Women Overwhelmingly Support Clinton Over Trump...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

FiverThirtyEight - We could be looking at the largest gender gap in a presidential election since at least 1952: Men are favoring the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, in typical numbers, but a historically overwhelming share of women say they will vote for the Democrat, Hillary Clinton.

As my colleague Nate Silver has pointed out, women are winning this election for Clinton. Between the historic nature of Clinton’s candidacy, Trump’s record of misogynistic comments and now the Trump tape and allegations of sexual assault against Trump, American men and women are incredibly split on the 2016 election. But that split isn’t symmetrical. In an average of the most recent live-interview polls from each pollster to test the race in October, Clinton holds a 20-percentage-point advantage among women, and Trump is winning more narrowly among men.

Apparently women at large are less easily fooled by republican con man DJT, as well as being significantly more rational on the presidential choice before us.

Complete article can be READ HERE


  1. Received in our e-mail box today.

    The farther behind Trump falls the worse this gets. Suppose he loses in an electoral landslide. The level of fraud necessary to rig a landslide involving multiple swing states is huge. So he has to whip his crew up enough in advance for them to believe that fantastical level of fraud is possible and likely. 

    It's not about the actual election at all for Trump anymore. It's about creating a crew who will feed his delusion that he was robbed after the election is over. 
    Shared from Apple News

    Republican candidate Donald Trump said on Monday he expected widespread voter fraud in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election, ramping up his warning of a rigged election without providing any evidence and despite numerous studies that show the electoral system is sound.

  2. A leisurely stroll through Memorandum (google it) provides all the evidence needed for one to realize just how out touch with reality tRump really is.

    What is alarming ia the number of people that hate HRC so much (without cause I must say) they are willing to sacrifice our democratic republic to a snake oil salesman who's only interest rests in his Trump brand and conning Americans.

    tRump is unquestionably the most unethical, unqualified, despicable man to ever seek the office of president of the USA.

    He must be trounced on Nov. 8th. A popular and EC landslide is on order. All patriotic Americans who value their civil liberties and despise being conned need to vote to defeat tRump.

  3. So, the "sore loser" stuff is starting well before the loser loses...

  4. Indeed it has. Not surprising at all.

    tRump is one very psychologically damaged pierce of work.

  5. Indeed it has. Not surprising at all.

    tRump is one very psychologically damaged pierce of work.

  6. According to Bloomberg, there is an equally significant education gap fleeing der Trumpenstein.

  7. Question for the Trumpistas: Would Trump be screaming about a "rigged" election if he were ahead in the polls? Because with only a 40% ceiling for his support, if he were ahead in the polls, that would smell like a definite "rig." But Trump and his Deplorables would find that perfectly rational.

    We don't respect his supporters because they are delusional and impervious to facts.

  8. It certainly shows you who the smarter gender is.

    1. I have to agree, Jerry.

      As there are more male chumps for Trump.

  9. I feel that Linda Ronstadt has always been a great credit to her gender.

  10. As we all know, there is a group of right wing bloggers currently losing their sh*t all over the blog sphere because the object of their rancid hatred, Hillary Clinton, is on track to become the next POTUS, and their anger is apoplectic. I feel sort of sorry for the suckers. Why? Because the obvious fact that Donald Trump is epically unfit for the presidency has been evident for 16 months; and yet because Trump promised them to change Washington --extra-Constitutionally, BTW -- they believed in his absurd candidacy, thus proving that some of our fellow citizens are dangerously unfit to tell the difference between a lunatic proto-fascist and a rational human being.

    Just recently, one of the right's sainted heroines, Condolezza Rice, came out against Trump, two past Republican presidents did not endorse him, and the House Speaker is tepid, at best, with Trump's candidacy, telling those Republicans who are up for re-election to feel free to distance themselves from Trump in order to save their House seats. Those Republicans plus countless others have recognized how dangerous a Trump presidency would be. Yet the bloggers in the right blogs sphere, like Trump, are blind to this fact and are blaming the media, RINOs, the CIA, FBI, and, if they weren't such model Christians, they'd blame Christ himself for Trump's falling poll numbers.

    There's no getting through to people this willfully blind to what rational people all over our country and the world see. Trump has done us a favor, in a way, by exposing to America the number of people among us who knowingly support a proto-fascist demagogue who would fundamentally change our country. We've all heard Trump's plans to attack the Constitution -- the First Amendment, for example -- by going after freedom of the press. And we've heard that he lacks the basic understanding of how our laws work when he said at the last debate that while Hillary was one of a hundred senators, she should have changed the tax codes. Astonishing ignorance.

    Well at the very least, we know these people exist and that they would sacrifice everything this country has stood for over the last two centuries just so that their feelings of frustration can be satisfied, even though it means putting a man with no core values and no understanding of America's laws and institutions in office.

    Knowing that these people exist and that after Trump is defeated they could support another proto-fascist with a more appealing personality is the most frightening aspect of Trump's catastrophic candidacy.

    1. Knowing that they exist in one thing. That their numbers are so high is disturbing.

  11. Did anyone what the debate Weds evening? If so who do you think won and why?

  12. I think someone gave Trump the same advice that I had prescribed after the first debate. He either needed to calm down mentally, or, perhaps more realistically, medicate. Opiates? Something more subtle?

    He did not have a meltdown, but his ideology was laid bare as spiritually, morally and intellectually bankrupt. There were no legitimate defenses for his many crimes that he has been accused of. There was no evidence or smoking gun for the many crimes he has accused Hillary of. His policy positions, while clearly stated, made little or no sense, being based upon irrational ideas.

    Hillary not only kicked his butt in her understanding of national and international political and military affairs, she was also able to clearly explicate his many crimes and weak justifications, more or less ruthlessly, while he could only meekly stand by and watch his own political career go down the toilet. Because every word of it was true. There was nothing he could say to answer.
    More importantly, she was given enough time and was smart enough in her timing to know just about exactly how many seconds she had available to completely teach and express to us all her vision for the future of the U.S.A. and our place in the world, as well as explain extremely well her plan to achieve these goals. What do I know? An over-the-hill PUMA from the early millennium!

    Many kudos to Mike Wallace. He did a wonderful job. Since I have not watched FOX news much since 2006-2007, I must say that he is one of the more interesting personalities that the network has fostered. I would say that he was very fair. He certainly asked questions that conservatives would care about. But he seemed to already... Oh, never mind!

  13. No argument here. tRump's political aspirations going down the toilet is a very good use of the political toilet.

  14. Junior, when Trump is his normal self, he comes across as clueless and belligerent and scary. But when he calms down he comes across as merely clueless. I guess that's an improvement.

  15. Flying Junior expressed perfectly what my thought were while watching the debate last night. Clinton gave knowledgeable, precise answers to the questions, Trump did not. He seemed better in control over his volatile personality until the end of the debate when he when over the cliff with his astonishing statement about not accepting the results of the election. That should have sent shivers down the spines of every American listening because it made his other proto-fascist statements all that more frightening: His promise to set up a special prosecutor to go after his political opponent, Hillary, and throw her in jail, his promise to make the military obey his illegal orders to torture, his promise to deport 11 million people and let only the "good ones" back in. Taken together, those statements represent what Jonathan Chait writing in New York Magazine called a "domestic insurrectionist." I don't need a Trump "spokesperson" to explain what Trump "meant" when he said those words. I've read world history.

  16. tRunp's extreme narcissism only allows him to see himself as a winner, in all things. Anytime he loses it can only be the result of something bring rigged against him. His psychological imbalance is of major conern and in fact makes him unfit to hold the most [powerful office in the world.

    tRump would be a great menance for the USA AND the entire globe were he to be elected president.

  17. Must be whiner, because we all know he has practically no wiener.

  18. I've seen on Real Clear Politics he has caught up with HRC.

    It's going to get ugly.

  19. I guess the question is whether or not Trump is rational enough to be looking for an exit strategy now?

    At the convention there seemed to be oodles of goodwill towards his kids but now they're becoming as repulsive as their father.

  20. Yeah, the apples didn't fall far from the tree ER.

  21. OT ... Hannity, a man with the intgrity of a snake oil salesman has effectively become the nation's top propagandist in support of a man who very likely is the worst candidate to ever seek the office of POTUS.

    Putting party and blind partisanship ahead of truth and the genuine interests of the American people Hannity seeks to destroy true democracy and our democratic republic.

    For anyone seriously considering voting fot tRump all that really need be said is caveat emptor .

  22. The Women tat are accusing trump over all are full of SHIT

    1. We thank you for that TRL. It certainly says more about you than it does about the women who where groped and dis-respected by tRump The Sexual Predator.

      Thanks for stopping in and offering your thoughts.

  23. It's really an amazing accomplishment, but this TOM Luke and Harry guy actually accomplishes making Donald Trump seem even worse.

  24. Trump has freely admitted to sexually assaulting women. Why would you believe him when he says women who accuse him of sexually assaulting them are lying? The burden of proof is on him to prove that they are not the ones that he assualted.

  25. Breaking Alert: Hillary In Florida Has To Grip Aids Hand And Struggles Going Up One Single Step!
    Call in the National GuRd!

  26. Replies
    1. Still, it might be prudent to call in the Gurd.

      And isn't "breaking alert" rather redundant? Sort of like hearing about the new news.

    2. No! Don't you know? It is National Gard.

    3. The REAL question is how the hell are those people who are voting for Clinton living with the FACT and the reality their Candidate and that their political party are corrupt and have such hatred for 50 percent of the segments of the American society!?!

      if I were Liberal , Democrat, Progressive , andI didn't like Trump, I would be voting for Stein, or Green, or stay at home before I would ever vote for Clinton!

    4. Back @ ya IMO.

      The reality is that conservatives/GOP'ers hate over 50% of the American people, AND, their party and ideology (as well as their candidtae tRump) are the most corrupt and dishonest there has ever been. HANDS DOWN!

      Voting for either Stein or Johnson is a vote for tRump because neither Stein or Johnson can win.

  27. You leftist koolaide drinkers can say wantever you want , but you are already so brainwashed that you are way beyond help. But Yes indeed , Hillary is a known liar and an unindicted felon for violating the espionage act, obstruction of justice, lying to federal investigators, and a host of other offenses that have been covered by by subversion in our regulatory and enforcement agencies: the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service – and she is likely to abuse the authority of her office punish those who disagree with her or her ideology.

    1. You extreme rightwing conservative Trumpsta sheeple can say whatever you want as well, wether or not there is any truth to it. And you regularly do.

      Listening to El Trumpo BS, Breitbart propaganda, and Faux New has fried your brain and its ability to function as a normal cognitive and rational being.

      Carry on...

    2. "....unindicted Felon..."

      Tell me what part of Anerican law this refers to....

      You can't. Hillary is no more an unindicted Felon than you are, Luke.

      Because the term is meaningless.

  28. It's no secret that Madam Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar and you cannot trust what she says. If it were not for WikiLeaks, we would not know that she has a private opinion and a public opinion conditioned by the audience and the circumstances at the time. Without trust, there is no credibility as a leader of the world’s singular super-power or with our allies who are so distrustful of the administration under that other Joke Barack Hussein Obama that they have turned to our enemies China, Russia, Iran to forge mutual assistance pacts. Especially after seeing the Russians back Assad in Syria after the U.S. demanded he step down.

    1. Feel free to vote for tRump, a narcissit, a con man, a bald faced liar, a clueless idiot on international and domestic affairs, a misongynist, a xenophobe, a sexual predator, an a man our founding fathers would as soon piss on as try and hold a conversation with.

      Now, be gone...

  29. Indict, verb (used with object)

    1. (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial:
    The grand jury indicted him for murder.

    2. to charge with an offense or crime; accuse of wrongdoing; castigate; criticize:
    He tends to indict everyone of plotting against him.

    unindicted, adjective:

    criminal law (of a criminal or suspect) not indicted or charged for a particular crime ⇒ He was later named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the bombings.

    fel·on, noun:

    1. a person who has been convicted of a felony.


    1. cruel; wicked. "the felon undermining hand of dark corruption"

    Only in the netherlands of the tRumpista does the term unindicted felon have any true meaning. As they twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify their idiocy.


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