There Was a Time When Republicans Had Something To Offer...


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And Now

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Can the Republican party regain the respect it once had?

If so, how? If not, why not?

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  1. Republicans cannot regain the respect they did have because the rational republicans of the 50s would now be moderate democrats.

    1. Good point Jerry. Perhaps you are right. Which is a real shame because America really needs at least 2,and ideally 3, viable parties with differing views and ideas if we are to remain the republic our founders gave us IMO.

    2. It is very unlikely that we will ever have 3 viable (equally strong) parties under our form of government.

    3. America really needs to do some hard work and start thinking outside the box. IMO.

      Having said that, from the beginning the USA was programmed for 2 parties. As I like to say, that was then, this is now. Some change is good and changing our political/electoral system would be a good change.

  2. There Was ALSO a Time When Democrats Had Something To Offer. But with the bunch of blundering Idiots in that party now, That's a whole different story.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Yes, there was a time when democrats fielded better candidates and were more effective than today. I'll grant you that much. However, democrats have not devolved into the mediocrity, hypocrisy, and authoritarian mindset that tRump and the republicans have. I value personal freedom, religious as well as otherwise. Something tRump and republicans care less about than they ought to IMO.

  3. Let’s hear it again From all you Democratics, you Liberals, and, or Progressives, come on. RN, Shaw, the Mexican Preacher, come on Creature Man, and the rest of you Losers tell me again about your fun Obamacare, you already know that you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

    The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.
    So come on and tell us about the Unacorn you saw in your dreams last night!
    Your full of crap and you know it.

    1. Mirror on the wall, whose the guiltiest of them all?

      Why the republican hypocrites of course replied the mirror.

      I left your rather fact free and somewhat ignorant comment (and your deflection) stand. Only for anyone who has actual data the opportunity to offer it in support of your grunting.

      Further comments from you, if they are in the same vein as the current WILL be summarily deleted.


  4. Mirror on the wall, whose the guiltiest of them all?
    Why the republican hypocrites of course replied the mirror.”

    You’ll NEVER be able to replace FT , that’s for certain.

    1. Not attempting to. We each have our place, mission, and justification for what we do.

      Now, either adress the topic or get the h*ll out.

  5. Hey Voice... here's Freethinke's response to your off topic rant at AOW...

    Let me explain it to you.

    You were off topic, as you are here, your grammar was terrible, and your spelling worse. He deleted your comment at his blog, as Les did here, but couldn't do that over at AOW, so he settled on simply mocking you...

    Maybe you should follow his advice.

    LOOSER even than the morals of Stormy Daniels?


  6. Now back to the topic...

    Les, I've wondered often the last few years if politics has gotten so ugly that people that could rise to a level of "Great Statesman" will not consider running? We've done a good job, albeit with help from the participants, of publicly devaluing political service as a noble cause.

    It isn't that I can't see Ike running as a GOP man, I can't see a man like him choosing to run at all. Why would someone subject himself to the outcry from both sides that he's only running to better his wallet, or destroy America as "we know it"?

    In that, while I believe we can look to Newt and his style of politics as when things reached critical mass, Frank is correct. Both sides are lacking.

  7. Your point is well made Dave. Frankly I can't understand why anyone (man or woman) of principle, integrity, decency, and honor would want to run for public office at the national level. Personally I think one has to be just a bit crazy to subject themselves to the scrutiny. Either that or it is their lust for power and influence.

    I believe people like Harry Truman and Ike Eisenhower actually served out of a sense of true patriotism and the desire to serve the American people and thereby the nation and they loved. Power and personal gain was likely the last thing on their minds.

    Folks were much diferent then, at least politically speaking, and compromise wasn't considered such a dirty word as it seems to be today. Political parties are less intereted in the general welfare today as they focus on consolidation of their power, something republicans have been far more successful at doing since RWR.

    Really Dave, I find it almost impossible to believe anymore that we will ever return to politics focusing on what's good for the country (all the people inhabiting our once great nation) and the compromises that that will entail.

    1. Frankly I can't understand why anyone (man or woman) of principle, integrity, decency, and honor would want to run for public office at the national level.

      Obama did. All those grass-roots progressives who make up the trend mentioned in your other post do. This isn't the first period in US history when politics has been dirty. Read up on the kinds of personal attacks politicians were subjected to in the 19th century. And Joe McCarthy was at least as dirty and bigoted as any major political figure today. Nixon was an anti-Semite and a crook.

      What has changed in the last few years is not a matter of "politics" in general getting dirtier. The Republican party, specifically, has started deliberately appealing to the worst instincts of the worst people. And Trump, specifically embodies this is a way even other recent Republican leaders don't, as is shown by the fact that there are so many quotes from him like the one in your graphic. McCain acted honorably toward his opponents and Romney at least pretended to be a decent man. The party has become corrupted by its need to legitimize Trump.

    2. Yes, Obama did. How he maintained his composure, dignity, and a cool head given the vicious personal and racist attacks from the lunituic rightwing is beyond be. He is certainly a better man than me. Which is why I would never run for public office. A huge number, and I believe you know which group I'm refering to,are simply crazy.

      Indeed tRump has given the lunitic rightwing flank of the republican party and conservatives in general a green light to proffer their white supremacy, anti LBGT agenda, isolationism, and agressive and confrontational international footing. In short he has given them the Legitimacy they do not deserve.

  8. I beg to differ with your self serving blog. A term that I use to describe most of you Liberals who have lost your minds.
    However let me continue and make my case.
    President Trump who has only been in office for about 18 months now has proved to be very successful.
    So successful that President Trump has outperformed a whole lot his previous successors including the left’s anointed successor to Barack Hussein Obama. First he defeated Mrs. Clinton in a national election. Then he set about reversing the most egregious policy missteps of the Obamunist regime, including those in which Mrs. Clinton had a conspicuous hand. Indeed, President Trump is on the way to achieving foreign-policy goals that many of the political elite had deemed unattainable. He won’t get the Nobel Peace Prize, of course; that only goes to certified Leftists. But he’s already secured better results than any the political and media establishments would have imagined possible.

    And they hate him for it. They hate him so much that they’ve done everything they can to ruin, and destroy his name and reputation.

    1. My first instinct, based on factual available evidence, is to respond BUL**HIT. Ultimately history will prove you and the rest of The Trumpanzee Brigades wrong as well.

      Your generalities lacking credible supporting data (links) are nothing more than delusional fact free pie in the sky BS. Come back when you can present actual FACTS from credible sources in support your rant.

      I, as well as many others despise tRump because he is a liar, a narcissistic megalomaniac, a misonygist, a xenophobe, sympathetic to white supremacists, mentally and emotionally unstable, and unqualified to represent the United States in any capacity. Of course this is my opinion, freely acknowledged. However, the evidence is there and has been evident since the presidental campaign begin in earnst in 2016. tRump has continued to reinforce the very characteristics mentioned above since assuming office. Anyone that has chose not to close their eyes and ears knows this is true. Unless there is some other motivation at play within themselves.

      BTW, HRC was a poor candidate I admidt. Even given this she was light years better than tRump and America WILL suffer the shame of having elected him. Our allies are already beginning to work around the bOrange Haired Buffoon.

      On a final note, truth will destroy tRump's name and reputation. When that is complete he will have

  9. Mr Know it all makes some valid points...

    The fact that we are even on the verge of a meeting with North Korea is a result of Pres Trump. If in fact he can get an agreement there, at this point still a ways off, I would agree with Pres Carter that he will probably get the Nobel Peace Prize and... it would be deserved.

    He has in fact made a lot of decisions, but how many will ultimately benefit America remains to be seen. But decisions are not usually seen as an accomplishment. If they are, and if that is what the right wants to trumpet, then the left would be equally justified in listing the bad decisions Pres trump has made as failures.

    Know... here's the deal that I truly animates many on the left.

    --For years the right moaned and complained that Obama was not respected and had dissed our allies, specifically Great Briton. Now however, the right is silent as GB completely disregards the US. Can you imagine any other president in history not getting an invitation to a royal wedding involving an American?

    --For years conservatives said a person who lies, who cheats on his wife, etc, was of bad character and as such, not qualified to be President. Now? Not so much. We're conservatives lying then? Or are they lying now? Or were they just wrong?

    The right "said" for years that they believed in certain principles... character, free trade, reduced federal spending, a balanced budget. Now that Trump has been elected, we are left to wonder whether what conservatives said for years was all BS for political expediency, or whether values like honesty, truth and respect no longer matter.

    1. The fact that we are even on the verge of a meeting with North Korea is a result of Pres Trump.

      Actually most of the credit belongs to President Moon -- and to the fact that Kim's regime got hold of the South's plans for what to do in the event of war and what they read there scared the shit out of them. Moon is a big enough man to let Trump hog the credit if it keeps him from interfering and messing up prospects for reduced tensions, but this is entirely a South Korean achievement.

    2. That is how I read the situation as well Infidel.

  10. Infidel... I would argue that Trumps madness pushed those two together. And today, after the No Summit news, I'd argue that Trumps madness and inability to be publicly treated as he treats others ended the chances of them getting together.

  11. Some might say it was the plan all along. Perhaps orchestrated by, John Bolton?

    I put nothing past those two and the neo-cons.

    1. On the whole Trump's cancellation of his meeting with Kim is probably a good thing. It's unlikely any good would have come of it. It would have given Kim a wholly unjustified inflation of his apparent importance, and given Trump an opportunity to blunder into disaster by saying something stupid. South Korea will have a better chance of making progress with the North if the idiots currently running the US keep their noses out of the situation.


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