Trump Thumped......

A federal judge ruled in favor of CNN on Friday, allowing the network’s star reporter Jim Acosta to temporarily regain access to his White House press credential.

"I will grant the application for the temporary restraining order I order the government reinstate the pass," U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly ruled from Washington.


The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“I want to thank all of my colleagues in the press who supported us this week and I want to thank the judge for the decision he made today. Let’s go back to work,” Acosta said outside the U.S. District Court.

tRump got thumped for now. Because freedom of the press is a bedrock value of our democratic republic we're sure tRump will lose entirely at the end of the day. As the would be tyrant should.



  1. Not so much Trump being thumped as it is Trump being shown that the rule of law trumps his dictator tendencies. His supporters were fine with this big of authoritarianism. Imagine if President Obama had done that to a FAUX NOOZ "journalist." This is just more evidence that the current GOP is not about policy and ideas to improve America, it's about revenge, rage, and fascism.

  2. Replies
    1. He had the BRAINS not to.

      There, fixed it for ya.

    2. Great reply, RN, to not so Super Man!

  3. While posters on the Demokratik Underground Message Board are of no doubt the fringe far left, the Demokrat Party listens to them and other lunatic leftist sites. The loons have a say in our country and cry they are oppressed, when by their own words they wish to oppress others. And jut take a look at some of the blogs by the Demokrats that post right here on this blog. These blogs are FULL of hatred posts and pictures of republicans, ah, but that’s fine, just don’t do the same to them because if you do then YOU are the loony tune, then YOU are the “troll”
    This is the state of our country today after the well-planned and orchestrated Dictatorial Socialist Demokratik Politburo seizure of the country by demonizing and targeting Republicans with such hate filled rhetoric since they lost power in 1994. Spineless Republicans sat back and made excuses and even joined in at times, trying to out liberal these liberals instead of standing up for America.
    This is what we have come to. We (the conservatives) have bent over backwards so much and so often to gain the approval of these loons that we now feel guilty when they complain about it. But it’s the so-called “tolerant left” and the “compassionate left” that are the most intolerant of all people today and must be exposed and opposed every step of the way. So don’t fall into their trap. They don’t have any love for us. Although they may post these love notes to you, they still stab you in the back on their own blogs. Look at them, read them, if you don’t believe me.

  4. Lots of Democrats, in the media, on social media, and lots of other places have been saying just wait till 2020. Kind of like in major league baseball, the old saying used to be "wait till next year", after a team lost the world series.

    Well, the Democrats can huff and puff, and produce all kinds of Porn Stars, Tax Records, “Collusion” theories all they want about Trump's approval rate, or any of his various so called “scandals” or whatever.. But the bottom line for Democrats in the next presidential election, it’s a big problem for them. That is that THEY DON'T HAVE A CANDIDATE.

    To remind you of just a sampling of who may be in the running to become the Democratic nominee, they have quite a lot to choose from, lets see now, there’s Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, . Cory “Spartacus” Booker, Kamala Harris Mayor Michael Bloomberg and lets not forget Hillary Clinton!.Ot maybe Crazy Eyes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!
    What about Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner? He's got plenty of time to think up a good strategy for a campaign.
    Most Democrats said that they would prefer Uncle Joe Biden would be their preferred nominee. Old Bernie Sanders, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2016, who came in second Other candidates attracted even less support, with Kookie Cory Booker coming in last at a mare 3%.

    I personally would love to see the two new democrat superstars, Alexandra ocasio-cortez and her running mate Corey Booker run as a team . That could make for an very interesting, and fun election night. I'd bet that Florida is already filling out ballots for that one

    So, lets see now, the Senile, Perverted, Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is too old. Hillary is too UN likeable, Corry Booke has already made a fool out of himself, and is disqualified form life, when he admitted abusing women. There’s always that Angry Moochelle Obama who can get Oprah on her Bandwagon, but she hates America too much. Tin Lizzy Warren has also killed any chances that she MAY have had with that ridicules DNA test. Kamala Harris seems to be even angrier that Moochie if that’s at all possible.
    Besides Joe Biden is in his mid-70's, and so is Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton. So it’s time for a new generation to take over. That’s why I recommend Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she’s very young and she always seems to come up with New Ideas!
    Or a Kamala Harris, Spartacus Booker ticket!

    In a new poll, which surveyed 680 Registered voters who identified themselves as either Democrats or Independents, found that "none of the above" was the most popular choice among potential 2020 challengers to President Trump.

    And in a wide contrast to an approximately 90% approval rate from Republicans for President Trump, in any Republican primary, with Republicans sitting on the sidelines watching the Democrats beating each other to pulps in primary debates, while taking notes. That is, if the Democrats come up with anybody to actually run in those primaries. It should produce lots of fun and laughs

  5. I assume the escapees from the asylum fell better. Now that you have had your imbecilic say you must feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That's nice. You both have a nice tRumpian weekend ya hear?

  6. To tell the truth! Yes I feel MUCH better. I hope that you and your Idol Shaw feel equally as good.

    1. I idolize NO ONE. It is clear to the discerning reader however that YOU DO. An obvious tRump cultist you idolize your cult leader, the GREAT ORANGE TURD.

      Now hurry back to WYD or any other wingnut righty tighty weblog where you will no doubt receive high 5's for your babbling idiocy.

    2. RN, Not So Super "Man" and his ilk get their large keisters burned because you, I, and other of your commenters actually engage in rational discussions instead of the claptrap they treat as political talk. Those dregs of the current GOP are always unhappy unless people are at each other's throats.

      We must hammer home the fact that this past election was THE WORST LOSS FOR TRUMP AND WHAT'S LEFT OF THE GOP since the Nixon years. FACT.

      Everything else they drop here is b.s.

    3. Since tRump became predisent the GOP (and tRump's supporters) have become the biggest purveyors of bulls*it this nation has seen in the past 50 years. Nixon was a piker compared to The Orange Turd.

  7. Can You Imagine
    Stacey Adams &
    Oprah Winfrey In An
    All You Can Eat Contest?

    1. You obviously do.

      Interesting how folks on the right spend their time making pointless irrelevant comments.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Further irrelevant, OT, and pointless comments WILL be deleted immediately upon detection.

    You goons do not even make the effort to address the tpopic, I always do UNTIL goons like you start your BS.

    BUH BYE!!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem.

  12. Not so fast RN... while Trump lost Round 1, the battle continues. He has said he's up for the next round after the 12 day injunction is lifted.

    Look, reporters need access. But I believe with that access comes a responsibility. To treat people with respect, even if you are treated with disrespect. It just is. Look, many reporters are supporting Acosta, but if you dig deeper, you find many are disgusted with his constant grandstanding. Acosta too is part of the problem.

    BTW... many of the conservative bloggers are missing the fact that the judge who issued the ruling is a Trump appointee.

  13. I do not disagree with you on principle Dave. Having said that, sometimes the only way to fight fire is with return fire. With tRump in office and the irrational rightwing crazies always on attack with their BS "the press is the enemy of the people" lie I admire Acosta for taking it to those who DESERVE it. My attitude, thanks to tRump and HIS cultists is, Give Em He'll and So Much More.

    Even tRump's appointment knows he's a squirrely jackass apparently.

  14. I get that RN... and I don't begrudge Trump for disagreeing on principle, but there is a way to disagree agreeably. Attack the policy, not the man, or woman. In the end, those who take the high ground will win out.

    At least, that's my hope.

    1. Mine too Dave. However, I'm starting to think that may be just a tad naive at this point.

  15. Dave wrote: "Attack the policy, not the man, or woman. In the end, those who take the high ground will win out."

    A noble principle, Dave, but the GOP has dropped all pretense of embracing it. Trump childishly and viciously attacked everyone who challenged him during the campaign. He continued doing so after he was elected. Taking the high road never works with Trump because he's too far down in the filth of the gutter to see when someone is up there acting like a rational, decent person. Trump is not reachable with politesse or any kind of decency. Sometimes, as RN states, one has to fight fire with fire.

    People have tried dealing with trump as though he were a rational, decent human. He's neither. Polite behavior and reasoning is way over his head and he doesn't care for any of it. Acosta is fulfilling a purpose: constantly showing America what an egregious buffoon it put in such a position of power. We must never forget or let trump get away with his lies and treachery.

  16. My son who works for Westfield University and is one of their top fund raisers has a client who knows tRump personally and has had dealings with him on occasion. He told my son that... Trump is a terrible person. One who would sell his mother if he thought he could make money.

    tRump is NOT your normal politician and he certainly is not respectful of others. Especially those who disagree with him Dave. Therefore it is very understandable why so many have little or no respect for him. The presidency aside.

  17. Shaw & RN... the question for me is whether we want to sell our soul to win the battle. I'm not so sure that's a good place to be. Even if the opposition is horrible. I know desperate times call for desperate measures, but I'm just not sure becoming gutterlike in response is really what America wants or needs.

    If democracy is hanging by a thread, I don't want to shred that thread by being like minded. Because then while we might win, it would be a hollow victory. Remember, the scorpion who killed the frog also dies in the end.

  18. Dave, I understand. But being somewhat of a thorn in Trump's side and acting out isn't the same sort of behavior that Trump has engaged in since he was a candidate. Acosta's grandstanding and occasional pushing back at Trump at pressers isn't the same as mocking a POW or a Gold Star family. It isn't the same as misogynistic insults at any woman who challenges Trump, it isn't the same as insulting our allies and embracing tyrants, it isn't the same as any other outrageous behavior -- calling a member of Congress "schitt," or "lyin' Ted, or "low IQ" Maxine, or fellow candidate for the presidency "Crooked Hillary." Pushing the envelope in asking Trump questions at his pressers, IMO, doesn't come close to Trump's miserable behavior toward anyone who dares to disagree or call him on his miserable behavior.

    Look, this is an extreme comparison, I know, but when we go to war we don't play nice with the enemy, we give as good as we get, because that's how one deals with Evil (and it is my opinion that Trump is evil.)

    President Obama was a decent family man and a measured, knowledgeable, rational and civil politician. Look where it got him.

    The GOP adores and supports EVERYTHING Trump does. We won't get them to see how destructive Trump is in his constant attacks on the Constitution and basic human decency by rolling over and playing nice. As I said, look where it got Mr. Obama, and remember how Mitch McConnell reacted to our last decent, "let's play nice" president.

  19. Damn folks, just think, you only have six more years of Trump. Those six will go by in a wink

  20. Rusty... I tend to believe, and history supports this, that it's incredibly hard to unseat an incumbent. I'm on record as saying I think trump wins another term, but how he handles the Dem house the next couple of years will be telling.

    I think LBJ should've been able to win another term, but look what happened in 1968. Who knows, perhaps Trump will be like that. Also, let's not forget Mitch McConnell's ability to really piss off America and make it tough for Trump.

    Gonna be interesting...

  21. Dave, Jimmy Carter and George HW Bush. They were more competent and are better liked than the clown who's POTUS now. Trump is bearly coherent and is ignorant about government policy and the Constitution. He hasn't come through with his big promises -- The Wall? "LOCK HER UP!" So much winning! And he's still putting babies and children in cages. The American people know that sending the military to the border was nothing more than a cheap political stunt -- emblematic of his presidency so far.

    The recent mid-terms were a gigantic rebuke to Trump and the GOP. Also, Trump hasn't been able to break 50% approval, and recently he was at a meager 38% approval by the American people. The Democrats put in play states that would never have been considered playable -- Georgia? Florida? Mississippi? Alabama? Those red states have all seen challenges by Democrats that were extremely close, Alabama sent a Democrat to the Senate over a Republican. Reagan Country -- Drange County California turned BLUE! I never thought I'd see that in my lifetime -- my daughter lives in Orange County, so I have an interest there. The Democrats won tremendous amounts of state legislature seats and governorships.

    Trump attacked a military hero -- AGAIN! He chose not to visit the American cemeteriy in France and blew off Arlington Cemetery on Vetran's Day. He's made himself the laughing stock of the world with his idiotic comments on the California fires -- raking leaves? Getting the name of the devastated city Paradise wrong while surveying the unimaginable wreckage. Now his daughter has been exposed for using unsecured emails. Shall I continue?

    I'm not sure I understand why you believe Trump can win again in 2020 when the last election showed that the electorate rejects him and all he stands for.

    Plus, we don't know what Robert Mueller has on him and his corrupt family.

    I wouldn't wear the cloak of gloom just yet.

    PS> Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  22. Trump’s Border Stunt Is a Profound Betrayal of Our Military
    The president used America’s military not against any real threat but as toy soldiers, with the intent of manipulating a domestic midterm election.

    The president used America’s military forces not against any real threat but as toy soldiers, with the intent of manipulating a domestic midterm election outcome, an unprecedented use of the military by a sitting president.

    The public debate focused on secondary issues. Is there truly a threat to American security from an unarmed group of tired refugees and asylum seekers on foot and a thousand miles from the border? Even the Army’s internal assessment did not find this a very credible threat.

  23. The American people, with the exception of tRump cultists, have tired of The Giant Orange Turd in OUR White House. His lack of character, integrity, and basic decency will result in his continued slide in approval ratings. He may be reelected as Rusty likes to hold out regularly. But, history will be the ultimate judge judge and it likely will NOT be kind to him and his corrupt administration.

  24. For your consideration:

    How can we be so certain that Trump’s political days are numbered? First, now we can see more clearly that the blue tide kept rising as many of the closest races, especially for the House, flipped to the Democrats as the final votes were counted. Democrats are now set to gain nearly 40 seats in the House — their biggest gain in decades.

    Second, we have the smart analysis this past weekend from Democratic pollster Stanley B. Greenberg that the shift away from Trump in 2018 was more profound than many initially believed. In fact, Greenberg makes a strong case that the election was “transformative” with Trump losing support, not only with suburban, college-educated women, but all women. And Democrats gained ground in other areas, too, including working-class men and in rural areas.

    The likelihood that Democrats will maintain these gains though the 2020 election is very promising. Unlike many incumbent presidents who have retooled their approach in the face of stinging midterm rebukes, Trump has signaled he’s sticking with his risky behavior. The attack tweets, the latest puerile joke about a congressman’s name and indefensible behaviors, such as believing a foreign power instead of the CIA about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, will continue.

    Trump will not pass from our politics suddenly from a single dramatic cause, but rather from the accumulation of self-inflicted wounds. It has taken much longer and done more damage than many hoped, but the end of Trump is finally in sight.

    The rest is HERE.

  25. Alright guys... Shaw has put a lot of stuff on the table...

    As for Trump and his reelection, unseating a person in the WH is very difficult. It's going to take a herculean effort to make that happen, especially is the economy continues to hum, as we all hope it does. Now, if the Dems do win, there will be no doubt whatsoever... America will have rejected Trumpism, the current GOP, their policies and their vision of "making America great again" in the mold of the 50's and 60's.

    That's probably what we need. Total rejection to break the fever.

    As for the House gain, ala the years after Watergate, let's remember that Carter won a very close race against Ford and might not have pulled that off without Ford's translation gaffe in Poland. Remember too that Carter carried the south.

    As for Trump's border stunt, the troops are leaving before the "caravan" really gets there. There was no surge to 10000 troops, nothing. Despite all of Jim Mattis' words, it was in fact a stunt.

    More troubling to me are the recent stories coming out Trump. He's afraid to go to Iraq and Afghanistan. People are dying there. He went to Dover AFB once to welcome home soldiers bodies and was so shook, he said he'd never do that again. He skipped laying a wreath at Arlington because he had 4 calls on his calendar. He skipped honoring America's war dead in France. He refuses to listen to the tape of MBS' work in Turkey because it's a "suffering tape."

    He criticizes an admired Admiral and in effect devalues every seal and CIA officer who worked to get Osama bin Laden.

    And now stories are out that the Sec State has sent talking points to Saudi Arabia showing them how to deflect and talk about the killing to get away from blame.

    There really is no way to explain this president. I hope he runs and loses in 2020. Cause it'll be yuuuuuge!

  26. The Dow may drop another 2,000 points before the stock market selling is done: CNBC CFO survey

    The Dow will drop to 23,000 before it ever reaches above 27,000 again, according to just over half of CFOs on the CNBC Global CFO Council in a recent survey.

    That would represent an 8 percent decline in the Dow from its current level.

    The trade war with China is the No. 1 concern among CFOs in the fourth quarter.


    We'll have to watch and wait to see how this will all shake out. Many have predicted a Trump bust in the economy when his bubble bursts.I know the market is volitile and it always rebounds to a new high... sooner or later. Frankly, Character matters. Integrity matters. Truth matters. Knowledge matters. Wisdom waters. So, if the econopmy is going to go bust I do hope it happens under tRump if that would insure our jackas* president getting booted in 2020. Why do I hold those views? Because he has NONE of the above memtioned qualities. He is evil and a disgrace to our nation. If the economy has to be a casualty of tRump going south then I for one am fine with it. Character, Integrity, Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom matters. Let tRump pay for lacking in ALL OF THEM

    1. Of course I would prefer the economy to keep percolating, unemployment to remain below 4%, the DOW to rebound and climb, etc, etc, etc. However, it is my unshakable view that given all we know (and have seen) about tRump it is possible, even probable, that 6 more years of tRump would be devastating form our country and its diverse population. I for one am willing to work through the pain of an economic downturn if it means getting rid of the basta*d in the White House.

  27. Nate Silver of Five Thirty-Eight:

    Trump’s Base Isn’t Enough

    There shouldn’t be much question about whether 2018 was a wave election. Of course it was a wave….

    This year’s results do serve as a warning to Trump in one important sense, however: His base alone will not be enough to win a second term. Throughout the stretch run of the 2018 midterm campaign, Trump and Republicans highlighted highly charged partisan issues, from the Central American migrant caravan to Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. And Republican voters did indeed turn out in very high numbers: GOP candidates for the House received more than 50 million votes, more than the roughly 45 million they got in 2010.

    But it wasn’t enough, or even close to enough. Problem No. 1 is that Republicans lost among swing voters: Independent voters went for Democrats by a 12-point margin, and voters who voted for a third-party candidate in 2016 went to Democrats by 13 points.

    Trump and Republicans also have Problem No. 2, however: Their base is smaller than the Democratic one.

  28. Nice of you to wish Bad things to our Country and YOUR fellow Americans...


  29. Oh, dear! Hit a nerve, did we, NOT The real D.M.? SAD!

    PS.Use the turkey's wishbone to wish for a functioning brain.

    You're welcome.

  30. Shaw... The Unbelievable Real Dave, or TURD for short is of course but a sock puppet. How do we know? He has no profile, no verifiable web presence, uses a stolen picture for his or her ID and generally puppets various rightwing extremist talking points. And that's before you even begin to dissect the comment he/she left.

    I've reread the comments here. No one here wishes any ill will or bad things for America. Certainly us "libs" have different ideas on how to solve our problems than the extremists do, but that does make us "ANTI-AMERICAN" or wishing "bad things to our country."

    At most, RN said he would work through an economic downturn, which many economists are predicting in 2020 as a result of Trumps policies, to be rid of DJT. However, for someone to interpret that as rooting/hoping for economic hardship is a real stretch. It is using the interpretative skills we've come to expect from the extreme rightwing and their various sock puppets.

  31. BTW... to RN, Shaw, BB, Ducky and the rest of the club whom I've not specifically named... have a great Thanksgiving.

    Also Shaw... check your email.

  32. Given the response from the deluded tRumper TRDM perhaps I should have simply said... I couldn't care less if tRump dropped dead of a massive heart attack tomorrow.

    I firmly believe that tRump will reap that which he has sown. Or put another way... What goes around comes around.

    There appears to be no bottom to the cesspool tRump and his trumpanzee cultists wallow in.

  33. Sorry TRDM sock puppet. We do not suffer idiots like you gladly. Deletion will be the default action to comments you post.

  34. RN... we can always go to other sites and read TURDs same comments there. He's a serial cut and paster.

    1. Which is why I delete them. There is no shortage of weblogs (conservative and libertarian) that TRDM is welcomed with open arms. This site however has higher standards.


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