The Truth Of DJT's Despicable Character...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

First Lady Michelle Obama saying it exactly right. America is better than Donald J. Trump and we cannot put this dangerous life form into any position of authority over us. PERIOD.

Read article HERE.


This probably won’t cost him the election — because Trump was already losing. It’s important to remember that Trump has been running behind Clinton for almost the whole campaign, and he had fallen into roughly a 5-percentage-point deficit after his poor performance in the first presidential debate — and before the latest round of scandals. That deficit is fairly hard to come back from even under the best of circumstances. To make it to the Oval Office now, Trump would have to make one of the greatest comebacks in political history while navigating a minefield of scandals and leaks, making his task even harder. But as far as FiveThirtyEight’s forecasts are concerned, the first debate still looks like the turning point in the race. <-------- b="" click="">


tRump is planning and putting into place his response strategy to the numerous allegations of sexual misconduct and assault. Not suprising is that\ he lays it at the feet of a Mexican billionaire and The New York Times colluding to undermine his campaign.

tRump must have spent a lot of time in The Twilight Zonbe. Which could explain his dwelling in an alternative universe.

Trump to claim Carlos Slim was behind sexual assault stories Trump to claim Carlos Slim was behind sexual assault stories
8 Hours Ago | 00:33
Donald Trump will claim Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim was part of a cabal dredging up allegations the Republican nominee touched women inappropriately, The Wall Street Journal reported.

According to the report, which cited an unnamed Trump adviser, Trump planned to claim that Slim, a New York Times shareholder and Clinton Foundation donor, was trying to boost Hillary Clinton's campaign by damaging Trumps. The adviser said Trump could launch the attack as early as Friday, the report said.

A spokesman for Slim denied that the media mogul had interfered in the U.S. election, while New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. said Slim had never sought to influence the newspaper's coverage, the WSJ reported.

A Clinton campaign press secretary called Trump's claim a "deranged right-wing conspiracy theory," the report said.

The Slim family owned around 17 percent of The New York Times Co. Class A shares as of March, although the Sulzberger family controls the company, the report noted.
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UPDATE #3  10/15/16  @ 7:45 PM:

We received the following via e-mail yesterday. Sometimes humor is a very effective way to convey truth. The quote that follows surely fills that bill.

"To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

"To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”

-David Sedaris


  1. Michelle Obama asked us to be the decent human beings I believe we Americans basically are. I've been astounded by the people on the far right blogs (you know which ones I mean), who claim to be devout Christians and defenders of all things decent, in their fierce support of Trump. As I said on my blog to Dave Miller, I never questioned their sincerity in their patriotism and religious beliefs, but I do now. I don't know how they can justify supporting Trump. They are making a Faustian bargain because of their rabid hatred of Hillary Clinton. They will stay loyal and vote for a man who bragged about sexual assault and, IMO, worse, a man who said it was OK for Howard Stern to call his young daughter, Ivanka, "a piece of ass." That's the sort of man those right wing bloggers are all in for. I feel sorry for them. They've lost all credibility as patriots and Christians (that's not just my opinion, but the opinion of leading Christians -- real Christians -- as well.) They will never be able to hold any moral authority about anyone ever again because of their sell-out of their moral values to Trump.

    1. I agreee completely Shaw. My values will not allow me to ever support anyone with the total lack of decency, respect, sincerity, and honesty that tRump demonstrates daily; REGARDLESS of the individual's party affiliation. tRump's character flaws are so egregious that it is impossible for me to fathom how anyone can support him.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. As for Trump slamming Slim... he's probably jealous of Slim and the rest of his richer than rich family.

    BTW, those guys actually give their money to charitable causes... which looks like more than we can say about trump...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Total madness out there, just like it is here, Corruption, lies, twisting the narrative, false accusations carried just long enough to do damage to Trump. This is exactly their style, and it's nothing new. We have seen it bebote, in almost every elect, this is what these people do. When it dies down, the corrupt media just puts another one out there. They have it all planned out, timing and all.
    I don’t know where this is going but if Trump doesn’t get in, to put it frankly, then yes, it's all over and the Crooked Dems will have done it again. And Hillary is the Champion of distroying lives and winning by cheating . This is what Power Hungry crooked cheats do.
    These RINO'S need to be put down and voted out of office. I see people like myself mad as hell and at this point, that’s all Trump has.
    I think the polls for the most part are bullshit.
    I personally go by Rasmussens polls. They have Trump up by two.

  5. You are certainly entitled to your opinion whether accurate or not. Your support for tRump is greatly appreciated by the con man sexual predator we're sure.

    As for polls? FiveThirtyEight has the most impressive (and accurate) record of them all. But take your pick, hold your breath, and believe the gods of tRumps alternative universe will create a miracle.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Re Shaw's statement (re Trump supporters) "I never questioned their sincerity in their patriotism and religious beliefs"... Right. Their "sincerity". I thought their patriotism was based on hating "others" before. I thought their religious beliefs were based on hating gay people before. But I guess, misguided and wrong though they were/are, they were "sincere". But support for Trump challenges that view, for sure.

    BTW, I know RN reads (or occasionally checks in) on the Rightwing blogs (Daddy, FreeThinke) because he's interested in what their (the crazies) take is on Trump. Given that, I thought I'd direct your attention (anyone reading this) to this blog post. While it reads as if it might be parody, perhaps some on the "Religious Right" actually are thinking along these lines? I mean, take a look at the meme at the bottom of the post. This is something the author (I'm told) found on the interwebs. So it is out there.

    Also, what's up with the removed comments? Moderation is still in effect, isn't it? Were they published by mistake?

    1. Regarding comment moderation Dervish. It is still in effect for posts over than three days. Automatic moderation mode is not in effect for posts less than three days old. However, this weblog reserves the right and responsibility to delete comments that are a) vulgar or filthy, b) totally pointless, c) off topic, or meant to simply create distraction meant to send the discussion off the rails.

      The deleted comments were deleted upon detection.

    2. You aren't getting comments (actually posts) from a certain person "so you don't have to steal it, scumbag" any longer? BTW, I recently discovered EXTREMELY solid proof that Luke and TOM are the same person. Let me know if you'd like me to email it to you. I don't think he'd delete the proof (as it's been there for a LONG time), but he might if I link to it (he reads this blog and has sent me comments concerning things I've said here). Anyway, IMO it's pretty conclusive. Despite Luke saying "you believe something is true because your deluded mind wants to believe it".

  8. Trump brags of his groping and kissing random women. When they publically complain, he blames both them
    and the fourth estate. His loyal minions remind of the marchstep followers of Manson and Hitler, IMO and he and they feed off each other's frustration and hate. Sort of understandable, but his foreign policy and economic 'plans' are basically naïve. Count me with the military, security and economic experts who term
    him unfit for the highest office.

  9. You and I are among the many millions who see it exactly (or almost entirely) that way BB-Idaho.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Your detective work on the TOM/Luke connection is excellent Dervish, and, it certainly strengthens the argument they are likely one in the same.

    Having said this there still exists a slight possibility they are not. However, the probability that they are one in the same is very likely 95% or greater.

    1. I don't need to see the material from Dervish Sanders. Not that I doubt him, but because I believe him, and it fits in with everything else that has happened.

    2. I was going to ask you if you wanted to email the evidence to you... I thought maybe your email filters would route my communication to Spam. RN saw it and responded. I noticed one additional factoid since I emailed RN. I think it's pretty clear that Luke and TOM are the same person. BTW, remember that TOM is the individual who said he was in hospice (where terminally ill people go to die) because he had brain cancer. Apparently he made a full recovery. (BTW, good for him regarding his still being alive, as I do not wish him death, despite the "death threats" he says I sent him).

  12. Commendations to Dervish also...
    I have noticed that TOM and Luke say the exact same things.

    1. From the bottom of the page

      "...Comments with cursing or vulgar language will not be posted."

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Coment by Luke/TOM deleted for failure to observe comment guidelines.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I should delete your comment IMO due to inappropriate langauge. But, I allowed it to give you the opportunity to actually read our very liseral comment policy. However know that continued cursing or vulgarity will result in your comment being deleted on sight.

      BTW, Lisa (as wewll as FreeThinke) apprently likes CRAP and hypocrisy a great deal as they both allow and encourage on their weblogs./

      As this site encourages free speech and expression any and all honest political commentary is acceptable. Comments with cursing or vulgar language will not be posted.

      Effective 8/12/13 Anonymous commenting has been disabled. This unfortunate action was made necessary due to the volume of Anonymous comments that are either off topic or serve only to disrupt honest discourse..

      I apologizes for any inconvenience this necessary action may cause the honest Anonymous who would comment here, respect proper decorum and leave comments of value. However, The multitude of trollish attack comments from both the left and right has necessitated this action.

      Thank you for your understanding... The management.

    3. TOM/Luke has a rotating list of five or so profane poltroon pseudonyms he rotates through to post on this blog.

  15. I'll help you out and delete it myself

    1. Cool, TOM/etc. I am sure the management must appreciate you shoveling up whatever piles you leave behind.

  16. Thanks for proving my point and deleting the truth RN. You guys have fun. Is your next expose the Loch Ness monster? HA HA HA HA HA

    1. You're welcome. Always happy to give Luke/TOM the opportunity to prove you're one troubled dude.

      Buh bye.

  17. Where's the "I'm taking my ball and going home" moment from this troll?


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