Jefferson, Dead On As He Often Was...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation
-vs- Tyranny

“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.”

Thomas Jefferson quote

And so it seems...!


  1. And to think that a lot of his contemporaries (the Hamiltonians, especially) considered him to be some what of a bumpkin.

    1. Yeah, especially the Hamiltonians. The early statists of out early beginnings. The seeds responsible for bearing the fruits of the present were planted long ago.

      There are many who still consider Jefferson a bumpkin. How wrong they were. How wrong they are.

  2. This is what sincere liberals do not get: It's not that the founders were gods or infallible. They simply knew human nature and devised a system that would play the different power centers off of one another. Alas, the firewalls they set up have been eaten through by progressive rats and cockroaches. The different power centers are now infested by power hungry oligarchic statists of all parties who continually collude and conspire against We The People.

  3. That's funny
    Only liberals are responsible
    That kind of brick wall thinking is why we have screwed ourselves

    1. I do believe Silver said the power center
      " of all parties" did he not?

      Responsibility then is shared it would seem. At least to most methinks.

  4. The first Central bank of the U.S. (est. 1791), Les, a model that the FED was ultimately constructed on - Hamilton was for it, Jefferson and Madison against it. That fact alone......


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