Republicans Wall Of Shame...

July 14, 2020 - The latest ad from The Lincoln Project, “Walk of Courage,” asks the question, who in this time in our country’s history is meeting the moment: individual Americans or Republican senators?

Facing spiking COVID-19 infection rates, mass unemployment, and the threat of violence, everyday citizens somehow find the courage to stand up to and fight for what’s right. Meanwhile, Republican Senators with a platform and the full force of the United States Constitution behind them, would rather scuttle away in shame from Donald Trump than risk a mean tweet from the president.

“These Republicans know that Trump is unfit for office. They know what he’s doing to this country is wrong. Yet they say nothing. Their continuing silence is disqualifying.” said Lincoln Project co-founder, Reed Galen.

These Senators have made their choice. They stood with Trump when they should have stood with America.

Soon, the people of this country will get to make their choice, too.

This is all that needs be said. Truly patriotic Americans, those who love their country and ALL its people understand. Those who do not already understand likely NEVER WILL. They are cons and republicans.


  1. Was that actually Lester that I saw floating in my toilet this morning????Time to flush.

    1. Sorry franco. That was simply a reflection of you in the toilet. Probably because you had to puke following another of your binges roger.

    2. Really Gallant? That's your response? What happened to this point of view, the one you posted at WYD to admonish Franco...

      "...I refuse to believe the very nature of blogging gives ANYONE a "special license" to act as childish, and contemptuous as they like.

      That is NEVER appropriate, and as a blog editor myself. systematically DELETE any and all comments I, personally find, nasty, rude, belligerent, contemptuous, unduly provocative, and stupid.

      If it is indeed NEVER as you stated, how do you explain your comment here? Maybe RN should just systematically delete you. BTW, what is your blog that also referenced? What's the link?

  2. RN, Gallant and others... anyone care to offer an opinion on Trump's rally/press conference yesterday from the White House Rose Garden? If the GOP case against Biden is that he has slipped a notch or two, what about Trump? The guy seemed off the rails.

    1. I watched maybe 20 minutes of tRump's disjointed, rambling, sometimes incoherent nonsensical and dishonest, melt down performance. I frankly have no idea how ANYONE with a 10th grade education or higher could tolerate subjecting themselves to his narcissism and mostly lying campaign speech. IMNHO tRump himself is the very best advertisement to NOT reelect him Nov. 3'rd 2020.

      I personally believe tRump is entering early stages of senility. I also believe tRump is suffering from mental illness and it has been a lifelong condition. I believe his niece, Mary Trump. EVERYTHING I have heard tRump spout and many of his actions actually lend credibility to her book.

      For America to survive it is imperative that tRump be SOUNDLY DEFEATED in a landslide loss. Anything less be prepared for his REFUSAL to relinquish power gracefully and with maturity . It won't happen.

    2. PS, Gallant Warrior is franco/FreeThinke/Roger. He uses bolded caps excessively and his phrasing, while he attempts to change it most often it is still franco's style.

  3. Biden is so out of it that he even can't read off a teleprompter without fucking up....He was way past "senior moments" five years ago.

    1. Anon... Biden may have slowed down, or what we are seeing is his life long speech impediment. In any event, if you think a man who rambles, loses his place in speeches, can't read a teleprompter and mispronounces words is a problem, what about Trump? He's no better.

    2. No BETTER Dave? NP BETTER? In fact tRump is MUCH worse. And, there exists AMPLE proof of this. One example follows.

  4. California to Release 18,000 Prisoners by End of August to ‘Slow the Spread of COVID-19’

    1. Anon... why shouldn't California do something like this? What's wrong with releasing ppl close to the end of their life? let their families take care of them It'll be way cheaper than having them in the prison system and if they pose no danger to anyone? I'm not aware of a lot of 80 year old killers out there. Most just want to die in peace.

      Many others are in jail for non violent crimes. Smoking crack, etc.

      There is little or no risk in releasing a good many of these folks.

    2. How well you identify YOURSELF Anonymous.

      Keep proving the immaturity and idiocy of the tRumpian cons.

    3. RN... What must be tough for what is quickly becoming the 30%'ers is watching their bully style, name calling, fact free, failure to pass an English class wreck of a political party go down the drain.

      What more can we expect when every sentence has to be populated by foul language.

    4. I Guess that Dave Miller never read the DISGUSTING thingd that RN days on other blogs

    5. Anon... I guess you've never read my response to that here and elsewhere numerous times. That fact is RN sometimes goes over the top. After people go after him. The question for you is why you, when commenting on my posts, which never feature that kind of language, feel a need to resort to and use the language of the gutter?

  5. @Anonymous - Opinions are opinions. Your's, lacking linkage is suspect automatically. Demagogues run deep in con land.

    Provide linkage or get deleted next time.

    1. Linkage to credible source to provide context and scope.


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