Philadelphia Micro Brewery Goes Anti Drumpf...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Now here is a craft brewery that has their politics absolutely correct! When the occasion arises to travel to Philadelphia this brewery will most definitely be on my stop list for a few patriotic brews.

A brewery in Philadelphia has launched a range of anti-Donald Trump beers in a bid to discourage Americans against supporting the Republican frontrunner ahead of this year's US elections.

The Dock Street Brewery revealed on 28 March that it has made its first beer in its anti-Trump range, the Short Fingered Stout, a reference to the size of the 69-year-old real estate mogul's hands. The beverage is being sold in a bottle with a label that features a mock image of Trump and the slogan. 'Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Drumpf'.

Brewery officials said to NBC they used the name Drumpf after Comedy Central host John Oliver encouraged its use as part of his criticism of Trump, with the Drumpfs being the original name of Trump's ancestors.

"We described it as a bitter and delusional stout with an airy, light-haired head atop a so-so body. Don't worry, it's bark is worse than it's bite. This big baby comes in a somewhat conservative 4.5%," said Marilyn Candeloro, an official at Dock Street Brewing Company.

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