America' s Deteriorating Global Status...

If America's deteriorating global image is considered to be making America great then president tRump is surely MAGA.
Seven in 10 people around the world have no confidence in Trump, and America’s global image may be suffering as a result, a new survey finds.
The 25-nation study, conducted by Pew Research Center, found that views of America are continuing to deteriorate after taking a major hit when Trump took office.
Overall, 43 percent of those surveyed said they have an unfavorable view of the U.S., while 50 percent have a favorable view.
Those ratings are far lower than at any point during President Obama’s eight years in office, according to Pew.
America’s international image is particularly low among some of our closest allies, with just 30 percent of Germans, 38 percent of French, and 39 percent of Canadians expressing a favorable view of the U.S.
In all three examples, ratings of the U.S. are worse than they were a year ago.


  1. There's no surprise here. Trump insults our allies and praises international thugs and murderers. That doesn't go unnoticed. Trump is an historically disliked POTUS here in his own country, having never been able to break 50% approval, even during his "honeymoon" post-election period, and it's all been downhill since. Internationally, he seen as a dumbass clown. He's done more to embarrass and diminish this country than any other president has in my lifetime.

  2. Look, Trump is a bad person. Even if you like his policies, it's hard to say you want to see the life qualities we see in him in your children or grandchildren.

    For me, if we've got a Congress that can be a check on him and his Admin, which tends towards, at least, unethical behavior, then we'll be alright. Trump is Trump. He is what he is. It's the clown car riders, the congressional GOP who are the real culprits here. Unable, or unwilling to reign in his more childish impulses, they encourage his worst impulses.

    They/re the one that really need to go.

  3. Agreed Dave. The GOP is as responsible for tRump's unethical behavior as tRump is. Ultimately the rank and file goopers and naive dems are responsible.


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