Karl Rove on His 2013 Predictions and More...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

I am so pleased this afternoon. Following a very enjoyable luncheon with none other than my ever engaging and intuitive as well as highly intelligent better half I came home to find Karl Rove's report on his 2013 predictions. A real treat if 1)you're a republican or 2) you happen to be in the mood for a chuckle. Something the "White Chalk Board Man" never fails to provide.

Mr. Rove, the dude that has successfully built and or maintained the current GOP box the faithful find themselves locked into gave a brief but informative who-ah for himself on 2013 and as well as his 2014 predictions. A veritable treat if ya have some time to waste.

Read Karl Rove's "My Fearless Political Predictions For 2014" below the fold.


  1. It's like the guy just lives for disaster.


  2. This guy made an absolute ass of himself on election night 2012 and good for Megan Kelly for putting him in his place.

  3. Could be worse: could be the Toesucker instead.

  4. Rove thought the fix was in. That is why he was so surprised Romney lost. They thought they were going to steal the election just like they did when bush "won" the second time.

  5. Time to put Bush behind you. He won twice, it's history... move on. There are plenty of important issues to concern oneself with.

    Play Whack a Mole on current issues.

    1. You're asking the impossible, Les. You'd probably have better luck getting David Duke to join the Congress of Racial Equality.

    2. Will: or of asking Van Jones, a similar figure to Duke (and now a wealthy evangelist of crony capitalism) to join the Cato Institute...

    3. Will: You're asking the impossible, Les.

      Yes, he is. If we ignore past election thefts we invite future ones. As with the one just past. They tried to steal it, but their efforts were not enough to overcome the huge turnout of minority Democratic voters... plus there is the possibility that the servers they thought were going to flip the election for Romney were hacked by Anonymous (the story I linked to with my previous post). The other side never gives up attempting to rig things in their favor... our side giving up and "moving on" by denying previous elections were stolen would be a GRAVE mistake... we need to acknowledge what happened and work to fix the problems... but that might be what individuals like RN and Will want? They want us to "move on" and pretend it never happened (which will make it a little easier for them to do it again).

      I'll ignore the crap-festing and dead horse beating Dennis attempted to incite with his slurs against Van Jones, except to say that he is a man I have a lot of admiration for... and wonder how he can "evangelize" for crony CAPITALISM if he is an unrepentant Maoist (according to Dennis). Perhaps it is time for Dennis to move on from bringing up Mr. Jones, given the fact that he is no longer in government and (as far as I know) has no intention of running for future political office?

    4. Sounds like a hell of an idea Mr. Sanders. Perhaps we should move on from GWB as well. Soon we will be able to move on from BHO as well. Hopefully.

    5. The only thing that is a "dead horse" here is someone once again bringing up the many- times disproven idea that there can be no coexistence between Van Jones' murderous Maoism and his corrupt crony capitalism: they in fact co-exist in the world's second largest economy.

      I didn't bring up Jones for in references to any disproven "dead horse" arguments. I brought him up because he is current. Three days ago, when looking for something else, I stumbled upon Jones' Twitter feeds. He is still at it, and deeply involved in corrupt crony capitalism, as we speak. In other words, he is still part of the problem. A talking head, influence peddler, like Rove, who really is not that productive to anything...


      Now, Les, as we have moved away from GWB, and will move away from BHO in a mere few years, what confidence do you have that the next person will be any better?

    6. Oh, Van Jones is a big time crony capitalist. His whole frigging green jobs agenda, in particular, is nothing more than a big time transfer of wealth from the taxpayers of America to major industry (battery makers, contractors, agribusiness, etc.), banks, and well connected investors. I wouldn't trust the son of a b as far as I could throw him.

    7. dmarks, in answer to your question directly above, NONE!

    8. I must strongly disagree. Unlike the majority who comment here, I am not a worshiper in the church of the fictional "free market". I support government intervention to steer the energy market in a direction that will be beneficial to society. You call it "crony capitalism", but I call it wise government policy. And Van Jones sees that as well, which is why I shall continue to admire him and support his efforts.

    9. RN: dmarks, in answer to your question directly above, NONE!

      I've heard some people say they'd like to see Elizabeth Warren run for president. If she did I'd definitely be behind her 100 percent. Democratic presidential nominees usually run to the Left of where they end up governing (as Clinton and Obama both did), but with Warren I think we'd have a candidate who adhered more strongly to her campaign promises. She seems to be walking the talk in the Senate. BTW, Dems use Leftist rhetoric because the people respond to it. IMO the American people are hungry for a true Left of center president, not Moderate Dems pretending to be Liberal.

    10. Warren? For President?

      Right, if you're delusional enough to believe she has anything it takes to be Presidential.

      Palin's alter ego.

    11. The government that has already "steered" us in the direction of ethanol, idiotic wind turbines, and free golf carts for millionaires? Sorry, but I'm gonna have to pass. I mean, just look at the damned entities that were in favor Kyoto and cap and trade; Deutsche Bank, Enron, Goldman Sachs, etc..

    12. Will: There you have it. Crony capitalism: purely corrupt, benefiting mainly well-connected plutocratic types, and one of the danger signs of fascism. Most of us oppose it. But not all...

    13. RN: Warren? She has what it takes, no doubt about that. A lust for power, and the willingness to demagogue issues by appealing mainly to voters' jealousy and base emotions. She is willing to commit fraud to get ahead (as her earlier making a false claim to be Native American for special advantage proved). Unfortunately, such can cause someone to be a successful politician...

      Palin's alter ego? Perhaps. Sure hope she makes like Palin and quits.

  6. I mentioned Dick Morris because he was as recently "relevant" as Rove. He faulty polling from Gallup and others. Faulty polling that is entirely attributable to incompetence.

    As for Rove's predictions, he can't be much worse than the CBO. Which is pretty awful to begin with.

    Relying and prominently displaying such men as Rove and Morris makes Fox News seem like amateur hour, and drags them down to the level of the worst of MSNBC.

  7. I've actually seen a Morris siting or two lately. He claims to have resigned from making predictions which is a pretty solid strategy I would say.

  8. And I think that the people of Hong Kong with their 3% unemployment rate would take grave exception to their free market being referred to as "fictional" (especially when you compare it to the government centric approach of countries like Spain which currently have a 26% jobless rate).

    1. Will: Those who use "fictional" to decribe free markets generally are using it as a meaningless pejorative. These people generally oppose economic matters truly controlled by "we the people" and instead want those who rule (the State, the rulers) to command and control the economy. The state claims that these trespasses on the people's affairs are "beneficial to society", and they do fool some of the gullible and uncritical. But let there be no doubt: this corruption, this crony capitalism, this keystone of fascism, benefits the oligarchs first and foremost.

      About Warren. There is indeed a hunger for true left-of-center candidate. After all, we have elected one for 13 of the last 20 years. However, there is very little hunger for a hard left, Progressive candidate. While Progressives succeed due to regional popularity, or a sneaky politician's ability to preach Progressive rhetoric while engaging in corrupt pork barrel politics, nationally the Progressive cause is rather unpopular with the people.

      According to a poll by Think Progress of all places, while a lot of people do support near-left liberalism (the politics of Clinton and Obama), progressivism is the ideology of a mere 16%.

      Yeah, America hungers for progressive politics about as much as it hungers for brussels sprouts. Less so, in fact. Which means that we won't ever have a President with politics like that of Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren will have to move strongly to the center to gain any traction.

    2. Of course the progressive plan and hope with respect to progressivism boils down to... Repeat a lie often enough and eventually it becomes believable.

    3. Yes. And as we know, Progressives are not alone in that.

    4. Of course WE recognize and acknowledge that. But don't hold your breath anticipating many progressives to recognize and acknowledge the same within their ranks.

  9. Dennis: Yes. And as we know, Progressives are not alone in that.

    Progressives are alone in telling the truth. The lie repeating comes from the Conservative/Libertarian side. That is the side that favors the policies that enrich the plutocrats (which is what happened in Hong Kong, where according to the Asia Time Online "...if you are labor, chances are in most cases you can only aspire to some sort of glorified slavery").

    As for the claim that we have elected a left-of-center candidate as president for 13 of the last 20 years... complete nonsense. Clinton and Obama were both moderates. Clinton a "New Democrat" (i.e. corporate Democrat) and Obama a SELF DESCRIBED "blue dog" (i.e. Conservative Democrat). Neither were or are "left of center" (but Dennis does LOVE to beat the dead horse on this one).

  10. So, what you're saying Mr. Sanders is... dmarks and you are in a dead horse race?

  11. He will easily win such a race....The horse he rides is Progressivism. Rather than disprove the latest pile from the horse (including his oft-repeated illogic about a left-winger not being leftist because they are not extreme left), I will let Will or someone else drag this horse to the glue factory. If he even wants to. It is the same-old same-old.

  12. Dennis' horse is already glue... which he uses to insert new pages into the dictionary that redefine what left wing means... which involves (using Dennis illogic) Democrats who SELF IDENTIFY as Moderate/Conservative actually not being what they say they are. It is indeed the "same old same old" with Dennis.

    1. And El Canardo rides the dead horse of stale lies into the crap-bowl.once again. Give it a rest....

    2. Socialists would rather have everybody doing slightly below average (or worse as was the case in India, East Germany, the Soviet Union, etc.) than everybody doing better but with a few doing much better. I fundamentally disagree.

    3. You're in the crap bowl by yourself, Dennis. I only point out the truth regarding how the last two Democratic presidents self identified (and are identified by the Progressive community). I really don't care if you don't accept the reality of where they stood (and stand) politically.

    4. Happy New Year Mr. Sanders and may 2014 be the year of mending fences.

      Of course that requires more than one. It also requires laying down partisanship and removing oneself from the boxed paradigms.

    5. And, yes, there is a lot of income inequality in Hong Kong (in a free market economy that does tend to happen) but less than 7% of the households make less than $4,000 a month. Not too shabby - http://www.gov.hk/en/about/abouthk/factsheets/docs/population.pdf

    6. Moderates specifically within a left wing movement are moderate/conservative within the context of that movement only, and are still left of center. That is the reality of where certain politicians such as Obama and Clinton stood and stand. They clearly self indentify with movements that, while more to the center than some, are still leftist.

      The New Democrats, also a left wing movement, also have nothing to do with corporations. The movement merely tilts more toward the public interest and away from the the interest of the State than more hardcore statists (such as progressives) would like.

    7. Will: No doubt that the lives and work if very few of even these people meets the definition of slavery. (Similar to its use in the term "wage slave", which has nothing to do with slavery at all and ends up cheapening the meaning of the word and trivializing the experience of actual slaves).

  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours, Les of Rational Nation!

  14. Dennis: Moderates specifically within a left wing movement are moderate/conservative within the context of that movement only... [blah, blah, blah]

    I take it then, you do not wish to differentiate yourself from the Conservatives within the Right wing movement like Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann, the "rape is a gift from God" dudes, Glenn Beck (etc, etc). All these individuals (like Dennis) exist specifically within a Right wing movement (certainly within the context of the word games Dennis is playing).

    And, the so-called "New Democrats" are VERY corporate in nature (they bend to the will of the oligarchs in return for campaign cash). Progressives, on the other hand, comprise the only political faction that acts in the public interest... you call it "hardcore statism", I call it doing the will of the people (democracy).

    1. I did not intend to comment on yours and dmarks tit for tat. However, I do ot intend to begin the new year with a broken record entry and would appreciate letting things slide when it becomes obvious that 1) you do not understand dmarks, 2) dmarks does not understand you, 3) that regardless of explanation you will stick to your initial conclusion, 4) that regardless of explanation dmarks will stick to his initial conclusion, and finally either agree to RESPECTFULLY disagree or just go away.

      Oh, and if you believe that progressives should they ever come to power (nature forbid!) will be any different than republicans or democrats you are either naive or delusional. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    2. I respectfully disagree with D. Sanders. If he wants to continue this discussion, he can start an item for it on his own blog.

  15. 5 of the top 10 richest counties in the country are a stone's throw from Washington D.C.. And I would be willing to bet that there are at least a couple of progressives that reside there in addition to the Ds and the Rs.

  16. Soon we will be able to move on from BHO as well. Hopefully.

    Can anyone on this forum honestly deny that BHO basically saved the entire world by saving the United States economy after the ravages of republican rule and warfare? His actions have only proved our faith. Results? You try to change the world.

    I started calling him President Moses the day he was elected. Which one of you is still in darkness? Will you begrudge a few million poor people the right to health care?

    1. And the Obama Youth award goes to Flying Junior, who is still drinking the koolaid, all these years since 2008, under Obama, of millions of jobs lost, the national debt nearly being doubled, millions of people losing healthcare, and all of Obama's warfare and drones. Here's to you! Your faith is proven!

      I bet he knows the songs by heart.

    2. Rectifying an episode of overspending and overleveraging with an even bigger episode of overspending and overleveraging is only something that makes sense if your entire existence is MSNBC and the editorial page of the New York Times.


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