The President Wants To Be a Story Teller... Wait, I Thought That's What He Was Doing

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Hasn't the President essentially been story telling all along??

(CBS News) President Obama's biggest mistake during his first term, he told CBS News in an exclusive interview, has been putting policy over storytelling.

Mr. Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama sat down Thursday with "CBS This Morning" anchor Charlie Rose in the White House Blue Room, where they discussed the failures and successes of his administration as he heads into another election, among other things.

"When I think about what we've done well and what we haven't done well," the president said, "the mistake of my first term - couple of years - was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. And that's important. But the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times."

Mr. Obama acknowledged the dissonance between others' perception of his strength as an expert orator, and his own.

"It's funny - when I ran, everybody said, well he can give a good speech but can he actually manage the job?" he said. "And in my first two years, I think the notion was, 'Well, he's been juggling and managing a lot of stuff, but where's the story that tells us where he's going?' {Read More}

Well Mr. President, I beg to disagree. What the American people want is the truth, not stories about unicorns and the benevolence of the state. They want the facts, the cold hard facts. They want fiscal conservatism and fiscal responsibility that will get our nation's financial house in order. They want the opportunity to have a good paying job in the private sector and then they will do the rest. They are tired of the social engineering that both democrats and republicans have shoved down our throats. They do not want dependency on the state nor your benevolent, haughty, and superior attitude. What they do want is someone that will represent all Americans, not just the special interests that may hold the key to your re-election.

Oh, and one more thing, let the class warfare rhetoric rest for a change. It is worn out like an old shoe and it is becoming increasingly boring.

Other than that, Mr. President you're doing a hell of a job.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. One of our greatest presidents gave "Fireside Chats." He did a good job of it, and it accomplished some unity and purpose. Explaining the real life stories of real life people is certainly acceptable if one can prove it beneficial to that cause.

    This post is assailing the semantics of rhetoric. It's focused on the target of a target.


    1. First, whether or not FDR was a "great president" is debatable. And many do not share you views. A more accurate statement would be FDR was one of our most politically effective presidents.

      Secondly all is fair in love, war, and politics. Mr. O and his team of miscreants have taken out the big attack guns and aimed them at Mittens. So since Mittens, being a bit more reserved, won't get down in the trenches others need to for him. Even when they aren't supporting him.

      Gary Johnson for President 2012.

    2. Some of his tactics toward that effectiveness, Les; a highly corrupt patronage system and the utilization of the IRS as a weapon. A very tough customer.

  2. I hope that they gave Mr. Rose a bib for the interview and told him to keep his hands off. I mean, this is kinda like Mrs. Palin being interviewed by Sean Hannity.

  3. The American people can't face the truth, they don't want the truth, they avoid the truth, and their leaders feed off that and don't tell the truth. The American people love getting something for nothing, especially from their government.
    The truth about Iraq was there were no WMD's and Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, yet they were overjoyed to follow their president's lies, topple another nation, and revel in their false victory, which was no victory.
    The truth about the debt is, Americans voted for the unfunded programs, continued to vote for spending as long as they did not have their taxes raised, and there hasn't been a leader to stand up and tell the truth, that this debt has to be paid. They were happy to accept a drug program that benefited them, but didn't have to face higher taxes, to pay for it. Leaders were happy to offer anything, as long as they did not raise taxes. The truth about huge debts has not been hidden; the American people just ignored that truth and voted for the irresponsible leaders, who never forced them to face the truth that those debts had to be paid. The buy now pay later attitude of the American people worked its way into our politics and no leader stepped up to voice the truth that was irresponsible.
    The truth about FDR is he saved the world from fascism. That's just as great a feat (bigger) than Washington saving us from the oppression of the British crown. FDR personally drew up offensive attack plans and how we would wage that war, and it was far from certain that we could win that war. Truth is Americans were isolationists and refused to help England, or get involved, until of course, we were attacked. Then truth hit them right in the face. Yamamotto quipped, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant." Our "sleep" was denying the truth, that we were not going to get away with getting involved in that war.
    Americans are great at denying truth, in favor of not rocking their boats, thus creating a bigger problem than we already had.
    The truth is our politics and finances are in ruin, but the American people want to believe everything will be fine, and continue to vote for the same kind of crooks that made it that way. The American people run from the truth, because they don't want to face the hardships of fixing the problems they themselves created, by not facing the truth in the first place.
    The truth is we have it in our power (the vote) to change our ways, but refuse to, it's to hard, avoid the truth.
    The truth is we were more than willing to accept the offer of owing a home, even if we could not afford it. The truth is we follow our own greed, no matter the consequences.
    The truth is we are responsible, but avoid that truth in favor of blaming someone else, politicians. Gee, I wonder who gave those crooks the power to act on our behalf?
    I'll stop ranting now. I couldn't pass up your lame description, that the American people are the ones holding truth, and all they need is to get rid of the politicians who are screwing things up. Like the American people had nothing to do with putting those crooks in office.

    1. Glad you got that off your chest. It has obviously been seething for some time now.

      You make some good points, your off the mark on some. I'll leave it to each reader to draw their on conclusions.

      Now, Vote Gary Johnson for President.

  4. Well said, Les. There is not substance to this man.

    "Other than that, Mr. President you're doing a hell of a job."

    With the emphasis on hell!

    1. Thanks Silver. I carry water for no one, and I know you don't as well. Unfortunately far too many do. On both sides of the two party counter supportive structure that is the American two party system.

  5. Well said my friend! I've been out of town and away from the computer for a while now, this is exactly what I would have said re: this issue.


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