Supremes Considering Striking Section V of Civil Rights Act...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The Supreme Court is considering striking down Section V of the voting rights act. The conservative members of the Court, along with swing vote Justice Kennedy, question whether the specific section has outlived its usefulness. Appears the President concurs. At least partially. Striking Section V would remove the need for certain states and counties to get federal government approval before changing their voting laws.

THE HILL - President Obama also seemed to signal earlier this week that a loss at the Supreme Court was possible, if not likely. Obama said in a local television interview last week that losing Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act would not cause people to lose their right to vote.

“People will still have the same rights not to be discriminated against when it comes to voting," Obama said. "You just won't have this mechanism, this tool, that allows you to kind of stay ahead of certain practices." {Read the Details}

Via: Memeorandum


  1. There are always people breaking the law. The law is there for people to seek justice, not eliminate discrimination, or end law breaking.

  2. If the time has come to clear the name, so to speak, of these sixteen states, then so be it.

    There really is nothing the Blue Meanies can do at this point. Pre-clearance is an anachronism. The eyes of the world will be upon these states and counties just as they were in 2012 when others tried to enact voter ID laws. Anything they try can be struck down in one week or less by any federal court.

    If the president is cool with it, I'm down. Let the states and counties regain their self-respect. We forgave Germany a long time ago.

    1. Points well made. My hat is off to your active mindedness.

  3. The trouble with eliminating Section V is that the damage will be already done before the people can act. After the fact, and damage, has been done. The only "anachronism" here is the continued right wing attacks on voting rights. There's a reason Obama, who won by 5,000,000 in the popular vote, would have lost to Romney if the vote was tallied by district: That's why the map looks so Red. Only a moron would think everyone in the Red States is a moron. The GOP has rigged the political process in much of the country, with gerrymandering to outright under/over-representing.

    And you guys want more of that...

    Remember, though only a few laws are ever actually over-turned, hundreds have been dropped when it became clear they couldn't past the test. We could see some really crooked, nasty laws being passed out there if Section V is nullified. I can't imagine anything good coming out of such a decision. It seems like an underhanded request in the first place, what with the states GOP undermining of the vote these days.

    It should be national, ideally, but then the law would go back to a rigged, crooked GOP congress, completely conflicted in the matter.

    It's a troubling situation, and the ease of achieving office in Red districts has lowered the bar for their representatives. They really are a joke. But it's not so funny when you consider the power these sleazy idiots wield.


  4. The only "anachronism" here is the sleazy claim that efforts to stop voter fraud are really efforts to hinder voting rights.

  5. Wrong again. States attempts to stop the non voter fraud problem, stopped 10's of thousands of legal voters from voting, just in the last election.

  6. If I told dmarks the sun rises in the morning, he would say it's an illusion, a non-issue, lefty propaganda.


  7. The sun thing has nothing to do with the real problem of election fraud. Since the Democrats oppose efforts to stop it, one can only conclude that they benefit from it.

    Also, Jersey, you put words in my mouth that I never use. "Lefty" applies to someone who is left-handed as well as someone who is politically on the left, so I use the word "leftist" instead, as it is a lot more clear. Also, the word "propaganda" in these discussions is a meaningless pejorative that people use to mean information they dislike. I just avoid using that one, also.

    That aside, I like to stick to the facts, not blame things on leftist information and other such conspiracies. In putting those words in my mouth, Jersey, there's some good evidence that you might have me confused with someone else who uses that term in such a knee-jerk fashion as you imply.

  8. Please cite your voter fraud problems, with official evidence.

  9. This is but one example of such crime. Also, the Democratic Party-related thug group "ACORN" had a problem when several of its agents were arrested for election fraud in which they padded voter rolls with lots of fake names. This is well documented.

  10. As I thought, no evidence. It was Republicans caught trying to commit voter fraud in the last election. Forgot about that, did you/

  11. Two pieces of proof, not mere evidence. And it was the Democrats caught trying to commit voter fraud... every time Eric Holder, who graciously took time out from giving Mexican drug gangs assault weapons, intervened to make sure fake names could vote.

  12. Where is your evidence of Republicans purposely causing voter fraud? It was big news when it happened. By partisan man.

    1. Hey troll, either bring something of substance, something supporting your position or DON' T bother to come back.

  13. Just what I said to Dmarks, bring some evidence, no go


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