Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Speaking Out...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

As the nation's Governors display the national partisanship political mood and mentality.

 You rock Bobby! Keep on pressing the agenda for American economic growth, personal responsibility, opportunity for all, and while you're at it please spend some time working on getting your republican associates to get on board moving into the 21st century.

Thank you for your patriotic efforts. Read the ENTIRE ARTICLE BELOW the FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum Louisiana  


  1. "economic growth, personal responsibility, opportunity for all"

    I don't hear any of those things in what Jindal spews. Can't stand the sleazy bastard.


  2. America's national condition. Hearing, or not hearing what they want to.

  3. Looked reasonable, and that is not just partisanship speaking (I liked Obama's "debut" speech at the Dem convention all those years ago, as well)

  4. I know exactly what I hear from that idiot. "economic growth, personal responsibility, opportunity for all" means "help rich people, trust rich people, give rich people the opportunity to whatever they want regardless of the consequences."


  5. Blah. blah, blah. Yada, Yada, Yada.

    So predictable, so not constructive.

    Stuck in perpetual orbit .

    1. Riiiight... And Jindal's "economic growth, personal responsibility, opportunity fo all" is not the least bit predictable or nonconstructive.

      The only orbit here is the Reagan orbit of sleazy rationalization for greed.


    2. Ah, the favored class warfare shtick. Dust er off, roll er out.

      Complete with stupid, and sleaze comments.

      Carry on...

    3. I know you don't like to hear it, but that's what it is. Rationalization of reckless, irresponsible, unfettered, antisocial greed.


    4. I have no problem hearing it.

      Not do I feel the need to blindly agree with your assessment.

    5. There's also absolutely nothing in his message to support any kind of greed (let alone recklessness, irresponsibility, or anything unfettered or antisocial). Except perhaps in Malloy's policies (a person wanting a company to hand out many thousands of dollars in unearned gift money per year to them is damn greedy, to consider the minimum age matter). Maybe Jersey needs to listen again, to the actual words, and perhaps with a dictionary or thesaurus in hand.

    6. dmarks, unlike you, I can read between the rhetorical lines.


    7. Oh I can. However, there is nothing like what you claim even there.

      Other than a chance for you to ignore his words and meaning and replace this with what you wish he had said instead.

  6. What exactly is your measure of patriotism? Taking cheap shots at the President when Jingo’s record of accomplishment is next to nil? When your state ranks at the top in crime and obesity but near the bottom in education, employment, and healthcare? Do you think his pathetic hand-wringing was a proper response to the BP oil spill? How does gay-bashing turn you into a patriot?

    Constant sneer and jeer, harping and carping, grandstanding and partisan buffoonery … how do these turn a dismal public record into a cause célébre?

    A loud voice echoing from an empty vessel; how does this translate into patriotism?

    1. "... please spend some time working on getting your republican associates to get on board moving into the 21st century."

      Perhaps the significance of this statement was overlooked?

      That and there was a remarkable absence of criticism of the left leaning governor in my brief commentary.

      Something about looking in ones own backyard for clutter before focusing on the neighbors backyard perhaps?

      Pressing on...

  7. I see "all" as meaning exactly what he said. Looking at his words instead of what I wish he would have said instead.

  8. That's a real kitchen sink attack there, Octo. A governor has nothing to do with it if citizens in his state decide to be fat. Geez, kinda went overboard there, didn't you.

    1. "Kitchen sink?" Or are you nitpicking over a single word. There are 103 words in my above comment; yet you chose to take exception to one word while ignoring 102 others. No matter. A day after the flap with Malloy, Jingo doubles down on partisan jingoism:

      "I thought they were stiIl for freedom of speech and the First Amendment. So I'm surprised, instead of having a debate about the substance, they just act offended."

      See dmarks, this is the pettiness of the person: The double standard of free speech in an era of hyper-partisanship. It's okay in Jingo's mind to say anything he wants, but it's not okay for Malloy to take him to task for breaching protocol.

      See dmarks, Malloy has free speech rights too, but whenever a spokesperson for any opposition exercises this right, Jingo plays the manufactured outrage card: "How dare you criticize me." Tit-for-tat, tit-for-tat, tit-for-tat. Don't you ever get tired of this shit?

      It's so easy to drop kick a yappy little attack dog. You wanna play schnauzer?

    2. I couldnt read the above comment due to either your ignorance of politician's names or immature playground insults. Either way your comment wasn't ready for prime time. Below standards and did not cut it.

    3. Your comment is a projection of your own ignorance, notwithstanding your humorlessness in failing to comprehend: "Ein Wortspiel ist eine rhetorische Figur," in this case a figure of speech that equates Jindal with 'jingoism,' definition as follows:

      jin·go [jing-goh]
      noun, plural jin·goes.
      a person who professes his or her patriotism loudly and excessively; bellicose chauvinist.

      Do you know any tricks other than: "Bark, bark, woof, woof?"

  9. Malloy is my Governor and the dude's a total asshat. I mean, it's embarrassing when a person can go to MA and get a better deal on clothing (still no sales tax in MA for under $50 purchases) and gasoline but that's exactly what's happened here. Dumb schmuck.

    1. Will: It is quote obvious that a state's policy of over-taxation has the result of changing behavior: strongly encouraging people to take their business to states that don't overtax as badly.

    2. And they call MA Taxachusetts, which makes it all the more embarrassing.

  10. But a governor has everything to do with the educational achievements in his/her state and how well citizens fare in health care and economic growth. Louisiana is always in the bottom of achievement in those categories. It's one of the poorest states in the country. One of the worst in education. One of the worst in providing health care for its citizens. Why should anyone listen to what he has to say when as a governor his state is still far behind in all of these quality of life issues.

    Jindal should clean up his act in his state before he tells other people what they should be doing. His state ranks in the lowest on all quality of life issues.

  11. I actually like Bobby Jindal Shaw. but yeah, he and his state has some work to do.

  12. Octo: I would be humorless if I didn't laugh at something funny you said. You didn't say anything funny.

    I saw the video. Jindal didn't engage in any chauvinism, etc. So "Jingo" doesn't apply. Nice attempt to make fun of his unusual foreign name though.

    I did not nitpick. Nitpicking would have been if I had mocked a misspelling. But I didn't: I countered a weak/invalid argument point of yours.

    1. Dmarks, you mistook a partisan statement for a factual one. If you keep barking, I'll be forced to buy you a burglar; and if that doesn't work, you'll reach the end of your chain and gag yourself.

    2. I will try to avoid mistaking your partisan statements for anything factual in the future.

  13. At least Shaw brings up an evaluation of Jindal's policies as a response. While Jersey attacks him for things he never said or means, and Octo's main point appears to be that Jindal has an unusual name. Which Octo him in the same company with those on the Right who delight in making fun of Obama's unusual non-WASP name.

  14. Dmarks: “Octo's main point appears to be that Jindal has an unusual name.

    No. My point was this:

    Octopus: “Taking cheap shots at the President when Jingo’s record of accomplishment [my bold] is next to nil? When your state ranks at the top in crime and obesity but near the bottom in education, employment, and healthcare? Do you think his pathetic hand-wringing was a proper response to the BP oil spill? How does gay-bashing turn you into a patriot?"

    Please note similar points in Shaw’s comment:

    Shaw: “Louisiana is always in the bottom of achievement in those categories. It's one of the poorest states in the country. One of the worst in education. One of the worst in providing health care for its citizens.

    The words “accomplishment” (Octo) and “achievement” (Shaw) are used synonymously in context, and the words “education” and “healthcare” are mentioned in both comments.

    No dmarks. If you were less tone deaf, less yappy little attack dog, and less selective in your reading comprehension, you might have noticed a concurrence of viewpoints. Projection #3,469: Your's was the partisan comment, not the factual one.

  15. I presented my points completely without partisan bias, canine obsession, or ethnic name-bashing (as Shaw was also able to do)...and with complete acuity of tone. As for reading comprehension, forgive me for seeing what is there.

    And you are the only one here commenting like you are having a temper tantrum.

  16. Dmarks, Karl Marx, Dog Barks,
    Please heed the town zoning ordinance. No more "bark, bark, woof, woof" past 8:00pm. You'll disturb the neighbors.

  17. When one's main point is making fun of the ethnicity of someone's name, all they can do is make funny animal sounds.

    At least Shaw and Will had something of substance. Must be a full moon somewhere or something.

    1. If Jindal wasn't an Indian, the right wouldn't be talking about him at all. He's a schlub. As the GOP tokens up it's tiny minority of minorities with the usual stupid, vacuous, hypocritical, ironic rhetoric about "personal responsibility" and such tripe, one by one they fall off the radar as the rhetoric is seen for the pile of shit it is, and then the bigoted GOP has just enough in their tiny balls to blame liberals for racism for not accepting the steaming pile of shit the GOP is shoveling through their mediocre tokens.



  18. At 7:44 PM 2/26?14... in the ongoing feud between dmarks and (O)CT(O)PUS...

    Ad in (O)CT(O)PUS...

    Final match tomorrow 2/27/14 whenever,

  19. I will let him get in the final word, or grunt, as it may be.

  20. Or, provide a strong argument with irrefutable evidence (O)CT(O)PUS is in fact all wet.

    Knowing Octo as I do if you do he will acknowledge the veracity of your position and argument.

    1. I prefer not to counter ethnically-tinged insults with the same, and barking with other animal sounds. Turning the blog into a barnyard is not as bad as a crap fest, but tiresome anyway.

    2. If anyone is due an apology, it is the American public. An apology for six years of legislative obstruction and gridlock that placed partisan interests above public interests. An apology for non-stop sneer and jeer, defamations, mendacities, old lies and new infamy from liars in public places.

      An apology for the schlock politics of Louie “Go-Merde” Gohmert, Michelle “I-Hate-Barack” Bachmann, Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin, Ted “J’Accuse” Cruze, Jerry “More-Rape” Moran, Nate “Pro-Death-and-Go-Hell” Bell, Jason “Wife-Beating-Kid-Bashing” Priest, and Bobby “Jingoist” Jindal, among others.

      However, there will be no apology to dmarks, who has deliberately misread, miscast, misconstrued, misrepresented, and mischaracterized every comment in this thread. A partisan hack is little more than a barking dog.

    3. I will correct that smear above. I have deliberately read what was said, cast accurately, interpreted proper meaning, and correctly interpreted and characterized every comment in this thread. It's not my fault that some of the comments are so heavy on the possible ethnic slur of "Jingo" and all the barnyard sounds.

      You are quite a belligerent and dishonest individual... like someone who was kicked off "Crossfire" for being too drunk and angry... and very willing to chuck principle in favor of partisanship. I don't expect an apology for all the smearing from someone who is too immature to even get Jindal's name correct; I know you don't have the character to do so.

      As for your barnyard sounds, it is a convenient excuse to avoid discussing real issues. I know you will continue, indeed.

    4. For the last time, the term "jingo" is a political comment, not an ethnic slur, and no tone deafness on your account will render it otherwise. Furthermore, your attributions of "dishonesty" and "drunkenness" are ad hominem inventions unbecoming of a gentleman. It appears "barnyard sounds" is an accurate description when a blogger chooses to act like a pit bull.

    5. I have exhibitied absolutely no tone-deafness.

      Your immature, ad hominem insult againt Jindal reminded me a lot of the ethnically-based insults (Obammy, etc) against Obama. Aside from this insult being your main, weak, and most repeated argument, I do wonder if you would be doing this if he did not have his unusual, ethnic name.

      This is just one of many examples of your ad-hominems here. Most of them are against me, but some are against a long list of politician, for the sole reason that they are not in your preferred political party.

      But yes, the 'drunk' one was out of line. It was wrong, and I apologize. A gentleman apologizes for this. You must not be one, apparently, as you earlier said you would not apologize for your never ending fountain of smear and ad hominem.

      ""barnyard sounds" is an accurate description"

      No, the dog barking stuff is a perfect example of your many smears. A convenient excuse to ignore the facts and the real issues. Aside from being a perfect example of a lie on your part.

    6. dmarks: " ... a lie on your part." Actually, a taunt because you are so easily provoked. You took the bait when I said: "It's so easy to drop kick a yappy little attack dog. You wanna play schnauzer?"

      As I assumed, you immediately lapsed into the role.

    7. dmarks: "some are against a long list of politician, for the sole reason that they are not in your preferred political party."

      Wrong again, dmarks, Karl Marx, dog barks. If you consider my word play on the names of politicians to be unwarranted ad hominem condemnations, these condom nations are justified. There are some politicians worthy of remaining unfertilized and unborn, such as:

      Maine Rep. Lawrence Lockman who said, “men should be able to rape women if abortion is legal,

      and …

      Tea Party President Judson Philips who equates Governor Brewer’s veto of Arizona’s anti-gay Jim Crow law with “slavery and penis cakes.”

      But if you want to defend these hapless haploids, then please proceed, governor.

  21. jmj, do to the vacuous, racist, and cursing rhetoric of the last comment you deposited here The Management determined it inappropriate and will not publish.

    Please feel free to rephrase your feelings and opinion in a more appropriate way and resubmit for consideration.

    Thank you... The Management

    1. jmj, due to the...

      It's early, apparently I need more coffee.

  22. (O)CT(O)PUS, did you ever say a mouthful on the characterization, misrepresentation, miscasting, etc. I've personally experienced this and have grown tired but numb to it.

    America will carry on. Liberals and Conservatives alike. Hand on sword as they march to do battle while the nation slides further into disarray.

    But we have our bibles, guns, and healthcare (ACA). Yep, we'll be fine all right, not to worry...

    Now time for more coffee before starting another day of, well, more of the same.

    1. RN said: "....America will carry on. Liberals and Conservatives alike..."

      And the more you look at it, the more you realize how similar both sides are.....

  23. Louisiana has a long and sordid history as one of the poorest and most corrupt states in the country and to even attempt to lay the bulk of the blame on Jindal is uproarious and pure partisan idiocy.

  24. Winston S. Churchill — 'You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.'


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