Words From the Grave... So Very Timely Today...
June 6, 2020- The Lincoln Project has grave concerns about the Trump Administration’s response to the Americans who today choose to exercise their First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and to petition our government in our nation’s capital.
These laws are the foundation of our Republic. And even while serving as the president of a divided nation, Abraham Lincoln held these principles above all others.
This makes Lincoln’s concerns so long ago relevant again today:“Before entering upon so grave a matter as the destruction of our national fabric…with all its benefits, its memories, and its hopes… would it not be wise to ascertain precisely why we do it?”
It is almost as if he were speaking from his grave to question our elected leaders today: “Will you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake?”
November 2020 is perhaps the most important election in a generation. Will we continue to accept the horrors perpetrated upon America by Donald J. Trump or will America listen to words from the past that are true? The choice is ours.
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