By the Will of God Santorum Runs...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

It's God's Will

It comes as no surprise. Now that Rick (Sanatorium) Santorum is surging his dutiful and admiring wife has taken to explaining the reason why. It is simply God's will.

The Washington Times - "I personally think this is God's will. I think He has us on a path, and I do think there's a lot more happening than what we're seeing," Karen Santorum told Glenn Beck as she and her husband sat for an interview on his Web-based show, GBTV. "Personally I mean I think Rick's a great guy, and he's really smart and everything. But I think a lot more is happening than what we can actually see."

She said the campaign has been challenging, and said some would "have to be crazy to want" to be president. But she said she and her husband escape that because for them "it's completely a spiritual thing. This is God's will."

"The 'want' is a mission to make the culture a better culture, more pleasing to God," Mrs. Santorum said. "For us it's all about making the world a better place."{Read the Full Article}

Having faith in a personal God is wonderful if it helps to keep you happy. Not everyone of course views God in the same way, in the same light, and there are those who question his existence. Some simply say I don't know but hope there is a God, and some dismiss the slightest possibility of his/her existence.

I guess what the Santorums fail to recognize is the founders insured the right of everyone to worship as they choose. Even in the era of our founding fathers there existed many sects (or denominations) of the Christian faith, all with different traditions and interpretations. James Madison, the primary author of the Constitution, as well as others understood the grave dangers in a state established religion. And they fully understood that faith must, and rightfully so remain a matter of personal choice.

I will acknowledge that Rick Santorum hasn't advocated a state religion. Nor has his wife indicated she thinks he should. However, pondering her statement that it is God's will he run for president begs a simple straight forward question. If this is so is it not reasonable and rational to believe since God has decided that Rick is his/her choice that he/she would want, indeed expect Rick to pursue his personal agenda in all things?

At best the statement made by Mrs. Santorum, as well as some by her husband on the campaign trail, were foolish. What is of concern is these folks really believe what they say. Therefore it is reasonable to believe if elected Rick Santorum would allow his beliefs to color his judgement. After all it would be God's will.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. You worry too much. If Obama is re-elected, it will go to prove that Santoram's election was NOT God's will. There! Feel better? ;-)

    1. What, me worry? Naw, Santorum ain't going to get elected. I'm just looking at the bigger picture. You known, what just might happen down the road a piece. When reason is replaced by mysticism. It happened before. It was called The Dark Ages.

  2. It bemuses me that so many people either blame God or thanks God for stuff He had nothing to do with.

    Come November, most likely long before then, will Karen be blaming God for forsaking her husband?


    1. Probably she might. I sure wouldn't want to be God. Must be a heavy burden carrying the collective weight of all the faithful. Superstition must be in amply supply these days.

      I keep thinking Ron Paul is going to surge and then peak right at convention time, thus bringing liberty back home where it belongs. Damn those dreams.


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