The Least Hard Working President... Among Other Things
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth There is something to be said for hard work and dedication to achieving results, even when it means schmoozing with those you disagree with and compromising when necessary. Especially when you are the leader. President Ronald Reagan and President William Jefferson Clinton knew this. So have all other effective presidents. I wonder what President Barack Obama doesn't get about the hard work and all the other stuff as well... POLITICS - President Obama does his job less often than any commander-in-chief since Grover Cleveland, who held the office in the 19th century. That’s according to Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was interviewed on MSNBC Wednesday ahead of a Republican-backed measure to sue Obama for overstepping his executive authority, especially in his unilateral actions to implement Obamacare. But in the interview, Wasserman Schultz, a US congresswoman from Florida, ...