America's Demagogue and Narcissist in Chief...

“She hates the Republican Party,” Trump said of Pelosi, predicting that she would lose her speakership. “She hates all of the people who voted for me and the Republican Party. … She’s doing a tremendous disservice to the country.”

Is it supersizing that DJT speaks of those he disdains as hating him and HIS republican party? For the Dotard anything less than total fealty to him is simply unacceptable and, in his feeble mind, treasonous. He is decidedly a man who incapable of accepting any criticism or admonishment for his plenitude of irrational statements and actions.

Fact is DJT is, as always, projecting HIS hatred for Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democratic party. Trump is a narcissist incapable of recognizing his many character failings. He is unable to see himself the way 60% of Americans and a majority of the world see him.

He IS a very sick individual and ALL indications are he is steadily and rapidly deteriorating. A frightening reality. Especially since he has the nuclear launch codes and an evermore compliant group of sycophants standing behind him. 

It is Trump and  HIS party that is doing the disservice to our formerly Great Nation. 

Thanks for NOTHING Donald J. Trump.


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