FreeThinke My Arse...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

The following is from the weblog known as FreeThinke, although his site is without doubt void of free thought. FreeThinke is as intolerant and closed minded as any blogger publishing. He sees his world slipping away and it frightens him so he feels he must demand agreement with his cherished paradigms. He can brook no disagreement with his views. Those who question him, or his right wing commenter’s comments, no matter how mildly, causes him to lash out and react as you see below. Yet he is often not above allowing his fringe right wing visitors to taught, belittle, slander, and demean the positions of those he disagrees with.

I post this not as a defense of myself for there is nothing to defend. Rather to point out the what the Tea Party and the fringe right has morphed into. One time a proud conservative and Republican I can honestly say the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Gerald Ford, and even Ronald Reagan has morphed into something almost unrecognizable.

All anyone can do is pity the fool(s).

FreeThinke said... 2:24 PM 10/23/14

I resent being forced to restate this demand, but I see I have no choice:

In the recent past I have ordered Les Carpenter otherwise known as "RN" to STAY AWAY from this blog. I REPEAT that order NOW:

GET OUT and STAY OUT, LES. YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE. From now on -- no matter how "rational"you may appear at any given moment, your comments will be summarily REMOVED without comment.

Please don't try to respond. I will neither read nor consider anything you might have to say from now on.

This is MY property, so you must abide by MY rules.

The same goes for anyone who tries to make further reference to you, "RN," Shaw, or anyone else who represents nothing but antagonism and stupidity.


  1. Damn, he left me out.

    I feel so rejected.

  2. Well Ducky, what can I say? To "FreeThinke" those of us true free thinking souls on the so called right really are the "enemy" in his small world. But I suppose the smaller the world one lives in the greater their fear. Especially when their paradigms are challenged.

    What "FreeThinke" wants is a chorus that follows HIS baton flawlessly. He then feels validated. I wish him well and hope he one day finds the inner peace and security he seems to be lacking.

  3. "....And your little dog, too!"

    1. Maybe "FreeThinke" is busy constructing his Oz. I wonder if Shackleford will be one of the Munchkin kids.

    2. "Maybe "FreeThinke" is busy constructing his Oz. I wonder if Shackleford will be one of the Munchkin kids."

      Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Or, considering that atrocious white-supremacist poem of FreeThinke's either you or Shaw quoted... pay no attention to the man in the white sheet.

  4. RN: Anyway, FreeThinke reminds me of a breed of conservative I found in great numbers years ago at the forum at

    I found myself having great differences with them on many things, even though I consider myself a conservative. There were many there (but not all) that even railed against the idea of interracial relationships, of all things. You know, the types that might think Archie Bunker was a touch too liberal. FreeThinke reminds me of them. I suppose they were a breed of paleocon. I think FreeThinke might be well at home there.

  5. "FreeThinke" could possibly be a Butcher. He's close to making Old Joe McCarthy look like a liberal or progressive. I imagine he views that as a high compliment.

    1. Damn new smart phone fooled me again. Butcher should read Bircher, as in member of the John Birch Society.

    2. Not very smart, is it? I figured "Butcher' was some sort of dubious political sect of a bygone era, like a Whig, and left it at that...

    3. Actually, I had a chuckle trying to imagine our friend, F.T., in a white apron, stained with blood, and carving up some lamb chops. An allegorical scene to frighten us all.

  6. A little bit tangential here but the party of Lincoln and TR was largely a party of empire, war criminality, cronyism, protectionism, and statism. Eisenhower in my estimation (along with the others that you mentioned plus Rockefeller, Howard Baker, Ed Brooke, Jacob Javits, etc.) would have been a far better example.

    1. Good additions Will. However, while I find Theodore Roosevelt to have many faults he was in many ways a remarkable man. In short looking at his philosophy and his politics (in the historical time frame in which he lived and served), and his accomplishments I believe there is more to admire than not.

      Yeah, Lincoln is more of a stretch but we've pretty much beaten that horse to death.

  7. We will always find diverse personalities and viewpoints in Cyberspace. What motivates us? If there are tens of millions of people in Cyberspace, there are probably tens of millions of reasons why we surf the Internet. If there are saints and sinners in the general population, we are likely to find them in Cyberspace … along with bullies, egotists, narcissists, and scoundrels.

    I enjoy meeting people beyond my immediate neighborhood and the challenge of exchanging viewpoints online. From inception, the Internet promised to be a medium for the free, open and democratic exchange of ideas and opinions; in some quarters it has devolved into slugfest of verbal abuse and malicious behavior. There are folks who cannot tolerate any viewpoint other than their own, some who bully us with word sandwich epithets, and others who approach every online discussion as an act of war.

    Sometimes life experiences force us to make ethical and practical choices. Speaking for myself, I decided long ago to avoid toxic personalities – both in my community and online. I consider it a waste of time.

    1. Indeed (O)CT(O)PUS it is so.

      What I find as disheartening as anything is the inability of those I am most closely aligned with (fiscal conservatives/libertarians) to even discuss or kick around views that might challenge their long held paradigms. It is as though they take it as a personal affront and attack on them personally and their values.

      As I age and hopeful get wiser I will be able to cut the drama folks from my life completely, most specifically on the web. here is little difference between "FreeThinke" and Dervish Sanders other than their political ideology. I am finding that the most virulently destructive ideology may just be the one "FreeThinke" and others of his ilk subscribe to.

      In short it is what it is. As you say it ain't worth the mental effort to engage them and it is a complete waste of limited and valuable time.

    2. RN said: "There is little difference between[names removed to avoid distracting flare-ups] other than their political ideology. I am finding that the most virulently destructive ideology may just be the one "FreeThinke" and others of his ilk subscribe to..."

      At some point, Les, doesn't it get to be a pointless exercise to decide which one is better/worse....of the general type, not getting hung up on specific names?

      As in, is it really necessary to pick sides in the Battle of Stalingrad?

    3. RN said: " As you say it ain't worth the mental effort to engage them and it is a complete waste of limited and valuable time. "

      I myself got tired of fighting those at who had too much in common with German national socialists of the mid 20th century. A lot like that "Waylon" dude.

    4. At some point, Les, doesn't it get to be a pointless exercise to decide which one is better/worse....of the general type, not getting hung up on specific names?

      Yup it does. That point has arrived for me. With a plenitude of examples over 6 years to draw from it is clear, at least to me, where the most virulent " viruses" hang out.

    5. I myself got tired of fighting those at ...

      Yeah, checked the joint out and after a brief period of review some time ago decided they are pretty much fringe dwellers (not unlike "FreeThinke") so I pulled up ancor and sailed to more pristine waters.

  8. It's interesting, RN, to see those extremist bloggers devolve into nothing more than echo chambers where the unhinged, the crazies, and smut peddlers are welcomed and people who do not follow doctrine are banned. The Geezer allows only her kind of conservative to comment, IOW, anyone who licks her boots, and F.T. has kicked you out because you don't conform to his and his friends' ideas of what a good little conservative should be. AOW still has a somewhat open forum, but I imagine she'll follow suit at some point and block anyone who isn't "one of them." Of the three blogs that conservatives frequent in that tiny universe, two are now censoring who can speak and who cannot. Then there is the Porno Blog, headed by the Porn Queen and her degenerate smut peddlers. Interesting little universe isn't it? And Ducky is still allowed everywhere except at the Geezer's dreary echo chamber?

    Here's a twist for you on the old Groucho Marx saying: "Who would want to belong to a club with those sort of people as members?"

    1. I'm not banned from FreeThinke's thinkehole yet. I must be doing something wrong...

    2. Unfortunately Shaw there will always be some, on either side of the philosophical/political aisle that lack the ability to consider (seriously) any viewpoint that challenges their long held beliefs. Even in the face of irrefutable evidence their viewpoint is flawed.

      America has always been a land of diverse political and philosophical views as evidenced by the history of our nation's own founding. At present however we are, IMO, as rigidly stratified politically as we have ever been. Certainly in my lifetime for sure. I assign responsibility primarily to the Tea Party fringe and to the fringe Left as neither can see beyond the ends of their noses. Again IMO.

      There are many conservatives/libertarians that continue to be reasonable, rational, and willing to have discussions w/o the BS that "FreeThinke" and his ilk seem to be incapable of.

      At any rate, it is what it is, I remain who and what I am, and "FreeThinke" can take a long walk off a very short pier for all I care.

    3. Actually Shaw, I'll throw in with anybody who has and maintains an active mind as well as being willing to acknowledge the validity of an opposing viewpoint while accepting that they may not be able to change the views of another and move on from that.

      "FreeThinke" and his crowd are incapable of this. They must resort to shutting off all dissent and debate. Is it out of fear? Who knows. But it certainly could be.

    4. Shaw,
      AOW still has a somewhat open forum, but I imagine she'll follow suit at some point and block anyone who isn't "one of them."


      You don't know me at all.

    5. AOW, one of the reasons I stay away from your site is because the "FreeThinke" and his crowd visit. I have maintained the belief you have a basic decency that those at the other mentioned blogs seem to lack. You also respond appropriately to those with differing views and opinions without personalizing it and resorting to name calling. I applaud you for that.

      Personally I believe "FreeThinke" is a phony and a hypocrite. You have never been viewed as such. At least not in my mind.

    6. Yeah, AOW is one of the nicest bloggers (and nicest conservatives) around. But I find a large overlap with the racial supremacists, neo-confederates on both her blog and FreeThinke's. Not to mention the fake Shaws, Shawkenawannabe's, and otherwise Shaw-obsessed trolls on those blogs, which I usually to try to call out when i see.

    7. I agree, RN. AOW's decency comes through. I only made my comment about what could happen to her blog because of what's happened to the others. I never believed for a minute that she'd allow the sort of degeneracy and depravity Lisa allows on her blog. AOW and I don't agree on much, but she has class and standards. Lisa? Not so much. It's a real shame what some women will stoop to just so the guys will continue to flatter them.

      BTW, I have comment moderation on because of two trolls who leave disgusting and filthy language in my comment section almost every day (RN deals with one of them almost daily as well.) I will not have that sort of garbage stink up my blog, so I choose to delete it before it becomes public.

  9. He plays poetic lyricist
    A type of cultured pessimist
    But many think of 'thinke'
    As a sour pompous 'stinke'

    1. So said our BB Idaho,
      Of Thinke's blog, where thinkers dare not go...

  10. Shaw, you've mentioned tribalism, which i also leads to the dreaded "Group Thinke."

    You left off Jo Jo Politico who has also decided to not allow liberals who do not agree with him, even when he posts blatant lies that even conservative pundits cannot accept, to to post.

    What you have is, since they broach no dissent, are people free to allow themselves to show true colors, giving you online exchanges like this one...

    "Like I mentioned in one of your other blogs, Z, there are two classes of Blacks: The N—ers and the people of Color. And the same can be said about other races, including White."

    Now why someone would choose a word like that to describe another human being is beyond me, unless it is pure racism unfiltered. But then we get the response...

    "I have [hate?] the N word but it works here, Mal….yes, it can be said about other races, that’s so true. As if any of us thinks Black Americans are the only entitlement dopes? I believe there are more Whites on the dole, anyway. bad"

    How does someone who hates that word, even if not what it represents, affirm its use?

    If it is not racism, at the very least, it is a coarse decision to describe people with a word that to them denotes hate, discrimination, class distinction and disgust. Worse for me is that many who stoop to this behavior, will be found praising Jesus on Sundays in their locals churches.

    I cannot see how they square these types of behaviors with their faith.

  11. Worse for me is that many who stoop to this behavior, will be found praising Jesus on Sundays in their locals churches.

    I cannot see how they square these types of behaviors with their faith.

    While I am not religious Dave I have read the Bible, both old and New Testaments as well as attending Bible school as a child and several churches while an adolescent and young adult. I have always been befuddled by the obvious contradiction with the New Testament and the blatant hypocrisy that is evident to the thinking and ethical person observing the behavior of those you describe.

    It is easy for them to square their behavior with their faith because they have no sense of true morality and they have crafted their faith in their own image. It is why I prefer to think in terms of ethical behavior and spirituality rather than organized religious dogma.

  12. Dave M's work in Mexico is an example of such action, driven by faith, that is worth emulating.

    Jo Jo... not at all.

  13. here is little difference between "FreeThinke" and Dervish Sanders [names left in because there is a distracting "flare-up" to follow] other than their political ideology.

    Thank you for the shout-out, RN! :) If anyone is interested in viewing the blog of someone who is very much like this "FreeThinke" chap except for ideology, I suggest taking a gander at my blog Sleeping With the Devil, which might cause you to chuckle at my "virulent idiocy" (as another blogger termed my comments/commentary). Comments by anyone of any political ideology are welcome, as well as any comment ridiculing me for my aforementioned idiocy.

  14. Always pleased to help a self absorbed, self indulgent and struggling blogger out Dervish Sanders. Here's hoping that the crowd at "Freethinke", Who's Your Daddy, Z's, and a few others stop by and spend time in your living room. I'm confident you would enjoy their attention and the fireworks that would no doubt follow.

    I wish I had more time to chat but gotta run. Much more important and pressing concerns to address. Have yourself a sparkling weekend and keep up the great story telling over at your SWTD site. Hopefully I'll get around to reading your latest in this lifetime. But I'm pretty busy so it's a long shot.

    Thanks for dropping in. don't hurry back.

    1. RN said: "Hopefully I'll get around to reading your latest in this lifetime"

      Me too. But I have more important things to do as well, like reading the back of my cornflakes box. I'll make it a priority. But somewhat below collecting the entire DVD series sets of "Caroline in the City", vacationing in East St Loius, and skiing in Qatar.

  15. so much fun talking about other people. We had less gossip at 12 year old pajama partys

    1. Coming to a bookstore near you:

      Hate Crimes in Cyberspace
      by Danielle Keats Citron
      ISBN 9780674368293
      Publication: September 2014

    2. Says the Porn Queen who hosts degenerates who gossip about me and my blog all the time, and who tattles to other bloggers about what I write. What a "privilage." Have you looked into any new Travel Bands lately, Lisa?

    3. Coming to a law enforcement investigator near you:

      Indian River County Sheriff’s Office
      Case Number 31365
      Filed: October 10, 2014
      Stalking, rapes threats/unsolicited pornography sent to private email account, menacing.

    4. Shaw if you don't like it ,then stop writing about people

    5. So that's how you roll, Lisa? If I don't stop "writing about people," I should expect you and your pervert friends to copy and paste what's on my blog into your comments? I have to do what you want, or else? .

      Here's the deal, Lisa. I don't know of any woman, save you, who would chose to encourage and give a platform to men who enjoy degrading women. You're the first woman I've met on the 'net or anywhere who enables humiliation and degradation of women, and men, with whom you have political disagreements. Most intelligent people can use their wit and intellect to disarm or disagree with someone's arguments. I guess when one has neither, one has to use other means, as is evident when anyone reads your blog.

    6. Lisa, when Radical Redneck gets indicted would you e-mail me the location and time of the perp walk? I want to get a few shots.

      I'll even send you a contact sheet and you can pick out one for a nice framed 9x12 glossy.

      P.S. Sorry, I shoot B&W

    7. Shaw said: " I don't know of any woman, save you, who would chose to encourage and give a platform to men who enjoy degrading women"

      I wondered about that too. Makes me think of the reports I am seeing of Western women who willingly choose to fly to Syria and help the ISIS rape cult....

  16. And a fan of rape jokes has chimed in...welcome at last Lisa.

  17. Yes I'm such a fan dmarks . And when and where is your proof of this? Heresay?

  18. Here is just one of the many places that Shaw and others have specifically documented Lisa's development of Lisa's blogspot blog as a haven for rape "humor" and similar material. Even with Lisa giving guidance to her sub-pornographers i how to make good links.


    Lisa, you've dug yourself a real deep hole. And instead of doing the decent thing, you are only digging it a lot deeper.

  19. RN: I guess they come out at night, don't they?

  20. You're effin nuts .First of all some of those were like 3 years old and I delete any that have been posted for quite awhile now. It's not a "haven" .Do you even know what a haven is?
    I don't know those people. They post all over the blogoshere

    1. Dmarks: “Lisa, you've dug yourself a real deep hole. And instead of doing the decent thing, you are only digging it a lot deeper.

      Lisa, in case you missed the point of Dmarks, I’ll explain it to you.

      When this story broke last month, you had a golden opportunity to take an ethical and moral stand on the side of civil discourse and decency in Cyberspace. Had you demonstrated integrity by condemning predators and stalkers, you would have earned the respect of all readers of all persuasions.

      Instead, you blew it. You blew it by issuing denial after denial. You blew it by enabling abusers and victimizing the victim. You blew it with phony bravado – even enlisting the aid of sycophant sock puppets with no moral compass.

      As Dmarks says, you dug yourself deeper and deeper. Through your own actions, you have earned yourself an unenviable reputation that will dog you forever no matter how hard you try to wiggle free.

      You blew it. Now live with it.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Referring to Lisa's comment above in which she specifically said "RN if you don't post my last comment then you are the one evading . Oh and if you don't ,All your comments will be deleted so don't bother "

      You actually come to someone else's blog to threaten them???

    2. Lisa is reminding me of this person. Intense, yet vapid, wrath.

  22. I see someone here has very bad manners, to come into someone else's blog and dissemble and even threaten. Perhaps too much whiskey?

  23. Oh blah,blah blah, give it up .

  24. I couldn't have believed it possible, but Lisa has traipsed in here and made the very low reputation her actions have earned her much worse than it was before.

    The unrepentant pornographer is petulant, pissy, and obnoxious about it as welln

    1. You may be right, dmarks. Her nose reminds me of former congressman Weiner.

    2. BB: Shudder. Some things you can't un-see...

  25. gees, I should start writing again....just so I can block somebody, or piss someone off. Free Dhinke I aways thought of as very condescending and boring. Shit.... if I want to talk down to someone, well, gosh, that's what mirrors are for.

    1. I noticed as I passed through okjimm you commented on "FreeThinke"'s site. And he invited you back to share your thoughts. You should go but be sure to get his mirror stamp of approval before posting. :-)


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