Paul Ryan Endorses Romney...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Representative Paul Ryan, one of the republican party conservative heavyweights has endorsed Mitt Romney. Coming on the heels of endorsements from George H.W. Bush and Marco Rubio it is becoming clear that principles are out the window and pragmatism is the order of the day.

Washington (CNN) - Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin endorsed Mitt Romney on Friday, ahead of his state's Tuesday primary.

The chairman of the House Budget Committee said Romney is the best person to serve as president and the candidate most likely to beat President Barack Obama in the general election.

I am convinced that Mitt Romney has the skills, the tenacity, the principles, the courage and the integrity to do what it takes to get America back on track," Ryan said on Fox News. "I believe he is the right person for the job."

He also called on conservatives to "coalesce" around the former Massachusetts governor.

"I think we're entering a phase where it could become counterproductive if this drags on much longer," Ryan said.

The announcement came four days before his state's GOP primary and one day after the budget he helped craft passed in the House. {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Oh, Paul Ryan...we thought we knew you.

    The GOP Elite have spoken. In November 2012, True Conservatives will speak. It won't be pretty.

    2012 - 2016 will be 4 years of solidifying True Conservatism, and 2016 will be a political bloodbath, when finally proper governance is established and politics is cast out to the mindless dogs of political sycophants of all stripes.

    I can't wait.

  2. Hopefully 2012 is the last we hear, or see of the socon anti science, mystically driven faith based anti liberty, and theocratic zealots that are ruining the American political system.

    A rebirth of true "classical liberalism" is what is needed. As in the enlightened thinkers such as Jefferson, Madison, Paine, Locke, and the list goes on and on. We do not need the frothy ones from the fringe right determining the countries destiny.

    1. I'm fiercely pro-Jefferson. Does that make me an extremist? I understand your take on classical liberalism, indeed. Perhaps I should have typed True Classical Liberalism, instead.

  3. I don't see "classical liberalism" gaining any ground. Most people do not even understand it. I see more socon rising, a reaction to more changes to come. Conservatives don't like change, and change is a'comin'.


    1. jmj I'm betting YOU do not want a return to classical liberalism. Am I correct?

  4. As in every election for the past two decades, there is slim pickings to choose from. Santorum is way to restrictive in his beliefs, Newt is far from sane, Paul is far to bright and honest so we are left with Romney and Obummer. The media has started the re-elect Obama campaign by touting everything he does as a sign from above. They will not expose anything underhanded he is involved in and when he sticks his foot in it, the I will give you the country whisper after I am elected, he is given a pass.

    We have two choices and neither is great but Obama would be a disaster for another four years.

    1. I disagree. I think bringing the GOP back to the White House would be the disaster. Between 2001 and 2007, the GOP one-party state was a wrecking ball on this nation. The damage was the worst we've seen in generations. One party states are ALWAYS bad ideas, no matter what your partisan preference. The Democrats had a one-party state the last seventies, and that was a disaster. But a herd of cats is better than a lock-step party. The seventies disaster wasn't nearly as bad as the 2000's disaster. You libertarians and conservatives should know better: a deadlocked government is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better than a lock-step one.


    2. Sadly either the GOP or Obama is likely to be a continued disaster. So folks, line up and pick your disaster.

  5. I don't know, Les. There was a time libertarians, especially, strongly believed in split ticket gov't. What happened?


    1. Perhaps it was when winning became more important than principles. Or maybe it was when they had comprimised with the libs as much as heir principles would allow.

      Think about it jmj. It takes two to Tango...

  6. "it is becoming clear that principles are out the window and pragmatism is the order of the day."

    I share your chagrin, but when has this ever not been the case?

    @ One Guy: 2012 - 2016 will be 4 years of solidifying True Conservatism, and 2016 will be a political bloodbath, when finally proper governance is established and politics is cast out to the mindless dogs of political sycophants of all stripes.

    What fantasyland are you living in?

    It's great to have high ideals and it is essential to use them to measure candidates, but you've to to realize that with our three foot yardsticks in hand, the very best will only measure up to about three inches.

    1. Keep accepting what they give you, Silver, like a good lap dog. Compromise suits you.

      I'll be in the back yard working on 2016. Come on out and see me when you're done being a quitter.

    2. Silver accept? I don't think Silver is saying accept without a fight principles yo don;t believe in at all. He is merely suggesting realism ultimatly trumps blind ideology.

      As in know when to hold em and know when to fold em...

      Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying I always agree with Silver but on this he is right.

    3. You see it Les. Like you, I am a principled man, but politics is dirty business, and the bastards (including our bastards) will always cut deals.

      One Guy can harbor fantasies of unicorns and rainbows and a grand restoration, but it ain't gonna happen.

      This is trench warfare and we have to strap it on every day and take the kill when the opportunity presents itself. Nothing is ever done. It is a never ending battle. I'm sure that in 1984 Reaganite Republicans thought they had it nailed down for a century...


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