A Trio Of Lincoln Project Ads Wit More Truths About the Inept and Corrupt tRump...

As we come upon our nation's Independence Day and its many Celebrations we are posting the prior three ad spots from The Lincoln Project. This group of real conservatives and republicans present the truth about DJT and the very real dangers that the inept, corrupt, and traitorous Trump presents our nation. Please take a moment to consider the importance of getting the message of truth out to the American people and if possible donate whatever you can afford to help save our nation from the ravages of DJT and his egregiously misguided and damaging policies and practices.

Click on the highlighted link in the preceding paragraph for more information on The Lincoln Project.

June 28, 2020 - Today, The Lincoln Project with the meaningful contribution of John Orloff, released their latest Ad, “Debt,” commemorating the legacy of the Greatest Generation, the patriots who heeded President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s call to protect Democracy, both domestically and abroad, and saved the world in World War II. The same generation President Donald Trump thinks is acceptable to sacrifice to COVID-19 in order to hastily re-open the economy.

“It is both disheartening and disturbing that the generation we owe for bravely taking up arms and conquering fascism is now at risk of being extinguished by the authoritarian residing in our own White House,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of The Lincoln Project. “There is absolutely no equivalency between American lives and our economy, especially those of the most hallowed generation of Americans ever, the patriots singularly responsible for our continued existence as a nation and a democracy.”

“Only a leader completely devoid of humanity and empathy would find it reasonable to sacrifice the lives of millions of citizens to assuage his own ego, nevermind those that sacrificed everything for our country in its greatest time of need. Americans have to question not just the judgment of Trump, but also his heart and faith, on a human level, for viewing his own citizens as expendable,” said Reed Galen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project.

Against the better judgment of the nation’s best scientists and medical experts, including Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, President Trump has repeatedly pushed to hastily reopen the country, with full knowledge of the likely effect on American lives, particularly those of America’s Greatest Generation. We owe this generation a debt that cannot be repaid. We must protect them from the President.


June 30, 2020 - The Lincoln Project’s latest video, “Betrayed,” released today, lays bare the thoughts of former U.S Navy Seal Dan Barkhuff and his feelings towards the President. Many current and former American service members feel betrayed by Donald J. Trump. Navy Seal Barkhuff is just one story.

We now know Trump received written briefings as early as 2019 outlining the conclusion that the Russian military had secretly offered and paid bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan. The Trump administration lied when they denied that President Trump had been briefed. Trump, through his cowardice, has put the U.S military and armed forces lives in danger.

“Donald Trump knew Russia was hunting our soldiers and the president did nothing about it,” said Jennifer Horn, co-founder of The Lincoln Project. “Patriotic Americans like Dan, who have honorably served to protect our freedoms, deserve a commander in chief they can trust. The president defiles their service.”

“As the mother of a Marine, I lived with the fear of receiving a knock on the door and hearing the news no mom ever wants to hear: my son could have been taken from me,” said Jennifer Horn co-founder of The Lincoln Project. She continued, “It enrages me to think of the parents who lost their child because of Trump’s complete dereliction of duty. He is a stain on their memories.”

Dan Barkhuff graduated from the United States Naval Academy in May of 2001. For seven years he served on active duty as a member of Naval Special Warfare and has completed multiple combat tours. Barkhuff attended Harvard Medical School after his active duty tour. He is now a faculty member and Emergency Medicine doctor at the University of Vermont.

Dan lays it out simply: “I’m a pro-life, gun-owning combat veteran, and I can see Trump for what he is. A coward. We need to send this draft dodger back to the golf course he came from. The lives of our troops depend on it.


July 1, 2020 - The Lincoln Project’s latest video, “Which Side of History,” released today, commends Mississippi for taking a historic step in lowering their state flag, the last to feature the Confederate emblem, and beginning the process of reconciling our country’s painful past, while lamenting President Trump for continuing to sow hate and division, this time tweeting out a video of alleged supporters in Florida yelling, “White Power!”

Reed Galen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project said, “This week, Mississippi chose the right side of history. Unfortunately, it’s not a choice our problematic President cares to make. It’s more important to Trump to peddle his deplorable racist agenda — stoking division, fear, and chaos — rather than to help our country heal.”

“If the last three and half years weren’t reason enough, Trump has succeeded in making it impossible for any true, patriotic Republican or Independent to support anyone but Joe Biden this November. The Lincoln Project endorses Biden, and is confident he will restore integrity and character to the office of the Presidency once again,” said Galen.



  1. RN... if only half of what we have heard about the bounties being paid for dead Americans is true, how do the Trump supporters escape that reality? Apart from one person I read saying this stuff happens "all the time" nothing to see here, I don't know.

    Does he really believe that US presidents allow other countries to pay bounties for dead Americans all the time? If so, how is it possible that this is the first time we've ever heard such a thing?

    Cut it any way you want, this is a debacle for Pres Trump.

    And that's before we get to his admin taking ownership stakes in US corporations as a condition for a government bailout. It seems like just yesterday we were hearing from FOX News and others that this type of action was stealing and evidence that Obama was a socialist...

    Fox Says Obama Bailout is Stealing

    It's Socialism and a war on Capitalism

    GOP candidate calls Obama a socialist for bailouts

    I hope the trolls enjoy the reading...

    1. That is if they can actually read, unlike Pres Trump who apparently never read the PDB that talked about Russia paying for dead America soldiers.

    2. The "Stable Genius" is effectively destabilizing outlr nation.

      I Dave am not as politely nuanced with my comments. I've zero respect for tRuml the human wrecking ball OR any of his cultists. None of them understand what it means to be a true patriotic American with love for our country and ALL of our fellow Americans.

      So, they can all go pound sand and be the morons that they truly are for all I care.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Then vote for Dotard donnie. The lyingest most corrupt and inept president this nation has ever suffered. His divisive nature and racist character is exactly what America does not need or want. Except for his cultists who are just as bad as he is if not worse. Anyone who has paid any attention and honestly evaluated his excessively dismal performance knows he is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

      But if you hate decency, hate diversity, hate empathy, hate honesty, hate science, hate liberty then by all means vote Dotard donnie. America'a anti American.


    Russia Has been Paying Taliban to Kill US Soldiers Since 2014 – During Obama Years

    1. Provide the link from a CREDIBLE source please.

  4. I really do feel sorry for you, Shaw Kenawe. It must be very hard to face having been such a hopeless NONENTITY who accomplished NOTHING of VALUE all your wretched, miserable life.

    Unending FAILURE has made you SMALL. It has made you BITTER. It has made you MEAN.

    What a poor excuse you are for a human bei

    1. It is glaringly obvious you are lacking in reading comprehension skills franco/FreeThinke/Roger. This is NOT Shaw's wrblog and she rarely, if ever comments here. Perhaps my lifelong ironclad honesty is a bit much for Shaw. But I will say this, Shaw outclasses you in every single metric of decency, honesty, integrity, intellectual capability, and all else that makes a person a decent respectable individual. That IS my educated observations over an extended time period.

      I know you think you're clever and oh so very bright. I'm here to tell you that your narcissim franco/FfeeThinke/Roger actually makes the exact opposite.

      Sorry to disappoint you dude but your opinions mean absolutely nothing to Shaw. I know for certain they mean nothing to me.

  5. "Lift Every Voice and Sing" is regarded by blacks and their more vocal advocates as THE NEGRO NATIONAL ANTHEM

    WIKIPEDIA calls it "a 1900 song written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson and set to music by his brother Rosamond Johnson"

    Here's a link to a performance:


    As a church orgnist I was called upon numerous times to play the accompaniment for black cingregations and in the churches I served.

    We were encouraged by many pastors to do this to show empathy for and solidarity with the Negro Community in places i served. in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic regions.

    FYI: I diDn't learn of the EXISTENCE Lift Every voice and Sing till the 1980's, since it had never been part of the musical tradition of the mainstream Churches I served for over forty years until The Church started to preach "The Social Gospel," in the late SICK-sties, and thus became politically active.

    Often in my experience sermons tended o b more and more about Race Reations, Social Problems, and America's (destructive) Role in World Affairs.

    Sadly, we heard less and less about Jesus as we were fed more and more pleftist political political AGITPROP too much of the time –– the kind of crap we get from poor Dave Miller all the time.

    1. franco/FreeThinke/Roger, it is sad as well obvious your understanding of Christ's (and his alleged father's) message to the world is so completely convoluted and WRONG.

      I strongly suggest you buy and listen to I AM THE WORD by Paul Selig. It comes in audio-book as well as print. I recommend the audio-book, although the printed text is good ax well.

      BTW, Dave Miller is more honest and more Christian tha you have ever been or likely ever will be.

      I truly feel sorry for you. Athougb I really don't know why I should.

    2. Well Gallant, I thank you. This is the first time any of my work has been cited as "art, theater or drame" the three essential ingredients for AGITPROP.

      And you know I'll be happy to talk about Jesus all day long and living like him. Let me know if you want to compare resumes. Choose to believe or not, that is an individuals choice. But as it relates to President Trump, who claims to believe in Jesus and be a Christian, I'm still waiting for anyone to show me how President Trump embodies the self sacrificial life that Jesus calls for in his Sermon on the Mount and the rest of the Gospel accounts.

  6. PS franco/FreeThinke/Roger, I am still waiting for that CREDIBLE link to the allegatiins you made in your 2'bd post.

    I'll keep waiting...

  7. Gallant Warrior = Franco/ Free Thinke


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