Senator Lindsey Graham at Odds With Rudy G. ...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

At approximately the 2 minute mark potential republican presidential candidate states clearly and without equivocation that he believes President Obama loves his country.

What is puzzling is why he doesn't call out Rudy G. for the charlatan and idiot that he really is.

Read the full story BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorabdum


  1. Damned if you do,damned if you don't . Not his yob

  2. Usual politician, no integrity.

    Just like commenters on some weblogs I occasional visit.

  3. The republicans are not responsible for what Guliani says. Just like the democrats aren't for any stupid thing Joe Biden says or does.
    That's just Rudy being Rudy
    They just want any republican to say something against him so the media can say "See even LG said something against him"


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