The Final Farewell......
After 10 years on Blogger it is time to say goodbye. It’s been an interesting up and down run, one that has been both fun and frustrating. In fact with so many ill-informed and hyper partisan folks out there it has even been maddening from time to time. I know our American politics have always been somewhat lively and partisan, but, I honestly don’t recall any time in my adult life that they have been as divided and nasty as they are right now. Trump bears a GREAT deal of responsibility for the rapid deterioration of civil and rational discourse over the last 3 + years. When America elected its first bi-racial President division took on a new and more sinister face. I say this not because Barack Obama actively attempted to divide our nation, I say this because the white conservative/republican/Evangelical alliance against President Obama set about to insure his Presidency would fail. You may remember the republican leadership actually verbalizing their desire to see Obama fail. Wh...