Rational Nation USA is Winding Down to its April 4, 2019 Closure......

Rational Nation USA, a site devoted to truth and integrity is winding down. After 10 years it is time to accept that Americans, with their love of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, do not really want to discuss issues honestly and with sincerity. They much prefer to gather in chat rooms (weblogs) with folks that share their same narrow views. This is especially true of rightwing conservative Trumper sites. For this reason the proprietor of the Rational Nation USA weblog is shutting down operations on April 4, 2019. Until April 4, 2019, the site will occasional post issues of interest. On April 4, 2019 the site will post its final closing remarks on Blogger.

Following are todays posts that may or may not be considered of interest. Depending on your partisan pollical leanings. Articles will have a lead in "teaser" but no opinions by the site proprietor will be made. Feel free to leave a comment, although there is no guarantee any comment will be responded to by the blog proprietor. In today's glaring political animosity and incivility it just ain't worth the effort.

Don’t Abolish Billionaires

Billionaires are in notably bad odor with many people on the left. Socialists have long held that large stores of private wealth are tantamount to violence against those in need. But regular nonradical folks not on the left are fed up, too. Howard Schultz’s potential independent White House bid is simply infuriating, and it’s maddening to feel helplessly tangled in the gilded web of global intrigue emanating from the president, his plutocrat dictator pals and America’s retail overlord, the philandering Jeff Bezos.

Thanks at least in part to Bernie Sanders and the sizzling rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this dry wick has met a spark. Enthusiasm for radical leveling is whistling out of the hard-left fringe and blossoming into a mainstream mood.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s policy adviser, Dan Riffle, contends that “every billionaire is a policy failure” (that’s the tagline on his Twitter handle) because “the acquisition of that much wealth has bad consequences” and “a moral society needs guardrails against it.” He’d like to see the 2020 Democratic primary contenders answer a question: Can it be morally appropriate for anyone to be a billionaire?

It’s a compelling litmus test. I’d also like to watch would-be Democratic nominees take it. However, I hope that they would stick up for the idea that it can be morally kosher to bank a billion and that the existence of virtuous three-comma fortunes is a sign not of failure but of supreme policy success.

The empirical record is quite clear about the general form of national political economy that produces the happiest, healthiest, wealthiest, freest and longest lives. There’s no pithy name for it, so we’ll have to settle for “liberal-democratic welfare-state capitalism.” There’s a “social democratic” version, which is what you get in countries like Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. And there’s a “neoliberal” (usually English-speaking) version, which is what you get in countries like Canada, New Zealand and the United States.

You may prefer one version over the other, but they’re not all that different. And in comparative terms, they’re all insanely great. The typical citizen of these countries is as well-off as human beings have ever been. These places are the historical pinnacle of policy success.

Trump demanded top-secret security clearance for Jared Kushner last year despite concerns of John Kelly and intelligence officials

President Trump early last year directed his then-chief of staff, John F. Kelly, to give presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner a top-secret security clearance — a move that made Kelly so uncomfortable that he documented the request in writing, according to current and former administration officials.

After Kushner, a senior White House adviser, and his wife, Ivanka Trump, pressured the president to grant Kushner the long-delayed clearance, Trump instructed Kelly to fix the problem, according to a person familiar with Kelly’s account, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.

Kelly told colleagues that the decision to give Kushner top-secret clearance was not supported by career intelligence officials, and he memorialized Trump’s request in an internal memo, according to two people familiar with the memo and the then-chief of staff’s concerns.

It is unclear how Kelly responded to Trump’s directive. But by May, Kushner had been granted a permanent security clearance to view top-secret material — a move that followed months of concern inside the White House about his inability to secure such access.

Kushner’s attorney publicly described the process as one that had gone through normal channels, a description that Kelly did not view as accurate, according to a person familiar with his reaction.

The former chief of staff, who left the administration at the beginning of this year, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump’s push to get Kushner clearance — and the chief of staff’s concerns about it — was first reported by the New York Times, which also reported that then-White House Counsel Donald McGahn had concerns about Kushner’s clearance.

House Judiciary chair: "It's very clear" Trump obstructed justice

House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), whose committee would be responsible for starting impeachment proceedings, told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that "it's very clear" President Trump obstructed justice.

Near the end of Michael Cohen's testimony yesterday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked the former fixer whether President Trump had ever run an insurance fraud. Cohen said yes, naming three Trump Organization executives: Allen Weisselberg, Ron Lieberman and Matthew Calamari.

Why it matters: Cohen offered no proof for this allegation — and given his record of lying, his claims can't be believed without evidence. But by making this allegation — and coughing up the names of the executives — Cohen gave House investigators and federal prosecutors yet another trail to chase.


  1. Farewell Les. It’s been fun, but times are in deed changing.

    1. Yes Jerry, they are. As for me, well, it's time to forget the BS the GOP and tRump has unleashed on America and the world at large and get on with getting older (and wiser) with the misses. We have must to do and just a short time to do it!

      Be well my friend. take care and maybe one day we'll run into each other on the web again.

  2. Sorry to hear about your leaving the blogosphere. One less rational site, but I understand. Regarding wealth and its distribution, the haves and the have-nots, the ivory tower and the assembly line: the reasons are complex and the situation is a constant in civilized history. It has been the US's genius to avoid the tipping point (see, for example
    'Socialism, why it can't happen here' a book from the fifties. If there is a way up, if too many aren't living under the local bridges, if you can afford health insurance etc & etc, you are satisfied (if not overly happy). Growing up in the Eisenhower post WWII years, that type of balance was promising. When gov't control is in the hands of the powerful and wealthy, we see huge tax benefits for them: we see the decline of the pension, the rise of the corner instant check cash
    place with its 400% interest and robotics replacing many. Wealth moves up, accumulates-it will not voluntarily Trickle
    Down. The shift is interesting and causes much concern (Even Churchill after WWI decided to put off problems by introducing a form of social security) so it is natural to confront it. IMO, the question is what and where is the tipping point? I recall Will Durant's 'The Lessons of History':
    “In progressive societies the concentration[of wealth] may reach a point where the strength of number in the many poor rivals the strength of ability in the few rich; then the unstable equilibrium generates a critical situation, which history has diversely met by legislation redistributing wealth or by revolution distributing poverty.”
    ...and ponder whether legislation and revolution are, as they typically were throughout history, the only choices.
    My Top Secret Clearance back in the day was not ordered by my father-in-law so....don't call me Jared! :)

    1. Hi BB Idaho glad you stopped by. If I actually still thought anyone was capable of making a difference by blogging I'd stick around. But the reality is either you're in an echo chamber where everyone basically agrees (boring if it's all one does IMO), or, if you venture into sites with folks who have opposing views all they generally do is belittle the position they differ with and often the person as well. Enough of that.

      Your assessment of "class warfare" and the drivers of it is spot on BB Idaho. I am not a proponent of full blown socialism and the redistribution of my hard earned money. Nor am I a proponent of rampant unregulated capitalism. Neither is right for a productive society and its hard working people.

      Hopefully someday the human race will figure it out. We won't be around but maybe one day someone will.

  3. Sorry to read this. I hope you'll reconsider. Your voice as a thinking, rational conservative is needed.

    1. Not Really Shaw. Rational and fiscally responsible conservatism has fallen by the wayside in the era of Keynesian driven GOP shenanigans. Given my libertarian social leanings with regard to liberty, religious and otherwise, makes me an outcast in most GOP or conservative circles. Besides, as I told BB Idaho above, life to short to spend much more time even thinking about the shit we can't change anyway. At 67 I'm going to spend the rest of my time on this planet having fun with my 72 years young better half. Others can fight the fight. I just watch the ship sink a bit lower as tRump does his best to estroy or republic. With the help of the GOP of course.

      Gotta run. Time to start getting ready to take the misses out for dinner!

  4. 1. Yes, abolish billionaires.

    2. Indict the traitor Kushner.

    3. Of course. He admitted it to Lester Holt.

    4. Re RNUSA shutting down... will you continue to comment on other blogs?

    1. I may continue to comment occasionally on my favorite liberal weblogs and I likely will continue to be a thorn in the side of idiots like FreeThinke, aka Franco.

  5. RN... sad to hear, but I get it. You'll be missed.

    Please, please, please... go to my wordpress site, get my email and contact me so we can stay in touch.

    Blessings to you amigo.


    1. Will do Dave, If I can find your WordPress site.

  6. So? Are you going to do some chat room stuff? I'm sure we'll be at odds with each other on Lisa's site or maybe a site that I help moderate.

    1. Scenario 1 - Possibly. Senario 2 - Not at all likely.

    2. Do you know what site Mystere helps moderate? You think he is referring to one of his many blogs where he claims he has "team members" but the team members are all his sockpuppets?

    3. No I do not. Other than his multiple weblogs that he and his sock puppets plaster their garbage. Checked them all out once, never went back. Talk about stinkholes/sh*tbuckets.

  7. Sorry to hear this, Les. I assume you will keep the site up? I will check back from time to time. And food to see you Shaw, Dave, Hon. Sanders, BB, Jerry, and Shaw. where is the Jersey guy, by the way?

    1. Hi dmarks! Yes, the site will remain up. However, I will not be posting on RN USA after my final post goes up next week. There are simply far better and more productive things for me to be doing with my time. Blogging has simply grown by far too BORING. Also, given today's political polarization and the misinformation and general BS overload on many con sites it's not worth the aggravation any longer. My Wordpress site will remain up and any posting I decide to do after 04/4/2019 will be published there.

      Jersey passed away some time ago. He had cancer that metastasized and he went pretty quickly. I still miss Jersey. He was a great guy.

  8. It is April 4. Is there going to be a final post?


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RN USA no longer accepts comments. The information presented is for reflection, contemplation, and for those seeking greater understanding and wisdom. It is for seekers and those with an open mind and heart.


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