H.R. Clinton Cool Under Scrutiny... Republicans Lose, Again

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Eleven hours of testimony and we now know... just what we knew before and H.R. Clinton remains unscathed by the longest running investigation in US government history. In fact her matter of fact impressive performance yesterday if anything helped her to look; presidential.

The New York Times - Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former secretary of state, spent hours on Thursday facing down a gang of spiteful Republican lawmakers who once saw great promise in hauling her before a congressional committee to hold her responsible for the deadly attack that killed the American ambassador and three colleagues in Libya in Sept. 2012.

Unsurprisingly, the hearing yielded no new information about the attacks. It quickly and predictably devolved into a partisan battle between Republicans intent on hurting Mrs. Clinton’s bid for the White House and Democrats who sought to make her look presidential.

The pointless grilling of Mrs. Clinton , who fielded a barrage of questions that have long been answered and settled, served only to embarrass the Republican lawmakers who have spent millions of dollars on a political crusade. In recent days, some prominent Republicans have even admitted as much.

If there was any notion that the Select Committee on Benghazi might be on to something, it was quickly dispelled. In a flailing performance, the committee’s chairman, Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, made it evident that he and his colleagues have squandered more than $4.6 million and countless hours poring over State Department records and Mrs. Clinton’s email. They produced no damning evidence, elicited no confessions and didn’t succeed in getting an angry reaction from Mrs. Clinton.

Republicans lacking a vision and cohesive plan for America, one that would benefit all Americans seek to destroy their competition rather than govern the nation effectively and create opportunity for everyone.

Continue reading BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Did you hear that Fox Nooz cut away from their coverage of the hearings when it became apparent that HRC's testimony wouldn't result in her numbers dropping due to her being viewed as "untrustable" (as Kevin McCarthy put it)?

  2. Yes, Hillary Clinton came out smelling like a rose on the Benghazi hearings after 11 grueling hours of Q & A. Why? There is no way that the Republicans could go after the Hildabeast without exposing the CIA's role in arming and funding Sunni Salafist Wahhabist jihadists in Syria and Libya.

  3. It then stands to reason, assuming your analysis is correct, the GOP teabaggers should have dropped the whole fiasco months ago when the initial efforts produced nothing.

    Guess the teabaggers don't mind spending millions on a lost cause and send the bill to the American people.

    Damn the neo cons and baggers are dumb.


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