Certainly a 2016 Possibility...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Ya just have to kind of like this guy. If for no other reason than he bucks the most conservative fringe element in the republican party and he speaks the truth about FOX News and it's incessant negativity. From TPM...

No stranger to taking on his party's most conservative voters, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) is now calling out the bastion of conservative media.

CNN's Peter Hamby reported that during a speech Thursday night at a South Carolina fundraiser, Bush "singled out Fox News" while expressing "annoyance with the polarizing fights and constant negativity of the political news media."

Bush reportedly said that he only watches Fox "for a few minutes a day before switching over to SportsCenter."

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has been similarly critical of Fox, but the remarks from Bush are notable given how strongly he broke from conservatives on immigration earlier this year.

And with the Republican National Committee's stringent controls over the party's 2016 primary debates, Bush, a possible presidential candidate, might have made an enemy of one of the few media outlets that is allowed to moderate.

It's too bad the republican party members have allowed the party to be hijacked and controlled by it's more extremely conservative element. Now with FOX being zinged by Jeb it is quite probable the deck will be heavily stacked against him if he decides to throw his hat in the ring in 2016.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. The sad thing is that this is the Bush who we probably should have elected in 2000 and not W (who he now has the stench of on him).

  2. It wasn't his time Will. I certainly don't like the idea of a dynasty, but, given the other names being tossed about this guy may very well be the best of the red bunch.

    It is isn't going to happen though. Tea fever, while cooling down a bit is far from running cold.

  3. May be the best of the bunch? He is, far and away, IMO.


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