United Nations Condemns Israel, For Not Sharing Iron Dome...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Have you ever read or heard so much, pardon my french, pure unadulterated buulshit?"

Excerpt, Breitbart - Navi Pillay told reporters following yet another "emergency" meeting of the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council that Israel was not doing enough to protect civilians. "There is a strong possibility,” said the known Israel critic, “that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes.”

Among the UN’s long bill of particulars against the beleaguered Jewish state comes the almost unbelievable accusation that Israel’s refusal to share its Iron Dome ballistic missile defense shield with the "governing authority" of Gaza – i.e. Hamas, the terror group created to pursue the extermination of the Jewish state and now waging a terrorist war against it – constitutes a war crime against the civilians of Gaza.

I am reminded why I sometimes find the United Nations to be anti west, anti liberty, pro mediocrity, and frankly pro insanity at times. This is one of those times.

Find the rest BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Remember when the UN Sec Gen.was an actual card-carrying Nazi, and the UN issued very antisemitic proclamations?

    Well, that was before Kofi Anan and his family profited immensely from participating in Saddam's abuse of the sanctions agreements during the 1990s.

    "Those times" are not that uncommon.

  2. The Palestinians in Gaza were given a $14 million greenhouse business, millions and millions of dollars in foreign aid, and thousands and thousands of tons of concrete with which they could have built schools, houses, hospitals, etc. (they of course used it to build tunnels into Israel instead). They really had a chance to do something positive and as they almost always seem to do, they pissed the sucker away (much like Arafat did with Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak back in 2001)....No, Israel isn't perfect but compared to these barbarians (who, we seem to forget, murdered a large chunk of their rivals back in 2005), it really isn't a tough choice for me.

  3. Will: The Number One goal of the Palestinian government is killing Jews. They don't care how this impacts Palestinians.

    I strongly support Israel's efforts stop this Holocaust. I have sent money to support it,also. Doing my part.

  4. .

    "I am reminded why I sometimes find the United Nations to be anti west, anti liberty, pro mediocrity, and frankly pro insanity at times. This is one of those times."

    No one is arguing that Israel is killing non-combatant women and children.

    In trying to never be the victim again, the Israelis have taken on the characteristics of their European oppressors. The USA supporters of Israel, want to do to the "brown" Semites what the European Christians did to the white Semites. The "brown" Semites have become the scapegoated ones, those "subhuman" animals.

    To rework Shakespeare's "Merchant Of Venice:"

    ... Hath not a Palestinian eyes? Hath not a Palestinian hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Jew is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Palestinian wrongs a Jew, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Jew wrongs a Palestinian, what should his sufferance be by Jewish example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

    Israel is killing non-combatants using high-tech weapons in Gaza. Many in USA are blatantly turning a blind eye to the whole-sale killing of non-combatant children and women in Gaza and are cheer-leading the wholesale carnage/massacre of people in Gaza. (For those who insist on using analogies, the situation in Gaza is very much like that of the 'Warsaw Ghetto.')

    The peace table is the only solution to this problem.

    So what is RationNationUSA's alternative Final Solution to the "Gaza problem?"

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ema said: "In trying to never be the victim again, the Israelis have taken on the characteristics of their European oppressors."

      Not in the least. There is absolutely no similarities.

      The racist crap the rest of your comment is pure antisemitism.

      "For those who insist on using analogies, the situation in Gaza is very much like that of the 'Warsaw Ghetto"

      Only as much as a bicycle is like a fish. Next...

    2. Hamas doesn't give a God damn about its Civilians, Ema - the fact that these frigging lunatics actually launch their rockets FROM schools, FROM mosques, FROM houses, FROM thickly populated residential areas, etc.. That, and it's all a big part of their sick, disgusting calculations (a belief on their part that as the civilian death toll rises, so, too, does the sympathy that they garner from the rest of the world), flies in the face of the fact they've constantly used suicide bombers (many of them adolescents), etc.. Oh, yeah, these morons really care about their civilians.

    3. Ema,

      1) Hamas, started this conflict, it is a terrorist organization that simply does not with to coexist with the state of Israel. The leader of these terrorists said on television exactly that. They are only interested in the total and complete elimination of the Jewish people. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT?

      2) Hamas and the Palestinian terrorists have had ample and repeated opportunity to secure peace and coexist with the Jewish people and the state of Israel on an equal and rational footing. This has not happened because the Jewish people do not want this, no, it is because of the Palestinian/Hamas complete hatred of the Jewish people, their religion, and and their stateddesire to EXTERMINATE the Jewish people. Whereas the Jewish people nor the state of Israel has expressed such genocidal desires.

      Israel is acting in self defense and fighting for THEIR VERY SURVIVAL as a people and their nation.

      3) So Ema, you explain to us all EXACTLY how you deal with terrorists who use their own children and women as human shields, state they have no desire to coexist, and believe an entire people should be exterminated based on some cult called Islam,

      Even given the Judaism and Christian storied past they have both have long ago moved into the modern world where as Hamas, as well as the rest of the Islamic terrorist groups throughout the world are stuck in the 7th century still calling fpr jihad against the infidels.

      Wake up Ema, before it is too late,

    4. .

      "3) So Ema, you explain to us all EXACTLY how you deal with terrorists who use their own children and women as human shields, state they have no desire to coexist, and believe an entire people should be exterminated based on some cult called Islam,"

      Like with any criminal, one at a time. Bring the violator(s) to justice.

      USA supporters of Israel are blaming whole groups of people for actions of individuals in Gaza. USA supporters of Israel are cheering-on as Israeli Defense Forces use scorched earth tactics in urban areas in Gaza. USA supporters of Israel are excusing the killing of noncombatant PEOPLE in Gaza. USA supporters of Israel are being manipulated by the government of Israel.

      Israel is not acting in self defense and fighting for THEIR VERY SURVIVAL as a people and their nation, by the unjustifiable, wholesale killing of noncombatant women and children in Gaza using scorched earth tactics.

      RN-USA postings seem to suggest that RN-USA believes an entire people in Gaza should be exterminated based on RN-USA's hatred of Islam. Regardless, this does not justify the killing of noncombatant women and children in Gaza.

      Ema Nymton

    5. No, no, no Ema. I belive the followingas I've said many times...

      1) Israel has every right to DEFEND itself from terrorists aggression

      2) Hamas and other terrorist groups MUST renounce terror and discontinue the call for the elimination of the Jewish state and people.

      3) Said terror groups MUST accept and embrace the right of Israel to coexist with Palestinians and other Arab and Persian people and states in the region.

      I have no animosity for non violent Muslims and peaceful Arab states, Such as they exist. The responsibility to acheive peace rests with Hamas and the terrorists.

    6. Ema said: "USA supporters of Israel are blaming whole groups of people for actions of individuals in Gaza."

      Well, this does happen, and perhaps can be understandable, as a significant majority of the Palestinian electorate is a party to genocide (having voted for Hamas and its goal of exterminating all Jews). However, Israel's ACTIONS are against the individuals. They even warn civilians to leave the areas Hamas has turned into terrorist war zones.

      "USA supporters of Israel are cheering-on as Israeli Defense Forces use scorched earth tactics in urban areas in Gaza."

      They aren't.

      "USA supporters of Israel are excusing the killing of noncombatant PEOPLE in Gaza."

      They aren't.

      USA supporters of Israel are being manipulated by the government of Israel."

      Sorry, Ema. Your statement is an ugly echo of the old "Jews Control the Media" canard. The fact? USA supporters of Israel are making an informed decision based on the facts.

      "Israel is not acting in self defense..."

      It is. This action by Israel was forced by Hamas having launched many hundreds of missiles over an international border into Israel, every one of them intended to kill large numbers of Israel civilians.

      "...and fighting for THEIR VERY SURVIVAL as a people"

      They are, quite obviously. Not only is Hamas sworn to kill off every Jewish man, woman, and child in the area, many other nations in the area share this goal.

      "RN-USA postings seem to suggest that RN-USA believes an entire people in Gaza should be exterminated...."

      I have read RN-USA's comments. No where does he blame an entire people. And no where does he favor any sort of extermination. You are making stuff up, Ema.

      "based on RN-USA's hatred of Islam."

      There's no evidence of that, either. RN-USA hates extremism. not Islam.

      "Regardless, this does not justify the killing of noncombatant women and children in Gaza."

      Then it is high time for Hamas to end this: by pulling their launchers and troops out of these areas.

  5. Anyway, it is apparent that Ema is from the "blame the Jews first" school, like Norman Finkelstein is. The type that is angry at Jewish people for leaving inconvenient ashes in the Auschwitz ovens.

    RN: it is clear from those you wrote the post about, and commenters like Ema, that vicious antisemitism is alive and well

  6. Ema, I am on my way to wedding in NY. I will respond to your very flawed and antisemitic comment when time allows..

    I don't want to allow your comment to spoil my fun.

    1. .

      Your calling people antisemitic is not addressing the issues of the military forces of Israel in Gaza.

      "IDF Sniper Admits On Instagram To Murdering 13 Gaza Children (http://politicalblindspot.com/idf-sniper-admits-on-instagram-to-murdering-13-gaza-children/)

      Even the generals of Israel acknowledge the Israeli Defense Forces are killing PEOPLE in Gaza.

      Ema Nymton's pointing out the actions/activities of the military personnel of Israel killing non-combatant women and children in Gaza is the right thing to do.

      So; do the people of Gaza have the right to live.

      Ema Nymton

    2. Ema: My properly identifying yours and others antisemitism addresses the root cause of this problem: the unprovoked aggression from Gaza, and the open and explicit statement from the Palestinian government that their attacks are toward a goal of killing every Jewish person in the area.

      As for your link... interesting. So far, appears quite dubious. Perhaps the reason it is not "Front Page" is that it has no validity. If it has any at all, this man will be prosecuted. That is what Israel does in cases like this. The exact opposite of what the Palestinian government does, which is celebrate those who kill Jewish civilians as heroes.

      "So; do the people of Gaza have the right to live."

      Yes, of course, and they do. " Gaza has an annual population growth rate of 2.91% ."(source: here.

      But they have no right at all to engage in an attempted extermination of the Israelis.. an effort which includes the Palestinian government intentionally killing Gaza civilians by using their homes and civilian areas as bases for the attacks.

  7. From a purely military tactical standpoint, the side with the supersonic jet bombers, tanks and artillery
    has killed 1,650 individuals while the side which has been blockaded the last few years, but yet has small arms and ineffective rockets has killed 63 combat soldiers and 2 civilians. The IDF has expended so much ammo, that the US has had to replenish its mortar and 40mm stock.
    The arguments, IMO, are not about Israel defending itself, but the extent of military force, eg. how
    much is necessary, how much is too much, etc. As far as anti-Semitism, we note that there is a signed list of Jewish Americans that are unhappy with with Netanyahu's tactics.
    are not happy

    1. BB: What other way is there to completely get rid of Hamas' rockets.... every one of which would be killing Israeli civilians intentionally if not for Iron Dome and other defenses?

    2. Yeah, there's a disparity in casualties but a) it isn't for a lack of trying (I am positive that if the roles and firepower were reversed, the disparity would be exponentially worse) and b) it is predominantly the fault of Hamas for their having used noncombatants as human shields.

    3. BB: Also... I took time to look at the list you mentioned. The petition contains the usual false antisemitic claims like about Israel being an apartheid state. A majority of them belong to a large list of anti-Jewish organizations. Looking at it, it is quite clear that their petition has nothing to do with Netanyahu's recent actions: these self-hating Jews have a long standing animosity toward Israel and its people, and have an axe to grind.

    4. My guess, dmarks, is not so much self-hating as the old Hebrew-Jewish self guilt, beginning with the OT prophets: Jehovah punishing his chosen people, etc. Along those lines, we note the number of IDF fighter pilots that resigned rather than follow orders to cluster bomb civilians during the Lebanon invasion. Throw in a millennia of persecution of
      the Jews and we would expect that they fully understand the value of any human life, so that even in defense they are loathe to be involved in 'overkill'. And Will, if a people have no iron shield, perhaps they feel compelled to use human shields. Consider the following from the NATO counter-insurgency guide:
      "From a conventional standpoint, the killing of two insurgents in a group of ten leaves eight remaining...from the insurgent standpoint, the two killed were likely related to many others who will want vengeance. If civilian casualties occurred, that number will be much higher.
      Therefore the death of two creates more willing recruits: 10-2=20, rather than 8."
      The middle east gave us the birth of civilization...and the concept of an eye for an eye.
      That area has seen warfare almost constantly going back to Sargon I and IMO unless they
      can learn to communicate with each other effectively it will go on indefinitely.

    5. BB: I refer you to Will's comment above: "Will "take no prisoners" HartSat Aug 02, 01:26:00 AM EDT"

      One side has a few times tried to stop this circle of violence. Has the other side ever done so?

      ".. it will go on indefinitely..."

      One can have more optimism. Look at the millennium.. or more.... of hatred and rivalry and war between England and France. I think it is safe to say that this is dead and buried.

    6. I'm not completely hostile to BB's points here in that there is a part of me that thinks that maybe (especially since the Iron Shield is knocking down virtually all of the rockets headed toward civilian areas), MAYBE, the Israelis should play a little more rope-a-dope (the tunnels are a different story and should be eliminated tout suite) and say to the the international community, "Look, do you see what these assholes are doing? What in the hell would you do to stop it?" I mean, at the very least it might help with the public relations aspect of it. Of course it isn't me running to the damn shelters every other minute, is it?

    7. And let me ask you a question, BB. What if the circumstances were the opposite and Hamas had the Iron Shied and the superior firepower? What do you think the casualty disparity would be then? Something tells me that it would be significantly more than 1,000 to 63.

    8. Will is correct: Hamas has on numerous occasions said that its goal is to kill off every Jewish person in that vicinity. They have even on occasion included every Jewish person on the planet in their statement supporting their murder.

      Hamas wants to end the lives of all Jews.

      Israel wants to end the criminal actions of a few people.

      How can there be a claim of equivalance?

  8. Yes of course BB Idaho, get the terrorist and jihadists to agree with this, then and only then will your logic make a damn bit of difference.

    Sympathizing and making excuses for Hamas as Ema essentially would have the world do will most decidedly NOT work and will simply ENCOURAGE more terror, death, and destruction of human life.

    The cult of Islam encourages the death of infidels that refuse to submit to the will of Mohamed the militarist. That must be dealt with by the Persians, Arabs, Africans, and all the rest who basically remain silent as to the truth.

    1. RN said: "Sympathizing and making excuses for Hamas as Ema..."

      Not to mention Hamas actually targeting an international airport, including attempting to kill passengers of international jets. I guess Ema thinks that international jet passengers are acceptable casualties in the war against Jews.


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