DJT has, since his entry into politics, trafficked in conspiracy theories that have been largely driven by what this writer believes are his xenophobia. Many view Trump as a man supporting the political interests of white supremacists. If he is, in fact not supportive, and is in fact not prejudiced against people of color then he should check his divisive rhetoric. It confuses honest folks. As likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden announced his choice for his running mate today, Kamala Harris, Trump’s tweets will be telling. Frankly, nothing will surprise me. The bet? They will be anything but respectful. Or for that matter truthful. When the informed independently thinking person looks at Trump’s rhetoric and actions honestly, both past and present, it is next to, if not impossible to not recognize he is but a demagogue playing on the fears of uninformed (often willfully) people.

This post started by saying it is never just one side that bears all responsibility for a failure to govern responsibly and effectively. And I hold to that generally true statement. But the past almost 4 years it really has been the primary fault of DJT and the sycophants that support his every inappropriate statement and action.


  1. The US Postal Service has been on the job since 1792. Now, it is being turned into a tool of the
    Trumpublicans. So important that the Covid disaster is ignored while he focuses on his favorite
    topic - himself. Theoretical physicists ponder alternate universes. I ponder we may be
    slipping into one. Go figure...

    1. I think some, about 35% of USA population, have fully arrived and are completely commited to that alternative univers.


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