Santorum Sounding REASONABLE...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
berty -vs- Tyranny

Santorum said Republicans must talk to working-class people, not CEOs. | AP Photo

Ex Senator and failed Republican Presidential candidate jockeying to capture the populist platform for 2016. I was brutal on Santorum the Fundie during the 2012 campaign. Having said this I must be fair and balanced. His recent remarks following are ones many can relate to an agree with.

POLITICO - Rick Santorum ripped Mitt Romney’s campaign Thursday for mishandling President Barack Obama’s “you didn’t build that” gaffe last summer.

The former Pennsylvania senator recalled all the business owners who spoke at the Republican National Convention.

“One after another, they talked about the business they had built. But not a single—not a single —factory worker went out there,” Santorum told a few hundred conservative activists at an “after-hours session” of the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington. “Not a single janitor, waitress or person who worked in that company! We didn’t care about them. You know what? They built that company too! And we should have had them on that stage.”

“One after another, they talked about the business they had built. But not a single—not a single —factory worker went out there,” Santorum told a few hundred conservative activists at an “after-hours session” of the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington. “Not a single janitor, waitress or person who worked in that company! We didn’t care about them. You know what? They built that company too! And we should have had them on that stage.”

Santorum did not mention Romney, whom he challenged in the primaries, by name during a 21-minute speech in a dim ballroom at the Marriott (a company on whose board Romney sits). But there was no doubt who he was talking about.

“When all you do is talk to people who are owners, talk to folks who are Type A’s who want to succeed economically, we’re talking to a very small group of people,” he said. “No wonder they don’t think we care about them. No wonder they don’t think we understand them. Folks, if we’re going to win, you just need to think about who you talk to in your life.”

Trying to carve out a role as a leading populist in the 2016 field, Santorum insisted that Republicans must “talk to the folks who are worried about the next paycheck,” not the CEOs. {Read More}

Perhaps Santorum actually understands why the concerns of the "common man" is important for the republican party to understand if it is to survive. Now, if only he would temper his frothiness a bit with respect to his fundie religious proclivities.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. The reality is neither party speaks to, or of, or for, the "common man."

    1. Indeed! I applaud your bipartisanship on this issue TAO.

      Nice to have you visit.

  2. My suspicion is that it's probably a ploy (though, yes, my cynicism being off the charts these days is undoubtedly a factor here).

    1. It may be However, the truth of the WORDS cannot be denied.

  3. Will: Santorum has always had that streak which Les has identified here. Thing is it gets overwhelmed by his hardline "Moral Majority"-type stances.

    Though, to be fair, his view on gay marriage is identical to the one Obama campaigned on in 2008, and had until about 3 years ago.

    1. To bad about Santorum's "Moral Majority" stances. Seems he just can't escape the tug.

      Obama, like the MAJORITY of the country was slow to seeing their error.

  4. Progressives speak for the common man. I bet Santorum's billionaire would have thought twice before giving him any more cash if he had said that during the campaign.

  5. At least half of the "common man" group believes that progressives do not speak for them at all. As I am not arrogant and don't make ham-handed uninformed decisions about people's lives and situations that completely ignore the experiences/lives/feelings/needs of these people, I defer to their wisdom and judgement.

    Therefore, it is much more factual to say that progressives speak for a group that at best only numbers 47% of the "common man" group. If even that.

    My source on the numbers? A major progressive think tank/pressure group:

    "After a follow-up question that asks moderates to choose between the other ideological approaches, a roughly even left-right breakdown surfaces: 47 percent of Americans are “progressive” or “liberal” and 48 percent are “conservative” or “libertarian.”"

    From State of American Political Ideology" by the Center of American Progress.

    The statement "Progressives speak for the common man." is contradicted by information from progressives themselves. Completely devoid of any intellectual rigor, that statement is probably not even worthy of a bumper sticker.

    1. Yes... but WD seems to dabble frequently in such bumper sticker jargon.


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