Does the Election Matter? Historical Data Indictes Not....

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

As America moves closer towards a collectivist society, a movement that has been supported by rEpublican and dEmocrat Presidents and Congresses alike, one should ask themselves the question... Does it really matters who is elected President November 6th? Observing present realities, and looking at the national trend for the past 100 plus years it should be obvious to everyone that socialism has been, and continues to be on the march. Irrespective of which political party holds power, who the President is, or whether the Supreme Court is liberal or conservative, socialism has been steadily woven into the fabric of this once capitalist and individualistic nation.

Whether or not the majority understands why this is occurring, or the dangers it presents to property rights, freedom, and individual liberties is debatable. For freedom and liberty to survive as this nation (rightly) understood the concepts at the time of its founding requires an understanding of the concepts and principles that define rights.

Individual Rights

A “right” is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man’s freedom of action in a social context. There is only one fundamental right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): a man’s right to his own life. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life means the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action—which means: the freedom to take all the actions required by the nature of a rational being for the support, the furtherance, the fulfillment and the enjoyment of his own life. (Such is the meaning of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.)

The concept of a “right” pertains only to action—specifically, to freedom of action. It means freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by other men.

Thus, for every individual, a right is the moral sanction of a positive—of his freedom to act on his own judgment, for his own goals, by his own voluntary, uncoerced choice. As to his neighbors, his rights impose no obligations on them except of a negative kind: to abstain from violating his rights.

The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave.

Bear in mind that the right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and the consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that a man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earns it. It is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values.

Man holds these rights, not from the Collective nor for the Collective, but against the Collective—as a barrier which the Collective cannot cross; . . . these rights are man’s protection against all other men. {Excerpts, Ayn Rand Lexicon

These are concepts and principles that have been handily and readily rejected by rEpublican and dEmocrat leaders alike. The reason? Both desire and lust after power and control.

Good luck future generations of Americans. Unless something changes soon the citizens of this nation will be little more to their rulers than property to be used however the state wishes.


  1. Elections do matter. Imagine four more years of Carter in 1980.

    1. Yeah, you're right. Finding the "best band-aide" to stop the bleeding, and or "tourniquet" to stop the hemorrhaging is all important. As we long term stumble headlong deeper into the precise issues that have caused the problem to begin with.

      The oligarchs know precisely what they are doing and they understand perfectly well that America will continue to support them as they tighten their control.

      Yup, elections matter. And everyone should stop bitching about the results of that which they have chosen. Because at the end of the day, no matter who is elected November 6th this country will indeed become a little less free.

      But all the hyperbole, half truths, platitudes, and damn lies make for great drama for the people. Progressives and conservatives alike. Someday maybe the people will realize the oligarchs have dine a damn fine job of pitting Americans against Americans.

      Call it sour grapes if you like. The question still remains, what does it really matter.

      Silver et all , the game is rigged, it has been rigged for years, and it ain't gonna change, nor will it get any better under a Human Flipper called Mittens Romney.

      Taking a chance on a different course is not what America does any longer. Staying the course of status qou is what America does. It's as the oligarchs planed it. It is working marvelously well.

  2. American born Lincoln was much more eloquent on the point than The Soviet born Stalinist Rand. Americans have freely elected (chosen) their path. If you don't like it move the the country of your idol.

    1. "The Soviet born Stalinist Rand"

      I have my own criticism of Rand, but she was as far from Stalinist as one could be. Looks like you are some sort of moron who thinks that being born in Russia means one was a socialist. Which is not only completely ignorant and insulting of the people of Russia and the former USSR, but is also decades out of date.

  3. I see by your ads, you blog for money. Figures.

  4. Blogging for money, not principle. typical Randian

    1. Proving yet again you are not only an ASS but ignorant well.

  5. Your unemployed
    You need money
    So bastardize yourself

    1. Pathetic, ignorant, hateful, and an idiot. But I must admit you provide us with a great deal of amusement. Like the Baboons in the Zoo.

    2. I'd say the baboons with the flaming red ass cheeks, personally. I wonder just who this troll is? They are obviously obsessed with you...

    3. Yeah, it's sorta spooky. The way I look at however is I've hit a nerve and this flaming red ass cheek Baboon has found the only way it can strike back is to be a scumbag troll. Anon the Cowardly One.

    4. i bet if Anon met a real Russian he would be punched in the throat for the silly "Russian = Stalinist" thing.

      I look forward to Anon informing us that all Germans are Nazis, all Chinese are moustache-twirling Fu Manchus, all Africans are pygmies with a bone in their nose, and all Egyptians "Walk like Egyptians".

      Anon not only revels ignorance, he celebrates it.

  6. .

    'Unless something changes soon the citizens of this nation will be little more to their rulers than property to be used however the state wishes."

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    We the people are the state.

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ya think?

    2. "We the people are the state."

      Civics 101: the state rules over us. The founding fathers knew this, which is why they gave us the Bill of Rights, which expressly limits the power of the rulers over "We the people".

  7. "We the people are the state."

    Is that what Russian peasants under Lenin said? How about Pols under Hitler?

    Your rhetoric could justify any sort of tyranny. Empty bromides are a sad replacement for critical thought.

    "... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

    Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 (C.J. Boyd, Ed., 1950)

    1. What an appropriate quote for our time. As you know doubt know Tim there are by far many more who choose ignore these truths than there are those who read and attempt to understand them.

  8. Calling for an armed rebellion because you don't like a black man as president. Jefferson would agree

    1. Anon, you have now just proven beyond the shadow to be a complete ass. Do not come back because if you so you WILL NOT get the time of day.

      God bye sick MF

  9. RN: This Anon is a type of racist who believes that it is racist to criticize black people as harshly as one criticizes white people.

    I'm not sure of the logic of this. Perhaps it is Anon's view that black people are frail inferior beings who can't cut it competing against others and need special protection.

    1. dmarks, no rational individual will ever be able to comprehend the logic of this sick MF. It is a troll, has no purpose but to disrupt and harass me because of it's personal hatred for anyone. me in this case, who dates disagrees with it.

      When I return to posting, which I most certainly will, IT has been banned from this site. But the stupid MF is so egotistical as to think it shut me done (see following post."

  10. He is a lot like Liberalmann at Leticia's blog.

    Liberalmann likes to take leftist editorials and present them as if he wrote them, which adds another dimension to his dishonesty.

    I hope you don't drop out entirely. My blog is kind of dormant, but I will be blogging about Johnson ver soon.

    1. Never intended to drop out entirely, or at all. Just choose tonight to expose Anon the it for what the jackass really is. His final comment on my "bait post" pretty much says it all about Anon the Asshat. And such is the sickness of the extreme progressive collectivist left.


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