Syria is a Distraction From Bengazi, So Sayeth Senator Cruz.....

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Always enjoy watching people trying to connect the dots.

From Think Progress, the publication I usually always disagree with.


Via: Memeorandum


  1. The GOPers keep trying to make that dog hunt, but that dog is gone, baby, gone:

    “The American people have a legitimate question: why were efforts not undertaken to save our people?” Rove asked. When Williams tried to rebut this, Rove shouted: “No assets were put in motion, and as you just admitted, U.S. military on the ground in Tripoli were told don’t go to Benghazi.”

    “There was no stand down order,” Williams said. “What we have is: don’t go in after the fact, when we don’t know what you’re getting into, and it could result in more American deaths.”

    “You’re all in the weeds here,” Williams said, as Rove continued to scream over him. “You continue to prosecute this like there’s some huge crime. Stop living in the past, and trying to get after Susan Rice or whoever. This has nothing to do with Ambassador Stevens.”

    “You may be comfortable with the American people being told a deliberate lie by the administration, but I’m not, and I think we need to get to the bottom of it,” Rove said.

    “The list of questions that remain unanswered to this day are what make this still a legitimate conversation,” Brit Hume said in his calm baritone. “Juan, I’m sorry to say, this is simply not over.”

    “It’s gone baby,” Williams said, as the panel cracked up. “It’s in your head. That’s about the only place.”

    1. Yawning 'Wicked' as the blogoshere, misdirected or misguided politicians, and the media continues to feed fuel to this rather unimportant distraction. Sure, I questioned it early on. But like the good rebel I am once logical and satisfactory info surfaced I moved on. Some just cannot do so. I often wonder why.

    2. No need to wonder, Les. They can't move on because they have nothing to move on to.


  2. The Texas GOP has become a national joke.


    1. Any new news jmj? Or better yet, a progressive slant on your movements own bigotry?

    2. RN asked: " Any new news jmj?"

      Obviously not. But he does have vapid political campaign boilerplate, no different at all from football team rivalry.

    3. It's just kind of sad and pathetic. Texas once produced some of the biggest movers and shakers of the American political scene, and lots of colorful and interesting characters. It seems these days the GOP voters (not necessarily in particular, but mostly) of Texas will just elect anyone who says any stupid thing a civilized person wouldn't say in mixed company. It's as if that, and that alone, is the new standard. And it's not just in politics - education, healthcare, the economy, electorally, you name it. In almost every way, the ruling Texas GOP seems to be angrily and willfully wrong.

      Sure enough, history will catch up with them. As it is now, if it weren't for gerrymandering, Texas would probably be Blue already, but in the future it WILL happen. When that day comes, I'm going to laugh my ass off.


    4. Jersey said: " As it is now, if it weren't for gerrymandering, Texas would probably be Blue already"

      Reality check: the political reality of that state contradicts your uninformed and partisanship-steeped opinion.

      According to the most accurate indicator:

      the most recent vote... which counts the entire state, regardless of district or shape of district, Texas is bright red.

    5. Also: Mander is as mander does, Jersey. Check this out: page of worst gerrymandered districts from just a few years ago.. The worst ones were brought to us by Democrats in deep blue states. The ones in Texas don't look bad in comparison. Of course, since you are all blindly partisan campaign-style boilerplate, you won't be the one pointing this out.

  3. We linked to Rational Nation over at for this most excellent post. Thanks Les for bringing Cruz's comments to our attention.

    Bit hat tip. Keep up the good work!

  4. What do Senator Cruz and Think Regress have in common? They're BOTH jokes. "The discredited Benghazi attack investigation" - LOL! The administration lied for over 2 weeks in terms of this youtube video/spontaneous protest eruption (yeah, those nonexistent protesters just happened to have AK-47s and grenade launchers in their back pockets) line that Bob Bare of CNN and Eli Lake of the Daily Beast both knew was a total bunch of nonsense well within 24 hours and we're still waiting for the media access to the witnesses and survivors. Yeah, maybe the dog doesn't bark when it comes to the administration's response and I'm willing to cut them some slack on that but I don't like being lied to for 2 weeks and underestimated.

    1. Will: Does it bother you at all that Hillary also bashed the noble protected expression of filmmakers under our First Amendment instead of bashing the terrorists? That ranks real high to me.

    2. It absolutely bothers me and the way that those Muslim extremists reacted to that Danish cartoon (murdering the author, killing nuns, attacking embassies) is something that should never be allowed to happen again.

  5. Will: Correct. And Hillary sides with this extreme view. I hope this is one factor that keeps her out of the White House.

  6. Ted Cruz: if it looks like a Joe McCarthy, acts like a Joe McCarthy, smirks
    like a Joe McCarthy it must be ....


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