Rare Wisdom...


  1. Poor delusional left. They actually believe that everyone is going to vote an Alzheimer's patent into the White House. They actually believe that the average American wants riots, damaged memorials, burned out business and a bad economy.
    They actually believe that the average American wants to live in poverty.
    Then they wonder why I call them Hillary’s Brain Dead, Trailer Park, Ass Kissing Sheep!

    1. I am very sorry to infom you BUT, you FAR from a lady of reason.

      The glaringly ignorant anx FALSE assumptions you make is a dead give away.

      BTW, this post has NOTHING to do with politics. Another dead give away.

      Buh bye.

    2. Lady... who believes that? It's an interesting opinion, perhaps even a caricature, but you'll find zero data to back up your statements.

      Which is typical of the unhinged right. We saw it yesterday in President Trump's interview with Chris Wallace. After he spouted that Joe biden wants to defund the police, Wallace challenged him on the supposed document Biden signed with Sen Bernie Sanders. he said the document he waved around, backed him up. It dod not. FOX, not MSNBC, but FOX News published the document, gave the president time to prove his case before the broadcast and here's what showed...

      President Trump, and his opinion, like yours, had no basis in fact. It was, and remains just that... opinion.

      And in this case, again like yours, a wrong, uninformed opinion.

  2. The Juvenile In Chief announced he may not accept the results of the
    next election. His new cabinet department, the Department of Yes Men,
    led by the honorable Roger Stone, argues that if a Democrat votes,
    it is election fraud. 'Lady of Reason, (above) who thinks others sheep,
    is herself a GOP ewe: she (he, it) mentions Alzheimers in the comment.
    We learn today that the Emperor That Has No Clues, took the Alzheimers
    test, added 2+2, thought it was an advanced IQ test and once again
    pronounced himself a Stable Genius. People like Lady of Reason need to
    understand that attacking Trump's enemies (just about everybody) is far
    less effective that defending his ridiculous administration. Of course
    that is impossible....


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