Fox News Couldn't Kill Trump’s Steamroller, May Have Unwittingly Gave the Buffoon More Steam...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

BloombergPolitics - A few hours before Thursday’s Fox News debate, a friend of Donald Trump’s confided to me that Trump was nervous. Not about the competition—he could handle them. No, Trump worried about Fox News, and in particular, debate moderator Megyn Kelly. She’d been hammering him all week on her show, and he was certain she was out to get him. He’d canceled a Fox News appearance on Monday night, the friend said, in order to avoid her. (Trump’s spokeswoman wouldn’t confirm or deny this.)

It turns out Trump was right. His toughest opponents Thursday night weren’t the candidates up on stage, but the Fox News moderators, who went right after him—none with more gusto than Kelly.

Kelly, the whip-smart queen of Fox News’ blonde stunners, went straight for the jugular. “You've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” she admonished Trump. “Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”

This site for one applauds the honest hard hitting question Kelly hit The Donald with. Fair, because it fairly describes Trumps prior behavior.

But Trump saw her coming a mile away and cut her off. “Only Rosie O’Donnell,” he barked, drawing cheers from the crowd. When Kelly tried to point out that he had insulted more women than O’Donnell, Trump, as he would all night, steamrolled right past her. “The big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump practically shouted, invoking conservatives’ favorite term of disdain. “I’ve been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness and to be honest with you this country doesn't have time either.” The crowd went wild.

Maybe they were cheering because the question was apropos of something Rachel Maddow would ask, and they were, after all, Republicans. But I think they were cheering because it was clear, at that moment, that Trump was going to be Trump, and wasn’t going to heed the pundits and phonies to tone down his act. According to a report in New York magazine, even his own daughter, Ivanka, was making that case.

When Kelly tried to point out that he had insulted more women than O’Donnell, Trump, as he would all night, steamrolled right past her..

Indeed, Trump, as he is often wont to do did steamroll over Kelly and her question. His Rosie O'Donnell quip aside Megyn Kelly is spot on and the facts are he has insulted women on other occasions. Trump simply showed himself to be the misogynist he really is. True to Tea Party proclivities the crowd ate it up.

Much of America is frankly tired of the politics of the past 15 years. Donald Trump gets that and has tapped into the anger and the darkest fears of the American people. For this reason and this reason alone he is riding at the top of opinion polls. Yet he has the temperament to insult entire cultures, women, foreign leaders, and get along very well with Vladimir Putin.

His style? Belligerence. His method? Bullying all who disagree. His rhetoric? Hyperbole with little or no substance. His wealth? Immaterial when it comes to governing a county in spite of what The Donald may think. If that is the type of individual you want to represent our nation then by all means support his candidacy. If you really want to see our country move forward deep six Trump and consider someone with brains, ability, and at least a bit of wisdom.

Full story and video BELOW THE FOLD.


  1. "A few hours before Thursday’s Fox News debate, a friend of Donald Trump’s confided to me that Trump was nervous. Not about the competition—he could handle them. No, Trump worried about Fox News, and in particular, debate moderator Megyn Kelly."

    Trump was nervous about Megyn Kelly? If she made him "nervous," what would Putin or Assad do to him, make him soil his tightie whities? What a wus! Megyn Kelly made the big bully nervous. Good for her. Donald is the quintessential bully, challenge him, and he turns tail and runs, while at the same time whining like a thumbsucking spoiled brat. He showed us what he's made of, and it's jello!

    1. The Donald couldn't stand the pressure of a seasoned adversary on the international stage. He would either explode or melt. In either case the results would not be in our countries best interests.

  2. Jello? And that is just his hair.

    1. Frankly dmarks his hair is becoming irrelevant. Well it always was but now he is at center stage it is becoming even more so,

    2. RN: I think most here would agree that the man should follow his hair into irrelevancy.

  3. It appears the choices next year are grim ... both parties. Your intrepid (O)CT(O)PUS would offer to throw his clamshells into the ring and save the day, but I don't think humanoids would vote for a cephalopod ... unless ... (arrrgh, spit, zounds) ... I camouflaged myself into a human being. Unthinkable!

    1. Indeed the choices are grim and grimmer for our nation in 2016. It is what We the People have brought upon ourselves.

      Anchors Away!

  4. With the first, seemingly uncouth set-up, question from Chris Wallace, Trump turned it around and blackmailed the GOP on national television. And he had no reason to be easy on FOX. We all know about the Murdoch-Ailes kerfuffle over Trump. Kelly was Ailes Bad Cop last night. It bounced right off Trump. The GOP may not have the substance to withstand Trump, Les. Too soon to tell.


    1. Kelly may have been somebody's bad cop Jersey, but her question was fair and honest. Trump, in his misogynist best steam rolled her on stage and followed up later with even more disgusting and pathetic remarks.

      You and your fellow travelers owe Trump. Big Time.

  5. Did anybody else notice that the camera did not return to look at Megyn's response, but panned the crowd? Didn't all of the other question and answer exchanges invariably return to show the face of the questioner on camera?

    I'm calling it intentional. They cut off their own superstar so Donald could trash her. If there was fire coming out of her eyes, nobody watching TV saw it. Despicable.


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