As the White House Embarks on Damage Control...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

President Obama is watching his approval ratings hit their lowest point of his presidency. Concern has caused President Obama's Chief of Staff to approach John Podesta to accept the position of White House Counselor. Looks like damage control is preparing to into high gear.

Barbara Walters, the soon to retire co-host of morning program The View, confirmed what many suspected all along. That the left, or at least many of them, viewed Barrack Husein Obama as the second Messiah.

Of course the right has opposed nearly everything Obama has put forth, ObamaCare, or the ACA (affordable care act, if you can call it that)has crawn almost non stop fire from conservatives since 2009. Now, even some in his own party are beginning to have concern over the cracks in the President's veneer.

2014 could well be shaping up as the year republicans increase strength in the House and gain a majority in the Senate. Should they succeed in this the prospects for a republican presidential candidate winning the White House in 2016 is certainly enhanced. That is if conservatives and the republican party are smart enough to find and nominate a candidate with broad national appeal and an agenda most Americans can live with.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Watching the President on TV it is clear the White House is in full damage control mode. Concern #1 is Obama's legacy and concern # 2 is 2014 mid term and the effects this past year will will have on the election. IE: possible loss of the senate majority.

    But with his upcoming fun in the sun holiday break he'll return rejuvenated and in full campaign mode.

    I wonder if he has his mind focused on the credibility issue and the full truth.

  2. And a New CNN/ORC International pool out 12/23/13 .has support for the ACA at a new low. Support amongst women has really slipped.

    Yep, it's starting to look like someone is pretty clueless.

    Result... we're stuck with the Unaffordable Care Act.

  3. I find myself thinking... How is Obama's Justice Department gleeful position on the NSA's violation of Americans Civil Liberties going to play? Will we see further erosion of support?

    Stay tuned.


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