The Donald Lowering Expectations for First Presidential Debate Appearance...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Next week ten GOP presidential candidates will face each other in the opening debate of the 2016 presidential campaign. Donald Trump, the bombastic, narcissistic braggart is presently leading the GOP field in all major polls. He has accomplished this through controlling media focus and by his tough guy talk on immigration. Trump has touch a chord that resonates with a significant segment of the American electorate. Playing on Americans fears and by pumping up the volume on his rhetoric and bromides he has managed overshadow other more qualified and serious candidates.

THE HILL -GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday he has “no idea” how he will perform in next week’s Republican 2016 debate.

Trump argued that he is a man of action rather than words during a news conference in Turnberry, Scotland, that afternoon.

Perhaps Mr. Trump is a man of action rather than words, but as a candidate for the presidency of the United States it is incumbent on him to provide specific policy portions on issues of national importance as well as his vision for America and how he plans on leading the country in achieving his vision.

“As far as preparing for the debates, I am who I am,” he told ABC News.

“I’ve never debated before, I’m not a debater,” Trump said. “I get things done. I don’t talk about it, I get it done.”

There is no question Mr. Trump is who he is, and unabashedly so.

If nothing else it should prove interesting (and maybe entertaining) observing the non debater and a man who has been very short on specifics field what hopefully will be hardball and complex questions on policy and leadership.

“Politicians talk about it,” he added. “They debate all over the place and nothing happens. I’m sort of the opposite.”

Trump then refused to guess on how he will fare during next week’s televised contest with nine other White House hopefuls.

“I have no idea how I’ll do,” he said of the Aug. 6 debate on Fox News. “Maybe I’ll do terribly, maybe I’ll do great.”

Effectively debating issues requires an in depth understanding of the issues as well as the ability to convey a coherent plan of action. In other words you have to know what it is you want to accomplish and have a strong convincing plan as how you are going to get there.

One gets the sense Trump is likely going to "wing it" with a minimum of preparation, relying on his bombast and hyperbole to carry him. But never underestimate the Donald. He just might surprise us all and actually provide reasons to consider voting for him should he accomplish the highly unlikely and actually receive the GOP nomination.


Via: Memeorandum


  1. The presidential debates for either party are not really debates, but more just question and answer sessions. When it comes right down to it, they are pretty worthless. The debates between the two selected presidential candidates is a little better, but still it is primarily "theater".

    The republican debate, especially, should be regarded as a comedy program. The only thing it will be missing is canned laughter.

  2. As I have said before I do not view ALL republicans in the same light and believe there are some worth listening too. Trump just doesn't happen to be one of them.

    But since Trump is the frot runner at this point it is time for him to begin acting like a serious candidate and provide some specifics and structure to his careening car of eccentricity.

    In general, these "debates" provide an opportunity for republicans to gain some info on candidates positions. Of course you have no doubt decided you'll be voting democrat regardless of candidate right?

    1. Yes! I think the biggest danger to the country is a republican president and a republican controlled congress regardless of the democrat running.

    2. I understand what you're saying Jerry and I am convinced a divided government makes more sense than one party rule. But depending on the candidate I may or may not be able to hold my nose and vote democrat. I may have to cast my vote for a third party candidate again.

      I couldn't squeeze my nostrils hard enough to cast a ballot for HRC or the majority of republican candidates either.

  3. "Of course you have no doubt decided you'll be voting democrat regardless of candidate right?"

    That sort of blind partisanship is best avoided, I think.

    1. I am not blind. My partisanship concerning the presidential election is approached with eyes wide open. A republican president would be a disaster for the country, and a third party president is an impossibility.

    2. Jerry I usually at least give some consideration, evaluation to most candidates of ALL parties, regardless of how my conclusions end up being. That's going about it not being blind.

  4. People from the NYC area are very familiar with Donald Trump. He's been a local media fixation there for decades now. He used to show up on the Howard Stern Show on K-Rock's afternoons back in the day. Out there are piles and piles of recordings of Trump saying all sorts of things. All sorts of bombastic, outrageous, silly things. If he does manage to get through these debates at all, and he may as the ideological right wing of the country is in utter disarray right now, he will face advertising that reports all his nonsense from over the years, and he'll be done.


    1. Whatever it is that eliminates Trump is fine by me. Personally I think the dude will ultimately self destruct.

      He may be a successful albeit unethical businessman but he is most assuredly not presidential timber.

    2. Who knows? Maybe he is! But we're not going to find out.


    3. You're right. We are not going to find out

  5. My friend Donald, whom I'm openly supporting if you read my series of articles at MadMike's America, will dominate the debate as most of the discussion and questions will focus on him. No publicity is bad publicity and Don is no fool. If stumped he will do what Newt Gingrich taught. Attack the media. It's a sure fire response that republican crowds eat up. Walker will get applause for bashing unions of course and will pull ahead of Bush. Rubio will get applause for hating on Cuba but in the end we republicans don't really care about Cuba other than as an issue to stir up Cuban Americans that hate Castro. The talk will be a Trump/Walker ticket coming out of the debate.

    1. Blinks... hot on the heels of Trump having caused "Bloom County" to come back. Joe comes out of retirement. Welcome back!

    2. Trump/Walker... Hoo-Ahh!

      What a ticket that would be Joe.

    3. Joe Hagstrom (not Kelly) didn't do a very good job promoting himself. I did go to Mad Mike's and find one of his articles... "How Donald Trump Will Win the Debate By Just Not Showing Up". Apparently he's now a comedy writer... check out the other Joe Hagstrom (not Kelly) articles here.

    4. Joe's the man Dervish and methinks you're jealous.

    5. Joe doesn't take himself too seriously. I think most of us can use more of that attitude...

    6. I'm not jealous. I have no desire to pretend to be a Republican. I read a few of his articles, found them funny, and decided to promote him (seeing as he did a bad job of it). How that make me "jealous"?

    7. I leave it for you to answer your own question Dervish.

  6. If they are gutsy, it would probably be to their advantage for real conservative republicans (the ones who now say they are not republicans) to support Trump and help get him elected president. I predict that four years of a Trump presidency will destroy the Republican Party. (Hopefully it will not take the rest of the country along with it.). That will open up a slot for an existing third party to move up and take the republicans spot, and real conservatives can once again participate in the U.S. political circus.

  7. Conservatism in its true sense is classical liberalism Jerry. What is being sold as conservatism at present is nothing less than reactionary bordering on fascism. Religious rightwing fanatics and unregulated market advocates combined with strong nationalistic and military interventionist mentality is what is driving the so called "conservatives" of the 21st century.

    And no Jerry it makes ABSOLUTELY no sense for those like myself to vote for Trump so the present party is destroyed. Partly for the reason you noted. What makes sense is for real conservatives to grow some balls and take back the party from the loonies.
    BTW. it WILL happen.

    1. I hope you are right, RN. The loonies took the party away from you with the help of a lot of corporate money. Now, all that money is going to make it very difficult to get control of the party again.

      Sometimes you have to put down the rabid dog and get a new one.

  8. I take my family, job, golf and fishing seriously. Blogging is my artistic endeavor. Whenever I get too silly serious RN or DMarks or Shaw slap me back to earth. How can anyone take a republican serious?

  9. "How can anyone take a republican serious?"

    Unfortunately, when they are in power and capable of great harm to the country, we have to take them seriously.


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